Tell a joke, riddle, or just something funny (non-PC)

KFC has a new product on its 5 buck menu....called the HILLARY. You get 2 big ole fat thighs(guaranteed to have fallen on its ass less than twice), 2 skinny breasts, and a left wing (plus a big ole cookie) for 5 bucks. *****Drinks are optional and require additional taxes and funds....but KOOL AID is now available for free with the purchase of the HILLARY. (limited time only through the 2020 election cycle). WE DENY SERVICE TO NO ONE unlike the one's that sell only RIGHT WINGS.
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Son who resides in a ivy league college dorm.....texting his dad. Dear Dad, NO MON, NO FUN, YOUR SON...….reply to son, TO BAD, TO SAD, YOUR DAD.
A Democrat walks into a bar and askes:

"What's the most popular drink?"

The Bartender replies:

"A Russian Collusion."

So the Democrat orders one and the Bartender gives him an empty glass. :D
Americans only can you tell what these British words mean?

Chin wag=
Cash point=

Two countries separated by a common language.
The French call them pommes de terre frites, or more commonly pommes frites.

Yea back during the lead up to the Iraq war the French were very critical about the US invasion.

A right wing politician from North Carolina in order to insult the French wanted to change the Name of "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries".

What a moron! How completely clueless of the French. If he really wanted to insult the French you should deep fry breaded string cheese and call it "French Cheese". Now that would piss them off. ;)
Yea back during the lead up to the Iraq war the French were very critical about the US invasion.

A right wing politician from North Carolina in order to insult the French wanted to change the Name of "French Fries" to "Freedom Fries".

What a moron! How completely clueless of the French. If he really wanted to insult the French you should deep fry breaded string cheese and call it "French Cheese". Now that would piss them off. ;)

We are the Grande Fromage in the cheese world these days, if you ask me nicely I'll send you some Stilton, the finest blue cheese in the world.