The Gates of Hell have opened

Trust me on this one.
1. US wants Gaza gas in the Mediterranean.
2. US wants all that shipping money going from east to west.
3. Israel wants all the land owned by Palestinians.

The US is an empire in collapse....what America wants is now largely irrelevant.....we lack the willingness to receive reality and we lack the competence to accomplish our goals....the two being very much related.
The US is an empire in collapse....what America wants is now largely irrelevant.....we lack the willingness to receive reality and we lack the competence to accomplish our goals....the two being very much related.
As far as I know the Gaza pier is under construction. All we have to do is get rid of them pesky Palestinians. The US wants to control all the oil and gas and all the shipping in the world.
Ray McGovern is one of the few ex-CIA that I like. He tells stories about his time in Vietnam. McGovern blames the neocons for all the troubles in the world. He says neocons still think it's 1990 when Russia and China first realize they needed to start preparing for war with NATO. Now the entire world knows NATO is bankrupt and the US is in late-stage capitalism.
Ray McGovern is one of the few ex-CIA that I like. He tells stories about his time in Vietnam. McGovern blames the neocons for all the troubles in the world. He says neocons still think it's 1990 when Russia and China first realize they needed to start preparing for war with NATO. Now the entire world knows NATO is bankrupt and the US is in late-stage capitalism.

No....Actually this is a dark age...almost no one is tracking with a Universe where stupid hurts.

I mean these are some profoundly stupid motherfuckers.

Sucks 2 B Them as MISTRESS! says.

Over and Over.
No....Actually this is a dark age...almost no one is tracking with a Universe where stupid hurts.

I mean these are some profoundly stupid motherfuckers.

Sucks 2 B Them as MISTRESS! says.

Over and Over.
I never imagined it would get this dark. I used to think of Europe as friendly competitors. I didn't realize they had to bow down and pay homage to the great US emperor.
I never imagined it would get this dark. I used to think of Europe as friendly competitors. I didn't realize they had to bow down and pay homage to the great US emperor.

Nor I.....BUT I do thank the Gods both the Old and the New that I had the good sense to get educated.

Education was always the answer....exactly as advertised.
Nor I.....BUT I do thank the Gods both the Old and the New that I had the good sense to get educated.

Education was always the answer....exactly as advertised.
My education didn't really start until I read Manufacturing Consent. I was a late bloomer.
My education didn't really start until I read Manufacturing Consent. I was a late bloomer.

I too am slow....but here is the thing....I almost always get there in the end as few ever do....I have smarts and I have heart.
I too am slow....but here is the thing....I almost always get there in the end as few ever do....I have smarts and I have heart.
I can't talk about economics, religion, or politics in the real world. There's no one like you or Moon to agree with me. During the US preemptive strike on Iraq, I had to keep my mouth shut or I'd lose my job. Eventually people started to realize that Iraq was a big mistake.
I can't talk about economics, religion, or politics in the real world. There's no one like you or Moon to agree with me. During the US preemptive strike on Iraq, I had to keep my mouth shut or I'd lose my job. Eventually people started to realize that Iraq was a big mistake.

I am going to let U go for now...I feel the need to get back to Party Mode Full Time:

I haven't been able to verify this yet, but independent journalist Richard Medhurst claims Yemen military was able to strike 5 ships in the Indian ocean, 3 US navy war ships and 2 Israeli cargo ships.

The Indian Ocean is nowhere near Yemen, so if this report is true, Yemen proved they have medium range missiles.
The Indian Ocean is nowhere near Yemen

Yemen is bordered to the by the Red Sea(part of the Indian Ocean), to the southwest by the Gulf of Aden(part of the Indian Ocean), and to the southeast by the Arabian Sea(part of the Indian Ocean). The entire coastline of Yemen is on the Indian Ocean. This is one of the central points about Yemen. It is what Yemen is famous for.

Yemen proved they have medium range missiles.

A small child on a beach anywhere in Yemen can throw a rock into the Indian Ocean.

Besides, the Houthis have already launched missiles Israel, which means they have medium range missiles. One of those missiles were shot down by the Israelis while in space. That may well have been the first violent action of war in outer space.

independent journalist Richard Medhurst

Medhurst works for Iranian Press TV, and Russia Today. I will leave it at that.

Yemen military was able to strike 5 ships in the Indian ocean, 3 US navy war ships and 2 Israeli cargo ships.

Why would Yemen military do that? It sounds like something the Houthi rebels would do. And calling the Houthi rebels the real Yemen military sounds like something a Iranian propagandist would do.

Why would an Israeli cargo ship even exist? Wouldn't it be easier to use another country's flag?
1. US wants Gaza gas in the Mediterranean.

Gaza has no exclusive economic zone, or even territorial waters. Israel never transferred any control over anything beyond the water line, and did not even fully transfer the land. This was an important point of all the negotiations. So all the natural gas off the coast of Gaza belongs to Israel. If the US wants it, we would have to go to war with Israel.

2. US wants all that shipping money going from east to west.

Gaza does not stretch to the Indian Ocean. That means a canal from Gaza would have to either go through Egypt or Israel. Egypt would defeat the whole point, because Suez Canal is already in Egypt. Therefore it would have to go through Israel. Going through Israel means over Mount Ramon. It would not have to go over the peak, but the mountain is basically over the entire area to the border with Egypt.

The Panama Canal is a modern wonder for raising ships 85 feet above sea level with lots of water. A Gaza Canal would need to raise ships over a thousand feet above sea level with absolutely no water. Rather than sand, like in Suez, it would have to go through very solid rock. It would be two to three times the size of the Suez Canal, but that seems like a minor problem compared.

And what would we get for doing this impossible feat? Egypt makes a little less than $10 billion a year off the Suez Canal, it has never made more. We would not be able to make that much, because we would be competing with the Suez Canal(which already has the cost of initial construction paid for), and just going around Africa(which is not prohibitively expensive). We would not make half as much, so lets say $3 billion after the price war was done.

$9.4 billion in hard currency is a lot to Egypt. $3 billion is nothing to the USA. This would drive a major problem with Egypt.

And remember we could deny enemies nothing. Egypt would gladly take any ship we denied, or they could just go around Africa.

3. Israel wants all the land owned by Palestinians.

The reason Gaza exists is that it is so little land with so many Palestinians on it. It is literally the most Palestinians with the least amount of land. I do not think we will stuff them on less land.
but first they'll have to invade Yemen and kill off the Houthis....Since US military requitement is short by 25%, the US will hire private military contractors in an attempt to achieve these ridiculous goals.

Yemen has about the population of Afghanistan. It has had a 10 year civil war, that Saudi Arabia has been involved in. trump decided to send American forces into Yemen, and then retreated when one American died.

Saudi Arabia has already hired as many mercenaries as they could to invade Yemen. It did not work.

The third reason is Israel wants to build a resort on Gaza Beach.

It is a lot of trouble for a 10% increase in beaches.
As far as I know the Gaza pier is under construction.

It is being assembled in the USA, and in a few months will be off the coast of Gaza.

All we have to do is get rid of them pesky Palestinians.

Its purpose is to feed the Gazans. If the Gazans disappeared, Israel would have a good excuse for banning the pier from their waters.