The anything, but Amazon, and Goodreads discussion.

Your mom is adorable and also has that saucy smart-ass look about her that makes her look like she'd be a lot of fun. lol

I've got three horseradish roots growing out in the gardens that I got at the Farmers Market. I've been warned that grating and preserving them is a pretty stench-filled business best done outdoors! I'll be trying that out next spring; if the finished concoction turns out well would you and your mom like some?

I have my own horseradish plant somewhere. Mom transplanted it, and forgot where she put it. Could be dead for all I know. Mom loves the stuff, but I only use it for certain things. If you send some Mom would use it, so It's up to you. Thanks.
Apparently CO and H. Moron launching their typical personal attacks at Mason. I have both their nastyasses on ignore but see their dreck when quoted.

I give people what they said they wanted, and they give the opposite essentially. How typical.
80% of tea is still imported here from China. But, Trump is imposing tarriffs on every other country it will be exported from as well! So expect to pay more for it.

The US also imports all our coffee, the main ingredient for Chocolate, Bananas, coconuts, pineapples, most of our spices, 80% of our seafood, and most of our oil, machinery, pumps, and engines, steel, aluminum, and the list is a mile long!

Trust me, if we remain in a trade war- everything we buy will be costing us more and more everyday.

No one wins a trade war!

That is why America was the first country to introduce free trade.

And now we will be known for creating a war that will never end and will bring everyone's standard of living down here- and abroad just because we have an idiot in charge that thinks he knows better than everyone else what is best for us!

Donald Trump- Wrong for America- Wrong for the world!

And all because he has to kiss up a little, to the steel, and coal workers that adore him, and the donor class.
I have my own horseradish plant somewhere. Mom transplanted it, and forgot where she put it. Could be dead for all I know. Mom loves the stuff, but I only use it for certain things. If you send some Mom would use it, so It's up to you. Thanks.

Well, if this horsy stuff can survive one of our winters it will be worthy of MotherOfJade's palate. I expect that it'll do just fine. Despite most of the rest of the UP being a zone 3 or -259 or something, we're a solid 5a... northern Iowa/southern Minnesota, due to the Lake's calming influence. Lots and lots of snow, but that's insulating for plants and ground critters. One of the neatest things so far in very early spring, for me, is watching the snow slowly creep away around the house. As it does you can see an intricate network of little grass trails, with pit stops of tiny grass/leaf castles here and there. Once it's all melted if you pick up one of the castles you'll find tiny seed shells. Underneath all that snow, in the long winters, is a thriving network of little voles.
Yeah!C.O.interested in my sexual history,watch who likes on the post during the discussion.

I haven't read any of it yet, because they are on ignore, and I'm not in the mood for such trivialities. I was thinking about the retro-ban option, but if this is wide open for certain discussion, then the ones that bring the drama are at fault, and have no right to complain elsewhere.
I haven't read any of it yet, because they are on ignore, and I'm not in the mood for such trivialities. I was thinking about the retro-ban option, but if this is wide open for certain discussion, then the ones that bring the drama are at fault, and have no right to complain elsewhere.

If you start a thread like this ,I think it's your responsibility to moderate it,because of the rules you set up at the beginning.
I haven't read any of it yet, because they are on ignore, and I'm not in the mood for such trivialities. I was thinking about the retro-ban option, but if this is wide open for certain discussion, then the ones that bring the drama are at fault, and have no right to complain elsewhere.

It's a great thread and they did stfu up so for now no harm, no foul. But once again this is a great example of why the thread-ban function is a useful tool if your aim is an interesting and non-derailed discussion.
I find that hard to believe, do you have a link? My wife's family grow rambutan, mangoes and mangosteens amongst others.

Rambutan is of the Sapindaceae family.

Below is the best point from this link.

Notable species
See also: List of Sapindaceae genera
Alupag (Dimocarpus didyma) fruits

Sapindaceae includes many species of economically valuable tropical fruit, including the lychee, longan, pitomba, guinip/mamoncillo, korlan, rambutan, pulasan and ackee. Other products include guarana, soapberries and maple syrup.

Some species of Maple and Buckeye are valued for their wood, while several other genera, such as Koelreuteria, Cardiospermum and Ungnadia, are popular ornamentals. Schleichera trijuga is the source of Indian macassar oil. Saponins extracted from the drupe of Sapindus species are effective surfactants and are used commercially in cosmetics and detergents.
Rambutan is of the Sapindaceae family.

Below is the best point from this link.

Notable species
See also: List of Sapindaceae genera
Alupag (Dimocarpus didyma) fruits

Sapindaceae includes many species of economically valuable tropical fruit, including the lychee, longan, pitomba, guinip/mamoncillo, korlan, rambutan, pulasan and ackee. Other products include guarana, soapberries and maple syrup.

Some species of Maple and Buckeye are valued for their wood, while several other genera, such as Koelreuteria, Cardiospermum and Ungnadia, are popular ornamentals. Schleichera trijuga is the source of Indian macassar oil. Saponins extracted from the drupe of Sapindus species are effective surfactants and are used commercially in cosmetics and detergents.

My last Apartment in Toledo had a lot of Buckeye trees around it,Made a big mess on the sidewalks.
Only the squirrels seem to eat them
Rambutan is of the Sapindaceae family.

Below is the best point from this link.

Notable species
See also: List of Sapindaceae genera
Alupag (Dimocarpus didyma) fruits

Sapindaceae includes many species of economically valuable tropical fruit, including the lychee, longan, pitomba, guinip/mamoncillo, korlan, rambutan, pulasan and ackee. Other products include guarana, soapberries and maple syrup.

Some species of Maple and Buckeye are valued for their wood, while several other genera, such as Koelreuteria, Cardiospermum and Ungnadia, are popular ornamentals. Schleichera trijuga is the source of Indian macassar oil. Saponins extracted from the drupe of Sapindus species are effective surfactants and are used commercially in cosmetics and detergents.

Ok thanks, that does surprise me.