The General Store

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I wouldn't say that! There must be a clearing house to allot limited resources based on need.

Does Michigan need masks or ventilators as bad as New Your right this minute? NY 46,000 cases and rising, Mich. 3,600 slowly rising.

That is just common sense.

We can't find paper towels, TP, tissues because they are being horded. Same with emergency equipment states horde and the ones in bad need can't get them. Hence the need for a clearing house.

Exactly. And the need for a central (but temporary) authority to oversee the distribution of what equipment is available, with no preference other than greatest need.
So the Feds are responsible for hospitals not having a disaster plan in place for pandemics complete with supplies?

In other news, Cuomo in NY was demanding 40k ventilators and was busted as the 4k he already has -- are not even in use!!

"Bad orange man...bad, bad, bad!"

Even Covid can't overtake a case of TDS. :laugh:

Why do these people have to make everything political? This in a national emergency wouldn't it be nice if they would turn off the partisan rhetoric? There will be ample time to bitch when this is over.

1. Article is four days old, and 2. "Respirators" as used in this article = N95 rebreather masks, not ventilators which are in critically-short supply. In addition, much inventoried equipment appears to have gone missing:

"Hundreds of thousands of masks went missing from federal shipments containing the equipment to Michigan as the state continues to battle the rising number of COVID-19 cases, state officials said.

"State officials told The Detroit News Wednesday that they were 225,000 surgical masks short of what the federal government said it sent from the Strategic National Stockpile (SNS). "

Just another example of government ineptitude. Brownie's doing a fine job. lol
Not always true. I am the only one that likes SOS so to cook it for one is silly plus the Stouffers has the chipped beef in it also.
Ok...your choice...I understand....and such thing as always or never;)
(But....Everyone likes it here, so...we even do our own dried beef...but, then, cooking has always been a passion....You're handy, I cook;) )
Why do these people have to make everything political? This in a national emergency wouldn't it be nice if they would turn off the partisan rhetoric? There will be ample time to bitch when this is over.
I don't see any actual "evidence" that items are being purposefully "withheld"...Just the partisan rhetoric you mention....It is very sad...
And apparently from what I've been reading this morning, our governor (who has been critical of the federal handling of this) is saying that equipment for Michigan has been held up for petty reasons (Trump is miffed that she's been critical). I don't know if this is true or not.

I read that trump told Pence not to talk to "that woman." He's such a thin-skinned little worm.
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