The Gates of Hell have opened

That's a response I expect from AI. I feel like I'm talking to a bot, Tim. How about we get US troops out of the Middle East before they end up dead. They're sitting ducks over there. israel will not survive the wrath they brought to themselves.

I'm not a bot at all. I do have a tendency however to write a bit flowery and use to many metaphors and etc. Sorry about that. It's just me though. Anyway, yes Biden made a big F-ing mistake, and this is a nonstarter for me when it comes to voting. I am a Vietnam Vet and I do not believe in throwing our soldiers and sailors lives into the path of enemy fire for no reason. It truly pisses me off.
I keep hearing on my grapevine that Iran and the US have a deal that Iran gets this free shot at Israel so long as they dont hit any American assets... Dmitry Orlov is but the latest on Dialog Works.

I dont know, I am listening.
I'm not a bot at all. I do have a tendency however to write a bit flowery and use to many metaphors and etc. Sorry about that. It's just me though. Anyway, yes Biden made a big F-ing mistake, and this is a nonstarter for me when it comes to voting. I am a Vietnam Vet and I do not believe in throwing our soldiers and sailors lives into the path of enemy fire for no reason. It truly pisses me off.
Now I know you have a soul. JPP needs more vets to tell the ugly truth of war. The US has a long history of bombing civilians. Need I say more?
I keep hearing on my grapevine that Iran and the US have a deal that Iran gets this free shot at Israel so long as they dont hit any American assets... Dmitry Orlov is but the latest on Dialog Works.

I dont know, I am listening.
The US knows israel is surrounded and its neighbors want it gone. Time is not a friend.
The US knows israel is surrounded and its neighbors want it gone. Time is not a friend.

"Our support for Israel is iron clad" even as the US and Iran have a deal that Iran gets a free shot at Israel would be par for these liars the children of Washington.
"Our support for Israel is iron clad" even as the US and Iran have a deal that Iran gets a free shot at Israel would be par for these liars the children of Washington.
Trump was a 4-year delay on neocon plans for the Middle East. We see the result in guerrilla warfare tactics and weapons. israel will not survive.
Trump was a 4-year delay on neocon plans for the Middle East. We see the result in guerrilla warfare tactics and weapons. israel will not survive.

My grapevine and I have said often that Israel has lost the right to exist, and soon wont.
My grapevine and I have said often that Israel has lost the right to exist, and soon wont.
The world knows the entire state of israel is where psychopaths go to steal the house and land of Palestinians. The gig is up. Too many young folk have access to Cyberia.
Just a reminder, Goat and Hawkeye's predictions did not come true.
Hamas is still uploading their tactical win videos over the IGF.
Container ships are still avoiding the Red Sea.
Russia's GDP is stronger than ever.
Saudi Arabia may let the petrodollar expire.
Putin signed a security pack with Kim Jong Un.
Corporate media turned on Biden.

List our predictions that you think are wrong.