The Covid Jab Jive: a gentle reminder

Exactly. Kids undergoing chemotherapy, for instance, can DIE if they get chickenpox. Polio is still out there in the world -- recently there was a brief ceasefire in Gaza in order for aid workers to vaccinate children against it. Do we really want that to make a comeback? Have you seen the public health ads advising us old ppl to update our DPT vaccines? We can spread pertussis to infants too young to receive the vaccine, with dire results.

It boggles my mind to think that any intelligent, or even marginally smart, person would want to risk the lives of their children or others when these nearly-eradicated diseases can easily be prevented.
IMO, it goes back to Dr. Spock, Al Gore's Information Highway and over 30 years of degrading our schools and teachers.

Note that it's mostly those on the Right who push this nonsense, but as @Taichiliberal proves, it's not exclusively on the right.
Hi! I'm Legion's balless weiner. Can you help me find my balls?
Ask Damo.

As long as ppl are informed it is a personal choice whether to get the COVID vax, or not. It is also a personal choice for an employer to require that employees be vaccinated or else face termination. Capitalism at work, you know.

Recently #TRE45ON said that he wants to remove federal funding from any public school that requires vaccination. We can presume that means *all* vaccines -- measles, polio, tetanus, etc. Do you agree with that? Should parents who don't want their kids to be around unvaxxed kids be punished for keeping them out of school?
Newsflash kid .... the people are NOT being justly informed. Information contrary to the status quo is not fully reported, and when it does leak into the MSM, the premise is that it's quackery and/or baseless conspiracy by anarchistic types. Yet the evidence is there IF you choose to look for it/see it. Case in point:

Let's not forget Dr. Peter McCullough, who was THE MAN when it came to cardiovascular disease. But when he puts his expertise to pointing out the dangers of the Covid vaccines, he's given the sand bag treatment, similar to what happened to Dr. Peter Deusberg & HIV.

And ask your self this: if you have 98% of children vaccinated, but 2% are not, whom is theoretically most likely to come down with the disease the vaccine is set to prevent? So the unvaccinated child is not "endangering" anyone else, according to your "logic".

And for the record (again) there is a BIG difference between people who question the validity of SOME vaccines, and those who are "anti-vaxxers"...against ALL vaccines.

The vaccine load for kids has significantly jumped since I was a kid.....that load has resulted in autism in a significant number of children. Despite the pharma/FDA media machine, parents of the victimized kids aren't stupid....they know when their kids changed. Also, if it weren't for the spotlight due to that tragedy, the mercury base for some of the vaccines would not have been taken out of the regime.

So spare me the regurgitation of the talking points pushed by the big pharma/FDA machine. Fear drives your belief and desire to feel safe....caution drives my need to apply critical thinking and objective analysis.
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Still refused to answer the questions.

My conclusion is that he didn't wear a mask and didn't care if he infected anyone.
You're a liar just employ the SOS used by MAGA mooks when faced with facts you can't debunk .. you want to divert attention to another topic where you create a yes or no status that in your mind validates your original topic assertions.

Doesn't work for the MAGA mooks, as we are seeing in the political/social sphere. Doesn't work for you here.
Your "conclusion" has NOTHING to do with the FACTS I linked throughout this thread, much less the OP. But Lord knows you'll repeat it ad nausea, much to the delight of your like minded brethren and the joker you see in the mirror. Carry on.
You're a liar just employ the SOS used by MAGA mooks when faced with facts you can't debunk .. you want to divert attention to another topic where you create a yes or no status that in your mind validates your original topic assertions.

Doesn't work for the MAGA mooks, as we are seeing in the political/social sphere. Doesn't work for you here.
Your "conclusion" has NOTHING to do with the FACTS I linked throughout this thread, much less the OP. But Lord knows you'll repeat it ad nausea, much to the delight of your like minded brethren and the joker you see in the mirror. Carry on.
Interesting response, TC. What topic am I changing? The fact you are an anti-vaxxer just like the MAGAts?
Interesting response, TC. What topic am I changing? The fact you are an anti-vaxxer just like the MAGAts?
Whenever I've reduced you to this silly tactics of yours, I know you've lost the argument and are just being insipidly stubborn and belligerent. The chronology of the post will always be your undoing. Now, unless you've got something of worth to add other than doubling down on this lame dodge on yours, I'd say we're done here. So run-a-long and exchange like-minded talking points with your buddies here.
Whenever I've reduced you to this silly tactics of yours, I know you've lost the argument and are just being insipidly stubborn and belligerent. The chronology of the post will always be your undoing. Now, unless you've got something of worth to add other than doubling down on this lame dodge on yours, I'd say we're done here. So run-a-long and exchange like-minded talking points with your buddies here.
What silly tactics, TC? Why do you keep dodging questions?

Go ahead and call me stupid, insipid, belligerent, whatever. I can take it. :) My main interest is studying why you are drawn to conspiracy theories. As a Lefty, you are more unique than all the MAGAt conspiracy theorists.

You wouldn't be the first coward to spit out insults then put me on ignore, TC. It's a common reaction among certain personalities.

For the objective reader: Posts #1, 8, 11, 26, 34, 45, 46, 55, 68, 72, 81, 91, 108.

He's done, dear readers. He'll babble any and every accusation/declaration to dodge what is plainly there for the objective reader to see. I do wish Dutch would grow up on some levels. Oh well, I'll just ignore him from now on and watch him nip at my heels or attack me through other posters. Sad, but not unexpected.
For the objective reader: Posts #1, 8, 11, 26, 34, 45, 46, 55, 68, 72, 81, 91, 108.

He's done, dear readers. He'll babble any and every accusation/declaration to dodge what is plainly there for the objective reader to see. I do wish Dutch would grow up on some levels. Oh well, I'll just ignore him from now on and watch him nip at my heels or attack me through other posters. Sad, but not unexpected.

“Man is least himself when he talks in his own person. Give him a mask, and he will tell you the truth.”

― Oscar Wilde
Stop braying like an ass, you're smarter than that. Ignoring what I write to double down on a stupid personal shot that (as I detailed) doesn't make sense is what I expect from our local MAGA/Alt-Right/Christo-fascist flunkies. Do better.
he can't.

he's very stupid and demonically possessed.

poor dutchie.

pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.

Public health is not about individuals but about large numbers of people. There are always side effects with anything we introduce into the body, whether that's a vaccine, food, oral medication, etc. Patients and physicians must weigh the benefit-cost equation when considering whether a proposed med should be used, or not.
I don't think I fully realized the extent of your brainless robotic idiocy before now.
Stop braying like an ass, you're smarter than that. Ignoring what I write to double down on a stupid personal shot that (as I detailed) doesn't make sense is what I expect from our local MAGA/Alt-Right/Christo-fascist flunkies. Do better.
he can't.

he's very stupid and demonically possessed.

poor dutchie.

pass the Dutchie on the left hand side.

It's good to see you two get together in the spirit of brotherly love. Have you considered exchanging pictures in PM?

You're a liar just employ the SOS used by MAGA mooks when faced with facts you can't debunk .. you want to divert attention to another topic where you create a yes or no status that in your mind validates your original topic assertions.

Doesn't work for the MAGA mooks, as we are seeing in the political/social sphere. Doesn't work for you here.
Your "conclusion" has NOTHING to do with the FACTS I linked throughout this thread, much less the OP. But Lord knows you'll repeat it ad nausea, much to the delight of your like minded brethren and the joker you see in the mirror. Carry on.
Wow..... I agree with you 100% about the Covid-19 vaccine dangers. In fact, the dangers of overloading our children with all vaccines.
So, if you're trying to build consensus around your ideas why would you lash out at MAGA at the same time?
How unfortunate!