The best arguments atheists and religionists have been able to muster

It really doesn't matter. The only real difference between organized religion and what you practice is that you don't go to a separate building on Sundays.

Either way, the only evidence for your God is the same evidence that there is for Santa Claus and all of the Greek gods, which is to say a book written by men.
There is other evidence:

* Life on Earth exists. Each organism is highly organized.
* Santa Claus (who was a real person).
* Prayers that are answered (at least as testified by the one that prayed).
* The Earth itself.
* All the stars and planets that we can see.
* Weather, which provides for fresh water from the sea.

This is exactly the same evidence for the Greek gods as well.

Organization is not required for a religion to be a religion.
Some loosely organized religions:
Buddhism - Shinto (including American variants) - Christianity - Islam - The Church of No God - Hinidi

Some tightly organized religions:
The Church of Global Warming - The Church of Covid - The Church of Hate - The Church of Green - The Church of the Ozone Hole

Some tightly organized variants of Christianity:
Catholism - Protestantism - Mormonism
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I know. You pivoted. The high's and lows are irrelevant. The average global equilibrium temperature is all that matters. You have essentially tipped your king.
There was no pivot. I asked a question about temperature which has now been avoided, by you, in two responses.


To clarify, you are saying that, without the atmosphere, the high and low temperatures on Earth would be identical to what they are now?
There is other evidence:

* Life on Earth exists. Each organism is highly organized.
* Santa Claus (who was a real person).
* Prayers that are answered (at least as testified by the one that prayed).
* The Earth itself.
* All the stars and planets that we can see.
* Weather, which provides for fresh water from the sea.

This is exactly the same evidence for the Greek gods as well.

Organization is not required for a religion to be a religion.
Some loosely organized religions:
Buddhism - Shinto (including American variants) - Christianity - Islam - The Church of No God - Hinidi

Some tightly organized religions:
The Church of Global Warming - The Church of Covid - The Church of Hate - The Church of Green - The Church of the Ozone Hole

Some tightly organized variants of Christianity:
Catholism - Protestantism - Mormonism
With a straight face you post this nonsense.
There was no pivot.
Yes. You pivoted. You were failing to make an end-run around physics to prove that greenhouse effect actually works and that it is thettled thienth, so you pivoted away from the topic of earth's average global equilibrium temperature rising ... to an irrelevant topic about the differences between the high and low temperatures of the earth and of the moon respectively, which keeps the average global equilibrium temperature the same, i.e. not increasing, which means you concede the point, except that you aren't honest enough to concede the point. Instead, you just pout and keep asking your irrelevant question, pretending that that was always the topic.

I'm sorry but you failed. It is not possible for any atmospheric gas to increase earth's average global equilibrium temperature, i.e. there is no greenhouse effect and thus there is no Global Warming.

p.s. - you can't even ask your irrelevant questions correctly. Every single time you use bogus wording. This latest involves your term "global temps" and there is no such thing as a global temperature. You haven't been able to express anything correctly.