The General Store

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For those in the heat zone drink your fluids.
One of my three bp meds is a water pill,I will be skipping that for a few days.
As soon as it gets light,going to raid Kroger for Gatorade!

I never liked gatorade, even as a kid.. I started hiking a few years ago & started drinking it but I am getting really sick of it... Been doing powerAde, but the zero calories & doing a 50/50 mix......

I add OJ, crystal light Caffeine & water & on occasion another fruit blend drink to it-no added sugar..

Looks horrible but taste great, not to sweet, not to salty & viscous.. I usually freeze the bottle & it is just about right after a few hours on a hot day..:)

or the reg w/out caffeine..
Gorgeous, Bill! Thanks for sharing. I love alpine flowers. They often look so delicate and fragile, but those guys have to be tougher than nails to survive in their environment. Do you take a field guide with you? Do you know their names?

No, I have one, but didn't take it.. I actually just started noticing the tiny flowers & the beauty kinda hidden from the naked eye..

It was difficult to get those shots as the wind was blowing 10-15 miles another (normal up there) so they tend to sway & gotta be tough to live up there, a couple weeks ago they were under a foot of snow, now high winds & cold dry crushed granite & rock is their bed......
I never liked gatorade, even as a kid.. I started hiking a few years ago & started drinking it but I am getting really sick of it... Been doing powerAde, but the zero calories & doing a 50/50 mix......

I add OJ, crystal light Caffeine & water & on occasion another fruit blend drink to it-no added sugar..

Looks horrible but taste great, not to sweet, not to salty & viscous.. I usually freeze the bottle & it is just about right after a few hours on a hot day..:)

or the reg w/out caffeine..

I tend to like Gatorade and a few other drinks of the sort, but they give me gout. Everyone thinks that is strange, and it is, but it does and gout sucks!
The GF likes that flavored water, me, not so much.
I can't stand Gatorade, Powerade, Vitaminwater, etc. The drops just add a little electrolytes and potassium if we're working out....I think I drink more water when I swim than when I bike or walk...:)
Your GF would probably like the MiO....
I can't stand Gatorade, Powerade, Vitaminwater, etc. The drops just add a little electrolytes and potassium if we're working out....I think I drink more water when I swim than when I bike or walk...:)
Your GF would probably like the MiO....

She probably would.
Last time I went swimming, I drank a LOT of (river) water...I almost drowned!
Oh, dear...that's not good-or tasty-...Not a "planned swim" I'm guessing....

We used to dive off a bridge that was replaced, they said all the remains of the old bridge was removed...they weren't and I hit a piece of it knocking the wind out of me. I haven't been in the water since.
We used to dive off a bridge that was replaced, they said all the remains of the old bridge was removed...they weren't and I hit a piece of it knocking the wind out of me. I haven't been in the water since.
You're so lucky...that would certainly be scary...
There are definitely no diving/swimming "zones"...we used to ignore them, too...thinking back to quarries and some other spots we used to frequent with reckless abandon, we're all lucky to be alive...
You're so lucky...that would certainly be scary...
There are definitely no diving/swimming "zones"...we used to ignore them, too...thinking back to quarries and some other spots we used to frequent with reckless abandon, we're all lucky to be alive...

Lucky for sure. I just made it to a pier, I doubt I could have swam another 15-20 yards.
I tend to like Gatorade and a few other drinks of the sort, but they give me gout. Everyone thinks that is strange, and it is, but it does and gout sucks!

Oh no! I can't drink beer for that reason. When I had my first two kids, it was back in the days of "natural" childbirth so there were no epidurals given. It hurt. A lot. Gout hurts just about as bad. Here's something about gout and certain beverages:
Awesome! How is your staghorn doing?

Not so well. We tried putting a mobile greenhouse over him didn't help very much. But I think I have found a place to move him to that will shade him from direct sunlight except for about an hour a day. Problem is moving him. I am going to try to load him in my truck I just hope the truck will fit where I want to move him to. He weighs about 2 or 3 hundred pounds.
Not so well. We tried putting a mobile greenhouse over him didn't help very much. But I think I have found a place to move him to that will shade him from direct sunlight except for about an hour a day. Problem is moving him. I am going to try to load him in my truck I just hope the truck will fit where I want to move him to. He weighs about 2 or 3 hundred pounds.

I hope you have someone to help you with that. Sorry to hear that he's not flourishing. Just in case, have you thought of taking a cutting to root inside as a houseplant, to keep him going if he doesn't make it outdoors? I hope you can figure out something. Maybe one of those canopy things you can get for a picnic?
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