The General Store

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Good luck, but odds are that will spread from the high density population areas to the low density ones. A few cases I saw presented on the news was family members attending funerals in a city then returning to rural homes.

Oh I'm sure we will see more cases but the Panhandle for the most part is taking this thing seriously.
Good luck, but odds are that will spread from the high density population areas to the low density ones. A few cases I saw presented on the news was family members attending funerals in a city then returning to rural homes.

That's the pattern here so far. We have 3 cases in the U.P. One (in our county) is a guy who "traveled through international airports." The other two are in distant counties and are inmates. I feel so bad for the imprisoned about now.
You must admit that is funny in bad taste but funny.

If you can't laugh at a time like this, you might as well just shuffle on off the mortal coil, eh? lol

I'm sure the humorless will find this offensive too. From one of my sons-in-law:

Publix has a time for only seniors over 65. And we are to stay home as much as possible but stores and restaurants are still open.

Wow, restaurants. Ours are closed except for take-out orders. We are going into town once/week just to get out of the house, and order something to go in order to give them a bit of business. We have a lot of one-of-a-kind, family-owned eateries here that are really hurting. A lot of them donated food that was at risk of spoiling to the homeless shelter and food pantries, bless their hearts. Isn't it lovely how good most ppl are at heart?

Sometimes my tendency to forget that I already have something and buy more is a good thing. Am in a group that is making protective masks for our medical personnel/first responders. The metal nose pieces and elastic are scarce. One lady who owns a jewelry shop in town has retooled and is using her metal/equipment to make the nose pieces. I found a box full of various sizes of elastic to donate; it's more than I'll need for our masks. So far our group has made and donated over 1,000 masks!!!
Publix has a time for only seniors over 65. And we are to stay home as much as possible but stores and restaurants are still open.
I haven't been in a store since 3/15. Finally, after 11 days, I feel pretty sure I don't have Covid. Just don't want to go back in there and have to start over worrying again.
I haven't been in a store since 3/15. Finally, after 11 days, I feel pretty sure I don't have Covid. Just don't want to go back in there and have to start over worrying again.

You have more cases and people than we do. So I'm not overly worried plus everyone tries to keep as much distance from each other.
You have more cases and people than we do. So I'm not overly worried plus everyone tries to keep as much distance from each other.
There are a million people in Jax versus a few thousand where you live. It's not densely populated here and everything is pretty spread out, which is good.
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