The Gates of Hell have opened

Its a UniParty...and not only do they not work for us.....they have sold us down the river.

Republican voters are usually the ones to enlist to go fight these Wall Street wars. It will be interesting to see if that changes with Kamala in charge.
Türkiye joins BRICS. The first nato nation to ditch the west to head east. The IMF and world bank will no longer be able to steal Türkiye's money.

Where is Walt to tell us this has nothing to do with the US economy?
Türkiye joins BRICS. The first nato nation to ditch the west to head east. The IMF and world bank will no longer be able to steal Türkiye's money.

Where is Walt to tell us this has nothing to do with the US economy?
Wanting to become a part of Europe (or the West) now would be moronic. I am pretty sure that when I mentioned that the Turks have changed their minds Almost Never Right Walt told me that I did not know what I was talking about.
Wanting to become a part of Europe (or the West) now would be moronic. I am pretty sure that when I mentioned that the Turks have changed their minds Almost Never Right Walt told me that I did not know what I was talking about.
Türkiye knows what the US empire will do to them if they refuse to follow the rules, so this is a risky move for any nation, especially with a military as big as Türkiye.
Türkiye knows what the US empire will do to them if they refuse to follow the rules, so this is a risky move for any nation, especially with a military as big as Türkiye.
Second best military in NATO....the same NATO that is on the edge of collapse due to its debacle in Ukraine, just as so many on my grapevine predicted.
Second best military in NATO....the same NATO that is on the edge of collapse due to its debacle in Ukraine, just as so many on my grapevine predicted.
The US will do everything in its power to prevent Türkiye from joining BRICS. We have to send a message to other nato nations wanting to jump ship. This has more to do with the IMF and world bank than it does with Ukraine. Something me and Walt have been talking about for 3 years.
The US will do everything in its power to prevent Türkiye from joining BRICS. We have to send a message to other nato nations wanting to jump ship. This has more to do with the IMF and world bank than it does with Ukraine. Something me and Walt have been talking about for 3 years.
The American Empire is crashing, and all of the American lead post WW2 institutions such as IMF and World Bank are either going to be reformed or ended. I had expected that the New Chinese Empire would rule via the UN but it is beginning to look like they intend to scrap the UN.
The American Empire is crashing, and all of the American lead post WW2 institutions such as IMF and World Bank are either going to be reformed or ended. I had expected that the New Chinese Empire would rule via the UN but it is beginning to look like they intend to scrap the UN.
The UN needs to be scrapped and replaced with something that doesn't give veto power. I still can't believe how fast the world is changing. I just may live long enough to see systemic collapse.
Republican voters are usually the ones to enlist to go fight these Wall Street wars. It will be interesting to see if that changes with Kamala in charge.
That's only because the military has standards and won't take physically and mentally unfit Leftists.
The UN needs to be scrapped and replaced with something that doesn't give veto power. I still can't believe how fast the world is changing. I just may live long enough to see systemic collapse.
I think what happened is that the realization that America is Evil is new to the Chinese/Russians et al, and thus they have recently decided that everything that we have been running is not worth even trying to reform, so the UN goes away when that was not the plan.
There are plenty of gays and trans in the US navy. They give a whole new meaning to hot bunking.
Re the NAVY the reports keep getting worse:

After the destroyer lost steering in April, the McCain sent out a casualty report, or CASREP, requesting technical experts to visit the ship. These experts tried to troubleshoot the warship while it was pier-side in Bahrain in June. The McCain's leadership requested to go to sea to address these issues properly, but the technical personnel were not funded or authorized to set sail with the destroyer. The warship left Bahrain in early July and immediately experienced the same problems.
The McCain released another CASREP over the recurring problems. Steering problems can become particularly serious if they involve the stuck or unresponsive rudder near another ship or in shallow water. The ship received remote support over the following days, but the results of those efforts were ultimately inconclusive, the investigation said.

The troubled destroyer remained at sea, and the command investigation said there was no evidence any notable troubleshooting efforts occurred after July 9.

The investigation said the McCain experienced a total of 18 problematic incidents with the steering system between May 17 and July 20, when the destroyer refueled at sea.

And of course they blame the Captain not the fucks in the Pentagon who caused the problem.
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.

lol dogshit makes yet another idiot fantasy claim.

Your heroes' days are numbered, dogshit; you will need to find another gang of murdering psycho vermin to worship soon.
lol dogshit makes yet another idiot fantasy claim.

Your heroes' days are numbered, dogshit; you will need to find another gang of murdering psycho vermin to worship soon.
Shiksa, your European jew boy is going down, so you may want to look for a Muslim willing to pay for your dirty ass.
Shiksa, your European jew boy is going down, so you may want to look for a Muslim willing to pay for your dirty ass.

^^^Dogshit wants us all to know Islamo-dogshit are also historically noted for their raping of little boys and captive men as well. That is why the homosexual propagandists were always gushing over them as 'advanced and sophisticated' compared to evul xians and joos. At least until word got out Islamist like to toss homosexuals off of buildings, when there are no 12 year old girls to stone for learning how to read and write or some other atrocity at the moment.
Hezbollah is destroying Israeli troops occupying the high grownd of the Golan Heights in preporation of invading northern Israel. Egypt is moving troops to North Sinai in order to protect the refugees in Rafah. Jordan tribes are threatened to secure the West Bank. This is what happens when all your neighbors watch you blatenlly commit genocide.

This means all US military bases in the Middle East will be under attack, along with US and UK ships passing through the Bab al-Mandab Strait. Biden's failed attempt to win reelection will start a war with Iran. All the republican neocons of JPP will support and fund this insanity by cutting social security and medicare to give that debt money to the war machine.
Guno and I are hard-left, social-programs-supporting Democrats who also support Israel 100%.