The Gates of Hell have opened

Yemen is bordered to the by the Red Sea(part of the Indian Ocean), to the southwest by the Gulf of Aden(part of the Indian Ocean), and to the southeast by the Arabian Sea(part of the Indian Ocean). The entire coastline of Yemen is on the Indian Ocean. This is one of the central points about Yemen. It is what Yemen is famous for.

A small child on a beach anywhere in Yemen can throw a rock into the Indian Ocean.

Besides, the Houthis have already launched missiles Israel, which means they have medium range missiles. One of those missiles were shot down by the Israelis while in space. That may well have been the first violent action of war in outer space.

Medhurst works for Iranian Press TV, and Russia Today. I will leave it at that.

Why would Yemen military do that? It sounds like something the Houthi rebels would do. And calling the Houthi rebels the real Yemen military sounds like something a Iranian propagandist would do.

Why would an Israeli cargo ship even exist? Wouldn't it be easier to use another country's flag?
Houthis have the backing of the Yemen government who have proven to the world they have missiles that can hit US war ships way down in the Indian Ocean, much farther than the west thought was possible.

Laith Marouf confirms Medhurst's report, but Marouf goes into much more detail on Yemen's missile capability. You won't get these facts by watching Mouring Joe. Geopolitics is changing for all to see. All you have to do is open your eyes. The end of Israel as we know it may force you to get new glasses.
Yemen has about the population of Afghanistan. It has had a 10 year civil war, that Saudi Arabia has been involved in. trump decided to send American forces into Yemen, and then retreated when one American died.

Saudi Arabia has already hired as many mercenaries as they could to invade Yemen. It did not work.

It is a lot of trouble for a 10% increase in beaches.
Any land developer would kill his own mother for 10% more beachfront property.
Houthis have the backing of the Yemen government

There has been a 10 year civil war, because the Houthis do not have the backing of the Yemen Government.

who have proven to the world they have missiles that can hit US war ships way down in the Indian Ocean, much farther than the west thought was possible.

The Indian Ocean touches Yemen, so it is no great feat to get something from Yemen to the Indian Ocean.

What was amazing was Houthis have launched missiles into outer space to rain down on Israel. They did that months ago, so it is less impressive now.

What is also amazing is that the Saudis are sharing an air defense system with Israel. Biden really accomplished something there.

The end of Israel as we know it may force you to get new glasses.

Who is going to end it?
There has been a 10 year civil war, because the Houthis do not have the backing of the Yemen Government.

The Indian Ocean touches Yemen, so it is no great feat to get something from Yemen to the Indian Ocean.

What was amazing was Houthis have launched missiles into outer space to rain down on Israel. They did that months ago, so it is less impressive now.

What is also amazing is that the Saudis are sharing an air defense system with Israel. Biden really accomplished something there.

Who is going to end it?
Again, Laith Marouf confirms Yemen has missiles that can hit ships going down and around the Cape of Good Hope. He gloated that Yemen has hypersonic missiles. If true, it's a geopolitical game changer. Top US military brass knows Iran can take out Saudi Arabia's oilfields and close down the Strait of Hormuz anytime they want. The US is paying Iran behind the scenes to stay out of Israel's genocide of Palestinians but eventually Iran will be bombed into the conflict.

What we know for fact is Israel is losing its war, and in extension, the US has lost its ability to bully the world with sanctions and bombs. It all leads back to economics with me. Can the fed survive losing another for-profit war?

Egypt may stop sucking US dick to have access to Gaza gas off their shore in the Mediterranean Sea.
Jordan may stop sucking US dick to gain back control of the West Bank.
Lebanon may stop sucking US dick and take the high ground in the Golan Heights.

None of this is good for Israel.
Again, Laith Marouf confirms Yemen has missiles that can hit ships going down and around the Cape of Good Hope. He gloated that Yemen has hypersonic missiles.

Now that is a new claim. You are saying that the Houthis have ICBM's. That sounds far fetched, but for the sake of argument, let's say that is true.

Why try to hit a random ship around the Cape of Good Hope? Europe is the same distance, or closer. They could kill millions, not disrupt cell phone containers.

Again, do you know how big, and easy to spot a ICBM is?

If true, it's a geopolitical game changer.

We can agree on that. You are claiming Houthis can hit Europe.

Top US military brass knows Iran can take out Saudi Arabia's oilfields and close down the Strait of Hormuz anytime they want.

They have been able to do that for two or three decades. You are now claiming they have ICBM's capable of hitting Europe.

Remember the Abqaiq–Khurais attack, where Iranians attacked Saudi oil facilities destroying 5.7 million barrels a day of production, half of Saudi Arabia's production, and 7% of the world's production? trump got so upset he hid in his bedroom for a week. he refused to meet with any of his advisors, and just lay in bed wearing his diapers for a week. America was on autopilot without a president.

But the world reacted, and everything recovered. The rest of the world is not weak like trump.

Egypt may stop sucking US dick to have access to Gaza gas off their shore in the Mediterranean Sea.

There are apparently gas fields throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. That is a huge amount off the coast of Egypt. Gaza does not have much of a coastline, and absolutely no EEZ, so it is a non-player.

Jordan may stop sucking US dick to gain back control of the West Bank.

Jordan realizes they will never get back the West Bank, and at the moment they do not want that mess.

Lebanon may stop sucking US dick and take the high ground in the Golan Heights.

The Golan Heights were connected to Syria, not Lebanon. It is safe to say Syria has not been "sucking US dick."
Now that is a new claim. You are saying that the Houthis have ICBM's. That sounds far fetched, but for the sake of argument, let's say that is true.

Why try to hit a random ship around the Cape of Good Hope? Europe is the same distance, or closer. They could kill millions, not disrupt cell phone containers.

Again, do you know how big, and easy to spot a ICBM is?

We can agree on that. You are claiming Houthis can hit Europe.

They have been able to do that for two or three decades. You are now claiming they have ICBM's capable of hitting Europe.

Remember the Abqaiq–Khurais attack, where Iranians attacked Saudi oil facilities destroying 5.7 million barrels a day of production, half of Saudi Arabia's production, and 7% of the world's production? trump got so upset he hid in his bedroom for a week. he refused to meet with any of his advisors, and just lay in bed wearing his diapers for a week. America was on autopilot without a president.

But the world reacted, and everything recovered. The rest of the world is not weak like trump.

There are apparently gas fields throughout the Eastern Mediterranean. That is a huge amount off the coast of Egypt. Gaza does not have much of a coastline, and absolutely no EEZ, so it is a non-player.

Jordan realizes they will never get back the West Bank, and at the moment they do not want that mess.

The Golan Heights were connected to Syria, not Lebanon. It is safe to say Syria has not been "sucking US dick."
Laith Marouf gloated about Yemen having hypersonic ICBM's. I need more conformation, but he was talking to a well-respected independent journalist who would push back on anything without credible documentation. I may be able to find the hour-long podcast if you want to watch it.

Anyone who controls the Golan Heights, controls northern Israel. Both Hezbollah and Iraqi resistance are bombing Israeli troops that are illegally occupying the Golan Heights. Western mercenaries were called in from Ukraine to keep Lebanese armed forces from taking over the Golan Heights.

History is being made as we type.
Laith Marouf gloated about Yemen having hypersonic ICBM's. I need more conformation, but he was talking to a well-respected independent journalist who would push back on anything without credible documentation. I may be able to find the hour-long podcast if you want to watch it.

Anyone who controls the Golan Heights, controls northern Israel. Both Hezbollah and Iraqi resistance are bombing Israeli troops that are illegally occupying the Golan Heights. Western mercenaries were called in from Ukraine to keep Lebanese armed forces from taking over the Golan Heights.

History is being made as we type.

R U seriously dumb enough to read Almost Never Right WALT?

THINK TWICE....answer once.
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If it's proven that Yemen has hypersonic ICBMs, Walt will stop watching Mourning Joe and look for some of our sources.

Walt will ever be found telling the truth only if whoever drives the Almost Never Right WALT avatar calculates that the truth is going their way for a change.
Laith Marouf gloated about Yemen having hypersonic ICBM's.

I doubt it. The Houthis definitely have medium range missiles, or at least had them. They lost most of them. They have drones.

But let's say they do. Why just try to cutoff supplies to Europe, when they can attack Europe? Ships can keep sailing further and further south until they are out of range, and ships are tiny things hard to hit. London is huge and sprawling. Hitting London is guaranteed to do a lot of damage. And London cannot be moved.

Anyone who controls the Golan Heights, controls northern Israel.

Or put the other way around, anyone who controls the Golan Heights controls southern Syria. It works both ways. And Israel has controlled the Golan Heights for 57 years now.

Both Hezbollah and Iraqi resistance are bombing Israeli troops that are illegally occupying the Golan Heights.

Iraqi resistance tends to be in Iraq, some distance from the Golan Heights. Hezbollah tends to be in Lebanon, which makes it easier for them to hit the population centers in Northern Israel than the hardened military installations in the Golan Heights.

Western mercenaries were called in from Ukraine to keep Lebanese armed forces from taking over the Golan Heights.

Your getting the geography wrong here. If the Syrians could not take back the Golan Heights in 57 years, with a strong united military(in the past), and a broad front to attack the Golan Heights from, how could the Lebanese with no unified armed forces, and a tiny front attack the Golan Heights? The Golan Heights is the border between Syria and Israel, off to the side of Lebanon.

Redeploying from Ukraine to Israel enough troops to replace the fully deployed IDF would be an insanely large operation. I mean literally bigger than D-Day. It would be noticed.

I have my doubts that so many "western mercenaries" exists, but moving them all would be huge.
If it's proven that Yemen has hypersonic ICBMs, Walt will stop watching Mourning Joe and look for some of our sources.

The loss of life among our European allies would be huge. And many Americans would lose their lives caught up in it. It would be well past just watching TV.

I do not watch Mourning Joe. I read The Economist.
When I first arrived at JPP, Walt was watching cnbc for his economic news.

I know that is not true. The last time I watched CNBC on a regular basis was years before I was on JPP. My main source of economic news is The Economist.

I quickly proved that cnbc is part of the propaganda.

Nor is that true. CNBC is about making investors money. If it were propaganda, investors would stop watching it, and it would be as unpopular as FoxNews.

I am not moving my investments around a lot these days, so have no need for immediate news. Besides, I do not have cable, nor a TV.
When I first arrived at JPP, Walt was watching cnbc for his economic news. I quickly proved that cnbc is part of the propaganda.

Walt is a narrative warrior...whatever is said is U R supposed to be able to figure out.

Dont B hurts.
I doubt it. The Houthis definitely have medium range missiles, or at least had them. They lost most of them. They have drones.

But let's say they do. Why just try to cutoff supplies to Europe, when they can attack Europe? Ships can keep sailing further and further south until they are out of range, and ships are tiny things hard to hit. London is huge and sprawling. Hitting London is guaranteed to do a lot of damage. And London cannot be moved.

Or put the other way around, anyone who controls the Golan Heights controls southern Syria. It works both ways. And Israel has controlled the Golan Heights for 57 years now.

Iraqi resistance tends to be in Iraq, some distance from the Golan Heights. Hezbollah tends to be in Lebanon, which makes it easier for them to hit the population centers in Northern Israel than the hardened military installations in the Golan Heights.

Your getting the geography wrong here. If the Syrians could not take back the Golan Heights in 57 years, with a strong united military(in the past), and a broad front to attack the Golan Heights from, how could the Lebanese with no unified armed forces, and a tiny front attack the Golan Heights? The Golan Heights is the border between Syria and Israel, off to the side of Lebanon.

Redeploying from Ukraine to Israel enough troops to replace the fully deployed IDF would be an insanely large operation. I mean literally bigger than D-Day. It would be noticed.

I have my doubts that so many "western mercenaries" exists, but moving them all would be huge.
You can't accept the fact that Houthis aren't trying to kill anyone. It was an accident when the 3 seamen died from a Houthi missile. Houthi strategy is to stop the killing with small and precise missiles.

Ukraine is a lost cause, mercenaries packed up and moved to Gaza and Golan. I don't know how they're faring in Golan but they're ending up in body bags in Gaza. Turns out that Hamas is tactical.
You can't accept the fact that Houthis aren't trying to kill anyone.

They started a war with the government of Yemen, so that would be the first sign they are trying to kill someone. They have struck both Saudi Arabia and Israel with missiles, so again, trying to kill people.

Houthi strategy is to stop the killing with small and precise missiles.

There was no killing in the approaches to the Suez Canal until they started attacking ships approaching the Suez Canal. The whole purpose is to make the Suez Canal dangerous, and drive away traffick.

Ukraine is a lost cause, mercenaries packed up and moved to Gaza and Golan. I don't know how they're faring in Golan but they're ending up in body bags in Gaza. Turns out that Hamas is tactical.

Russia cannot take Odesa, cannot cross the Dnipro River, and cannot even take the left side of the Dnipro River to hopefully cross it. This is an amazing failure on their part.

The reason is not "western mercenaries", but rather the Ukrainians. Many of those Ukrainians willing to fight are Russian speaking Ukrainians.

If there were significant numbers of "western mercenaries" fighting and dying, someone would notice the missing westerners.
They started a war with the government of Yemen, so that would be the first sign they are trying to kill someone. They have struck both Saudi Arabia and Israel with missiles, so again, trying to kill people.

There was no killing in the approaches to the Suez Canal until they started attacking ships approaching the Suez Canal. The whole purpose is to make the Suez Canal dangerous, and drive away traffick.

Russia cannot take Odesa, cannot cross the Dnipro River, and cannot even take the left side of the Dnipro River to hopefully cross it. This is an amazing failure on their part.

The reason is not "western mercenaries", but rather the Ukrainians. Many of those Ukrainians willing to fight are Russian speaking Ukrainians.

If there were significant numbers of "western mercenaries" fighting and dying, someone would notice the missing westerners.
More Mourning Joe propaganda from Walt. Houthis proved they can stop 15% of global shipping without killing anyone. All they ask for is Israel to stop killing Palestinians.

Putin doesn't want to destroy Ukraine so he'll leave Odesa's port open unless he is pushed to closing it down. You have to be able to look at the next move and maybe even 2 or 3 moves ahead of your opponent. Putin learns from his mistakes while the US doubles down on theirs.
More Mourning Joe propaganda from Walt. Houthis proved they can stop 15% of global shipping without killing anyone. All they ask for is Israel to stop killing Palestinians.

Putin doesn't want to destroy Ukraine so he'll leave Odesa's port open unless he is pushed to closing it down. You have to be able to look at the next move and maybe even 2 or 3 moves ahead of your opponent. Putin learns from his mistakes while the US doubles down on theirs.

Walt has zero interest in the truth.

Ii is time 4 U 2 wise UP.