The General Store

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Ok I'm positive it won't last. But it is a start and shows that social distancing is working. The president is considering reopening some of the economy next week if things look like things are lightning up.
I think there's a ways to go....but we'll see....
Right now, everyone just has to work's all about keeping things good in the hood....
That's key....
Ok I'm positive it won't last. But it is a start and shows that social distancing is working. The president is considering reopening some of the economy next week if things look like things are lightning up.

We were talking about that last night. Mr. Owl thinks that eventually it will be necessary to reopen some businesses. His prediction is that social distancing will work and flatten the curve. Then economic necessity will require reopening businesses, and we'll see another big spike in new cases. Rinse, repeat.
I think there's a ways to go....but we'll see....
Right now, everyone just has to work's all about keeping things good in the hood....
That's key....

If the economy collapses utterly, ain't nothing gonna be good in the hood.
We were talking about that last night. Mr. Owl thinks that eventually it will be necessary to reopen some businesses. His prediction is that social distancing will work and flatten the curve. Then economic necessity will require reopening businesses, and we'll see another big spike in new cases. Rinse, repeat.

I tend to agree with Mr. Owl.
If the economy collapses utterly, ain't nothing gonna be good in the hood.

True...but we're making things work here in our hood...for
We had a case or two here....the focus was keeping everyone from far, so good....
I tend to agree with Mr. Owl.

Unfortunately things are looking very grim indeed for New York.

"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said Tuesday that the rate of infections in the state is doubling about every three days.

“We haven’t flattened the curve, and the curve is actually increasing,” he said, adding that the state could need as many as 140,000 hospital beds, an increase from the 110,000 that officials projected earlier in the week.

"Mr. Cuomo, who appeared Tuesday at the Javits Center in Manhattan, which the Army Corps of Engineers is retrofitting into a vast emergency hospital, said that the apex of the disease in the state was going to be higher and hit earlier than had been expected."
Unfortunately things are looking very grim indeed for New York.

"Gov. Andrew M. Cuomo of New York said Tuesday that the rate of infections in the state is doubling about every three days.

“We haven’t flattened the curve, and the curve is actually increasing,” he said, adding that the state could need as many as 140,000 hospital beds, an increase from the 110,000 that officials projected earlier in the week.

"Mr. Cuomo, who appeared Tuesday at the Javits Center in Manhattan, which the Army Corps of Engineers is retrofitting into a vast emergency hospital, said that the apex of the disease in the state was going to be higher and hit earlier than had been expected."

That's because they haven't been staying home. I see NY plates driving through just about every time I'm on the highway. Hopefully they're just passing through.
That's because they haven't been staying home. I see NY plates driving through just about every time I'm on the highway. Hopefully they're just passing through.

Our governor has ordered all NY tourist to self quarantine upon arrival in Florida.
Good morning. Just read that 40 people in a town in Conn. were exposed to the virus after attending a party. What part of social distancing don't these idiots not understand?
Good morning. Just read that 40 people in a town in Conn. were exposed to the virus after attending a party. What part of social distancing don't these idiots not understand?

Is that the group that deliberately had a COVID party, or a different one? People are SO stupid. My youngest posted a pic over the weekend on her FB of the neighbors across the street having a big party.

Prince Charles has COVID now.

And where my older son lives, in Baton Rouge, some idiot megachurch preacher was continuing to hold services. The article is from a week ago; I hope he has quit.
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