The General Store

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I drink copious amts of water daily, so not sure why the beer did it, but it sure did. We had gotten a six pack of a local microbrew's dark ale. I had three over the course of three days. Woke up about 2am and felt as though my foot was on fire. Hobbled downstairs in agony, turned on the light, took one look at it and thought "Oh fuck, gout." Couldn't sleep the rest of the night. If I could've gotten back up the stairs I would've had Mr. Owl take me to the ER, it was that bad. Called Walgreens' Doc-on-the-Phone in the morning and got a script for indomethacin, an NSAID. Within two hours after the first dose the pain was gone. Got it again a couple weeks later, after having a dark beer at a restaurant with dinner. This time when the precursor aching started, I took the NSAID right off so it didn't get as bad. Haven't had a beer since, nor any gout. Oh yeah, I tried the cherry juice too, but it didn't do much.

I hope yours never comes back!!
What a story. I hope to never get that.
You might ask your doc about giving you a script for indomethacin. It's an NSAID, non-opioid, and it knocks the gout pain out just like that.

I have an extremely high tolerance to pain killers. They gave me a very high dose of Dilaudid every 2 hours when I had my last surgery and it just took the edge off the pain. I was asking for it before it was time for the next dose more often than not. I did have a script for indomethacin some time back, but haven't taken them for years.
The Oxys sometimes don't even do much at all unless I take them on an empty stomach and they don't do much for the Neuropathy because it's mostly nerve pain. I just have to get used to it.
One good thing is I no longer need to take anything for diabetes, I've been watching what I eat and my A1C has been in the low 6's the last 3 blood tests.
I have an extremely high tolerance to pain killers. They gave me a very high dose of Dilaudid every 2 hours when I had my last surgery and it just took the edge off the pain. I was asking for it before it was time for the next dose more often than not. I did have a script for indomethacin some time back, but haven't taken them for years.
The Oxys sometimes don't even do much at all unless I take them on an empty stomach and they don't do much for the Neuropathy because it's mostly nerve pain. I just have to get used to it.
One good thing is I no longer need to take anything for diabetes, I've been watching what I eat and my A1C has been in the low 6's the last 3 blood tests.

That is good news on the A1C, congratulations!

You're right; opioids don't do much for nerve pain. They generally prescribe Lyrica or gabapentin for that. Some ppl get weird side effects from those though. My youngest has MS but cannot tolerate those meds. at all.
I drink copious amts of water daily, so not sure why the beer did it, but it sure did. We had gotten a six pack of a local microbrew's dark ale. I had three over the course of three days. Woke up about 2am and felt as though my foot was on fire. Hobbled downstairs in agony, turned on the light, took one look at it and thought "Oh fuck, gout." Couldn't sleep the rest of the night. If I could've gotten back up the stairs I would've had Mr. Owl take me to the ER, it was that bad. Called Walgreens' Doc-on-the-Phone in the morning and got a script for indomethacin, an NSAID. Within two hours after the first dose the pain was gone. Got it again a couple weeks later, after having a dark beer at a restaurant with dinner. This time when the precursor aching started, I took the NSAID right off so it didn't get as bad. Haven't had a beer since, nor any gout. Oh yeah, I tried the cherry juice too, but it didn't do much.

I hope yours never comes back!!

First time I had it I took that & w/in an hour in a half I could feel my toe start to tingle as the raging/throbbing started to subside..

They say each time you get it you become more sensitive??

Surprised that lots of water does not slush it out... It accumulates in joints & fat in tissue..

Did it run in the family?? I think some ppl are more prone..

You always forget all those colds, & even the flu, but you can always remember the first time you meet mr
Will be here in Nor Cal... Only 90 & this AM we have a nice cool breeze... Opened all the windows got the house down to mid 60's.:)
Hello to everyone from today's fundraiser....out here in the 86 like 95 degree weather, saving another little bit of the world...
Live music, lots of ice water, and canopies help;) Good turnout so far...Buckeyes never let a good cause down;)
Kids are getting ready to go back to school...check around locally and please support programs that provide backpacks/supplies/clothing to those in's so important for every child to be able to start the year off on the right foot;)
Good morning everyone.

The state is widening the major street near us. So they are stirring up all kinds of dust. The bride is susceptible to dust and pollen causing her to cough a lot. I broke out the air purifier for our bed room last night. We both slept like babies, it was so nice I ordered one for our family room.
Good morning everyone.

The state is widening the major street near us. So they are stirring up all kinds of dust. The bride is susceptible to dust and pollen causing her to cough a lot. I broke out the air purifier for our bed room last night. We both slept like babies, it was so nice I ordered one for our family room.

It's amazing how much nicer the day begins when you've finally gotten a good night's sleep, isn't it?
Good morning everyone.

The state is widening the major street near us. So they are stirring up all kinds of dust. The bride is susceptible to dust and pollen causing her to cough a lot. I broke out the air purifier for our bed room last night. We both slept like babies, it was so nice I ordered one for our family room.

SOunds like a trip to Hawaii & send the bill to the
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