The General Store

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Aren't they awesome??! We don't get them often here, but when we do... OMG. We have lake to the east and mountains to the west. The thunder bounces from one to the other and goes on for what seems like minutes! The intense thunderstorms are one of the few things I missed about Missouri. Do not miss the tornadoes and hail.
Thank goodness Houston doesn’t get many tornadoes, they go North through tornado alley, which I’m sure living MO you were familiar with it.
Welcome to the Twilight Zone

Good Morning;)

Mornin' all :|

Not so good morning here. Wind and rain, hard rain coming today and tonight. Looks like a nice weekend though, I'll be cleaning and waxing car(s). It used to be fun, it's become more like work now!
And a top of the morning to all. The Fla. Governor has opened restaurants to dining with a 20% occupancy rate. If things keep going like this we are on our way back to normal. Masks are still recommended when one cannot keep 6ft from others. I can't wait for the barbershops to reopen I'm starting to look like big foot.

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Mornin' all :|

Not so good morning here. Wind and rain, hard rain coming today and tonight. Looks like a nice weekend though, I'll be cleaning and waxing car(s). It used to be fun, it's become more like work now!
Same weather here....
Car wash those were Fun!
And a top of the morning to all. The Fla. Governor has opened restaurants to dining with a 20% occupancy rate. If things keep going like this we are on our way back to normal. Masks are still recommended when one cannot keep 6ft from others. I can't wait for the barbershops to reopen I'm starting to look like big foot.
I hope this goes well. I will be watching Georgia to see how they fare since they opened completely like a week ago.
"Lightning" -- those sparky bolts from the sky
"Lightening" -- the process of becoming lighter


enlightenment by possibilities just gets ancestries to project themselves into self anointed tyoe cast chosen people where sibling rivalries become psychological class warfare over which side is most popular ideology globally practiced cradle to grave from now on until extinction of the species as arrived historically so far.

induced insanity because vocabulary replaced instinctive navigation to sense of proportionment as one of a kind as timed apart now regardless the numbers present.
This isn't over,it's not even the beginning of the end.
I'm going to continue social distancing,shopping with a mask ,avoiding crowds till this passes or a vaccine.I'm not going out on a ventilator if I can help it.
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This isn't over,it's not even the beginning of the end.
I'm going to continue social distancing,shopping with a mask ,avoiding crowds till this passes or a vaccine.I'm not going out on a ventilator if I can help it.

Your choice, stand with it. I won't get sucked into the man made hysteria. Not the virus, the social reaction to it is unprecedented and predictable since ruling elites are losing control of the global narrative and this is their last chance to curb understanding natural life from now on.

stay in character and remain the mind of your contextual social narrative to whom you rather be.
Your choice, stand with it. I won't get sucked into the man made hysteria. Not the virus, the social reaction to it is unprecedented and predictable since ruling elites are losing control of the global narrative and this is their last chance to curb understanding natural life from now on.

stay in character and remain the mind of your contextual social narrative to whom you rather be.

Good luck
Wear a mask

no. 98% I have a natural immunity so the most I get is minor systems. Something my body did before I reach 10 years old and got flu 3 times a season until 10. Apathy is unconditional love of life for the time I get occupying space now.

I am done enabling denying what life is by my own ancestry, my own wife, society training my children to have the same lack of respect my dad had for me until he died. I get ignored, chastized, belittled, rejected, everything, but I still stay married loving my wife, chldren, and this moment nobody else wants to recognize its most important part.

Reproductions are eternally centered as spaced apart now. Your reality cannot imagine the horror I watch 24/7 and still have the will to take the ridicule constantly.
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no. 98% I have a natural immunity so the most I get is minor systems. Something my body did before I reach 10 years old and got flu 3 times a season until 10. Apathy is unconditional love of life for the time I get occupying space now.

I am done enabling denying what life is by my own ancestry, my own wife, society training my children to have the same lack of respect my dad had for me until he died. I get ignored, chastized, belittled, rejected, everything, but I still stay married loving my wife, chldren, and this moment nobody else wants to recognize its most important part.

Reproductions are eternally centered as spaced apart now. Your reality cannot imagine the horror I watch 24/7 and still have the will to take the ridicule constantly.

Sounds great,but I'm 70,ex-smoker,had prostate cancer.I'll take every possible precautions.
Your statistics,could make me a statistic!
Sounds great,but I'm 70,ex-smoker,had prostate cancer.I'll take every possible precautions.
Your statistics,could make me a statistic!

did I say you had to do it my way. I describe why each has their own time to be real and do what they each have to do to survive timed apart now. I am doing it in a way that doesn't physically destroy anything, just working to change programmed minds of society's people to return to their genetic point of displaced as eternally centered so far.

Too much mismanagement going on. I do it in arena of ideas in cyberspace where those that want to understand can and those that don't, resist everything I say reciting hypothetical facts called enlightenment by what ifisms.

that just puts ancestral doubt governing people historically until extinction is brought about ignoring now is eternity and ideology is their manmade salvation by vocabulary. Insanity by choices offered from malcontents in charge of defining who's who morally, legally, ethically, academically, artistically, politically, spiritually, economically, socially, ancestrally.

10 ways to keep eternal hell in charge of being eternally centered by the moment here. Guess what I just described? God never evicted humans from the Garden of Eden, humanity fooled them into accepting the all the ideas life is larger than eternally spaced apart now.

Your next choice is?
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