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I doubt he's up to the task. Still, I would prefer this thread be more about having fun instead of bitching about how fucked up a loser Eagle-Eye has become.

Not that I'd ever become a lame-ass wimp who bans people over disagreements. :)

instead of bitching about how fucked up a loser Eagle-Eye has become.[/QUOTE]

You talk as if you know me but you have only been here a month. That shows you're a fucking sock. OWL you slipped up on this one.
Mason has not been banned. Quit using all those fucking socks then you might remember facts.

Here's a fact: the people you'be banned for disagreeing with you.

instead of bitching about how fucked up a loser Eagle-Eye has become.

You talk as if you know me but you have only been here a month. That shows you're a fucking sock. OWL you slipped up on this one.
How long does it take to spot a sniveling coward and a liar? A few hours? A day?

I can forgive you if you are insane. Are you? If not, then what is your excuse?
Repeat offense? If so, it proves he's an overly emotional dumbass. His freedom to be so, but the forum's right to ban him.

Yes, it was a repeat. Beats me how anybody can get one of those, it should be easy enough not to call someone a pedo, pedo enabler, kiddie porn watcher and the like.
Yes, it was a repeat. Beats me how anybody can get one of those, it should be easy enough not to call someone a pedo, pedo enabler, kiddie porn watcher and the like.

Agreed.....well, easy for a sane person. Others may feel the "voices" push them to scream "the truth!" You know, like that 21 year old dumbass in Arkansas who hammered the Buddhist statues.
instead of bitching about how fucked up a loser Eagle-Eye has become.[/QUOTE]

You talk as if you know me but you have only been here a month. That shows you're a fucking sock. OWL you slipped up on this one.

Say what? I slipped up how? I'm not the one going around claiming so-and-so is a sock. You'll have to consult Toxic for that.