The anything, but Amazon, and Goodreads discussion.

You can get cheap stuff, but it's normally only partly saffron, mixed with safflower stigmas that are often dyed. I bought the Persian sargol stuff. I'd show a link, but I bought it on Amazon.

I recall seeing an empty saffron bottle (think it was McCormick's brand) on the shelf in the spice aisle once when my daughter-who-loves-to-cook and I were shopping. The tiny little bottle had a price tag of almost $30. It had a rolled up paper inside that told you how to mail it in with your paid receipt to get the actual saffron.
There is a Indian Restaurant right by the internet cafe we go to sometimes.
I'd like to try it,but never had Indian and have no idea what to order!

It's generally very, very spicy! I've only had it a couple times in STL. Did not care for it at all. I tried tandoori chicken and a rice dish whose name I've forgotten; although I asked for mild I still could barely eat it, and that's with several glasses of milk.
It's generally very, very spicy! I've only had it a couple times in STL. Did not care for it at all. I tried tandoori chicken and a rice dish whose name I've forgotten; although I asked for mild I still could barely eat it, and that's with several glasses of milk.

But you're a lightweight like my Mom. It's funny that she loves the strongest horseradish, but she can't even handle pepperoncini.
But you're a lightweight like my Mom. It's funny that she loves the strongest horseradish, but she can't even handle pepperoncini.

How odd.... same here! Horseradish (to me anyways) does not affect the oral mucosal or tongue and set them on fire in an extremely unpleasant way. Instead it lights up your sinuses which kinda hurts but not in the same way. Once you swallow it's over with.
How odd.... same here! Horseradish (to me anyways) does not affect the oral mucosal or tongue and set them on fire in an extremely unpleasant way. Instead it lights up your sinuses which kinda hurts but not in the same way. Once you swallow it's over with.

Well only in small amounts. I once took a horseradish supplement for an issue, and got annoying zesty burps, and indigestion. The straight root at it's strongest is rough. We had some of the strongest I've eaten in Golden Canada. It was a side of straight shredded horseradish, on the side of Mini Yorkshire puddings.

Well only in small amounts. I once took a horseradish supplement for an issue, and got annoying zesty burps, and indigestion. The straight root at it's strongest is rough. We had some of the strongest I've eaten in Golden Canada. It was a side of straight shredded horseradish, on the side of Mini Yorkshire puddings.


I have no issues with horseradish or Hot Chinese,but hot Mexican doesn't sit well!
I know it adds beautiful color, but what about the taste?

One thing I did was, add a pinch to a bread I made. Kind of gave it almost a sourdough likeness in it. What I did was add the stigmas to water to soak for a bit, and added it to the flour to make the bread. I don't know if it just helps the yeast along, or just added flavor to it though.
It's generally very, very spicy! I've only had it a couple times in STL. Did not care for it at all. I tried tandoori chicken and a rice dish whose name I've forgotten; although I asked for mild I still could barely eat it, and that's with several glasses of milk.

That kind of scares me away.I read some dishes have 17 spices!
Well only in small amounts. I once took a horseradish supplement for an issue, and got annoying zesty burps, and indigestion. The straight root at it's strongest is rough. We had some of the strongest I've eaten in Golden Canada. It was a side of straight shredded horseradish, on the side of Mini Yorkshire puddings.

Your mom is adorable and also has that saucy smart-ass look about her that makes her look like she'd be a lot of fun. lol

I've got three horseradish roots growing out in the gardens that I got at the Farmers Market. I've been warned that grating and preserving them is a pretty stench-filled business best done outdoors! I'll be trying that out next spring; if the finished concoction turns out well would you and your mom like some?
I've often bought my tea straight from tea houses in China. They have better tea, with centuries, upon centuries of growing history.

80% of tea is still imported here from China. But, Trump is imposing tarriffs on every other country it will be exported from as well! So expect to pay more for it.

The US also imports all our coffee, the main ingredient for Chocolate, Bananas, coconuts, pineapples, most of our spices, 80% of our seafood, and most of our oil, machinery, pumps, and engines, steel, aluminum, and the list is a mile long!

Trust me, if we remain in a trade war- everything we buy will be costing us more and more everyday.

No one wins a trade war!

That is why America was the first country to introduce free trade.

And now we will be known for creating a war that will never end and will bring everyone's standard of living down here- and abroad just because we have an idiot in charge that thinks he knows better than everyone else what is best for us!

Donald Trump- Wrong for America- Wrong for the world!