I drink copious amts of water daily, so not sure why the beer did it, but it sure did. We had gotten a six pack of a local microbrew's dark ale. I had three over the course of three days. Woke up about 2am and felt as though my foot was on fire. Hobbled downstairs in agony, turned on the light, took one look at it and thought "Oh fuck, gout." Couldn't sleep the rest of the night. If I could've gotten back up the stairs I would've had Mr. Owl take me to the ER, it was that bad. Called Walgreens' Doc-on-the-Phone in the morning and got a script for indomethacin, an NSAID. Within two hours after the first dose the pain was gone. Got it again a couple weeks later, after having a dark beer at a restaurant with dinner. This time when the precursor aching started, I took the NSAID right off so it didn't get as bad. Haven't had a beer since, nor any gout. Oh yeah, I tried the cherry juice too, but it didn't do much.
I hope yours never comes back!!