The General Store

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Yep. Big one at Carlisle today. Mustang and all Ford show. Heading up in a few minutes to meet a few friends for breakfast, then a long drive to Carlisle.
Have a great time...Drive carefully and Hope you beat any traffic....;)
Good news for Florida but bad news for Georgia South Carolina, is Dorian is forecast to turn more north and stay off shore and run up the coast of Florida.
Is it me or is this forum gotten boring? The only things up for discussion is Trump is bad, Trump did this, Trump did that, Christians are evil mass shooters, Red state people are toothless red necks. It's the same people spouting the same garbage day in and day out.
What makes it worse is it's only moving like 6 MPH. Still don't know what effect it will have here. Hopefully not too bad.
Now it's 1 mph...just unreal.... Palm Beach looks to be issuing evacuation orders now...Georgia and S. Carolina as well...
My guys are staying put...along with a lot of others...
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