The General Store

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Default The General Store
This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.

Too hot! Stop feeding the damn stove.

how about correcting human error of governing by relative time table logistics training ancestors after birth to perform as self anointed type cast people living by scripted behavior cradle to grave?
I love thunderstorms! I love how the sky lights up, and the shaking of the ground when it strikes. You just feel the magnificent force, the power!

Some guy that worked at a drug store my Mom hung out at,gave her some smart mouth shit.
Next day he was golfing got hit by lightning,DOA.
I love thunderstorms! I love how the sky lights up, and the shaking of the ground when it strikes. You just feel the magnificent force, the power!

Aren't they awesome??! We don't get them often here, but when we do... OMG. We have lake to the east and mountains to the west. The thunder bounces from one to the other and goes on for what seems like minutes! The intense thunderstorms are one of the few things I missed about Missouri. Do not miss the tornadoes and hail.
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