The Gates of Hell have opened

Or, far more likely, Biden is pandering to his base in the best way he can to buy votes. That's what he's always done in past elections, why after over 50 years in government would you expect him to suddenly do something different.

Biden doesn't give a shit about the Israelis or Palestinians. He gives a shit about being reelected. To do that, he'll do whatever gets him votes. Pandering is what Biden does best.

Israel says jump then we ask how high...America became so corrupt and weak that the zionists took control of the Swamp. Remember that Epstein was a Mossad/CIA intel/blackmail operation.
Ecuador invades Mexican embassy to arrest Jorge Glas, Ecuador's former leftist vice president. This is a result of US/Israel lawlessness and lack of diplomacy. These fascist governments installed by the US can do whatever they want with impunity.
Ecuador invades Mexican embassy to arrest Jorge Glas, Ecuador's former leftist vice president. This is a result of US/Israel lawlessness and lack of diplomacy.

I doubt the USA is to blame, but even more doubt that Israel is to blame.
The drip drip drip of WW3.

The Iron Dome is being overwhelmed in preparation for Iran's retaliation. US three vetoes of a UN ceasefire by israel was intended to instigate a regional war in the Middle East. We are witnessing the beginning of WW3.
The drip drip drip of WW3.

The Iron Dome is being overwhelmed in preparation for Iran's retaliation. US three vetoes of a UN ceasefire by israel was intended to instigate a regional war in the Middle East. We are witnessing the beginning of WW3.

Iran/Russia/China know that this is the failing American Empires aim, and are responsponding reasonably and rationally as they wait for the West to do its final collapse.

China Bloc out thinks and out performs America every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
There are lots of reports that the children of Washington are claiming that they dont want war with Iran right now....I am not buying it...they have spent well over 20 years trying to get there and there is zero evidence that they have wised up any.
Iran/Russia/China know that this is the failing American Empires aim, and are responsponding reasonably and rationally as they wait for the West to do its final collapse.

China Bloc out thinks and out performs America every day of the week and twice on Sunday.
All the signs of WW3 were there right in front of me but I kept thinking Russia/China/Iran would avoid the US trap. There's no more denying that WW3 is here.
All the signs of WW3 were there right in front of me but I kept thinking Russia/China/Iran would avoid the US trap. There's no more denying that WW3 is here.

I just did it.

I see claims that the current Hezbollah attack is a softening up operation to prepare for massive Iranian strikes on Israel...but I tend to doubt it...I expect a very limited Iranian strike with the US warned that if we get in it our bases in Syria and Iraq will be cancelled.
I just did it.

I see claims that the current Hezbollah attack is a softening up operation to prepare for massive Iranian strikes on Israel...but I tend to doubt it...I expect a very limited Iranian strike with the US warned that if we get in it our bases in Syria and Iraq will be cancelled.
No matter how Iran responds, the US and israel got the regional war they wanted. The war machine is itching to try out their new weapons. There's no turning back now.
No matter how Iran responds, the US and israel got the regional war they wanted. The war machine is itching to try out their new weapons. There's no turning back now.

The last few years have shown that Western weapons tend to be not fit for purpose, and that the American military and civilian leadership are some mix of incompetent and Evil.

America needs to stop digging.
The last few years have shown that Western weapons tend to be not fit for purpose, and that the American military and civilian leadership are some mix of incompetent and Evil.

America needs to stop digging.
The israeli air force wants to make Lebanon look like Gaza. Then they'll take out electric, water and sewage in Iran. The region will not sit back this time and allow israel to go unpunished again. This is the drip drip drip of WW3.
The israeli air force wants to make Lebanon look like Gaza. Then they'll take out electric, water and sewage in Iran. The region will not sit back this time and allow israel to go unpunished again. This is the drip drip drip of WW3.

We have never been closer....drink the best wines now.
This guy is a bit of a challenge to watch, and the host is low quality....but this I recommend as educational:

Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

The scenario depicted in this statement does not align well with the facts or history. It seems to blend speculative elements with interpretations of geopolitical dynamics. Reliable information from trusted sources should be consulted to obtain a clear and accurate understanding of the Middle East's current geopolitical climate and U.S. foreign policy before making such statements. Bottom line, incontrovertible irrefutable proof with pure fact must and should always accompany all such allegations.
The scenario depicted in this statement does not align well with the facts or history. It seems to blend speculative elements with interpretations of geopolitical dynamics. Reliable information from trusted sources should be consulted to obtain a clear and accurate understanding of the Middle East's current geopolitical climate and U.S. foreign policy before making such statements. Bottom line, incontrovertible irrefutable proof with pure fact must and should always accompany all such allegations.
I'm waiting on your concise Middle East geopolitical stance. I make it clear that I'm not here for cryptic mind games. Spit it out and tell us how WW3 benefits the failed US empire.
I'm waiting on your concise Middle East geopolitical stance. I make it clear that I'm not here for cryptic mind games. Spit it out and tell us how WW3 benefits the failed US empire.

The Middle East has a deep and complex history. This region has seen many conflicts over time, often fueled by a mix of religious, territorial, and cultural disputes. These age-old conflicts have evolved through the centuries, influenced by the rise and fall of empires and the ongoing clash of ideologies.

The U.S. involvement in the Middle East has varied over the decades. Initially, the interest was primarily in oil and strategic alliances, but over time, the focus has shifted towards promoting stability and countering terrorism. The U.S. has sometimes been drawn into military actions, but these have often been controversial both at home and abroad.

Given the historical complexity and the entrenched nature of conflicts in the region, many, including myself, argue that the U.S. should prioritize a humanitarian role in the Middle East conflicts. By focusing on humanitarian aid and support for peaceful resolutions only, the U.S. can help address the immediate needs of the people affected by conflicts without becoming embroiled in the deeper ideological battles.

In this context, maintaining a vigilant but non-interventionist stance could be wise. Watching and being alert allows the U.S. to respond to crises without getting deeply involved in conflicts that have centuries-old roots and complex, often intractable ideological dimensions. This approach also respects the sovereignty of Middle Eastern countries and acknowledges the limits of outside influence in resolving deep-seated regional issues.

As to the WW3 equation. Overall, it is unlikely to benefit the U.S. or anyone for that matter, and most strategies should focus on prevention and peaceful resolution and not weaponizing regions or providing money to weaponize. There are circumstances where direct involvement may become necessary, but I won't even begin to pretend to know when that should or would be. There are far more professional minds better equipped to deal with such scenarios than my little ole pea brain. So, I hold a stand down and provide humanitarian aid only stance for the time being and WW3 does not even show up on my radar yet.
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

I hate to tell you, goat, but you're no different from anybody else that has ever lived in this one respect.

Your mom's labia were the gates to your hell.
The Middle East has a deep and complex history. This region has seen many conflicts over time, often fueled by a mix of religious, territorial, and cultural disputes. These age-old conflicts have evolved through the centuries, influenced by the rise and fall of empires and the ongoing clash of ideologies.

The U.S. involvement in the Middle East has varied over the decades. Initially, the interest was primarily in oil and strategic alliances, but over time, the focus has shifted towards promoting stability and countering terrorism. The U.S. has sometimes been drawn into military actions, but these have often been controversial both at home and abroad.

Given the historical complexity and the entrenched nature of conflicts in the region, many, including myself, argue that the U.S. should prioritize a humanitarian role in the Middle East conflicts. By focusing on humanitarian aid and support for peaceful resolutions only, the U.S. can help address the immediate needs of the people affected by conflicts without becoming embroiled in the deeper ideological battles.

In this context, maintaining a vigilant but non-interventionist stance could be wise. Watching and being alert allows the U.S. to respond to crises without getting deeply involved in conflicts that have centuries-old roots and complex, often intractable ideological dimensions. This approach also respects the sovereignty of Middle Eastern countries and acknowledges the limits of outside influence in resolving deep-seated regional issues.

As to the WW3 equation. Overall, it is unlikely to benefit the U.S. or anyone for that matter, and most strategies should focus on prevention and peaceful resolution and not weaponizing regions or providing money to weaponize. There are circumstances where direct involvement may become necessary, but I won't even begin to pretend to know when that should or would be. There are far more professional minds better equipped to deal with such scenarios than my little ole pea brain. So, I hold a stand down and provide humanitarian aid only stance for the time being and WW3 does not even show up on my radar yet.
That's a response I expect from AI. I feel like I'm talking to a bot, Tim. How about we get US troops out of the Middle East before they end up dead. They're sitting ducks over there. israel will not survive the wrath they brought to themselves.
I hate to tell you, goat, but you're no different from anybody else that has ever l lived in this one respect.

Your mom's labia were the gates to your hell.
I've been to Boston so I know the street junkies have a better grasp on reality than you. I'm willing to bet you're from the Bronx.