The Honest General Store - Honest management guaranteed

Translation: I'm a bigoted coward who only likes to see what I agree with and hide from anyone with whom I disagree.

I think most people understand this about you. FWIW, as this thread proves, you are free to have your little secret boys club thread. That doesn't stop others from openly confronting you with dissenting facts, starting their own threads or calling you out for being lame.

Have a really nice day! :thup:

Looking in a mirror again I see hamburger boy.
Why do you insist on projecting your failings on others? We can continue to play NIGYYSOB or you can get into a real discussion of the issues that doesn't involve blaming Trump for everything. I realize you are at a disadvantage without Owl backing you up. But do you have the balls to go one on one?

Unlike you, I'm content to let others decide for themselves which of us is a lame failure and which is more honest and less biased.

The fact remains that you banned me along with several others from your "fair" thread because you didn't like opposing views. You even confessed to it:
Btw Owl I'm a conservative so it's only natural I would limit those I disagree with as opposed to those I do agree with. Just food for thought. Life isn't fair or even.

I won't do that because, unlike you, I have a spine. Unlike you I'm smart enough to let fools speak their bullshit to let them prove they are fucking morons instead of trying to silence them and just calling them fucking morons. You don't understand that point, but I'm certain most sane, intelligent and educated people do understand the difference.

Looking in a mirror again I see hamburger boy.

Of course you do. That's all you have.
What about Boudicca, Queen of the Celts? The Amazonians? While I agree most western civilizations were patriarchal, not all were. As the link below notes, it's not just western civilizations either.

In some ways, it's as if the drones took over the hive. :)

Yes, that's why I said Christianty and Islam were modest improvements for the status of women over the pagan traditions of the Greco-Roman and Arabian cultures. I did not speak to all pagan cultures.

Frankly, our knowlege of Celtic cultures, proto Indo-Aryan cultures, and tribal cultures of the Eurasian steppes two millennia ago is fragmentary at best - so I am of the opinion we do not have enough data to make definitive conclusions and generalizations about what those pagan cultures were like
There it is for all to see. Dutch boy the cjones less coward is scared to death of facing those he disagrees with he wants others fight it's (I believe he may be a sock) battles for him and would rather pop up make some snide lying remarks and run away.

Owl I'm really disappointed that you would revert to your old tactic of attacking me through a conversation between you and your newest ally.
It is really beneath you. You are intelligent enough to make your points without some newbie that may or may not be a real person backing you up.
Yet you're okay with your buddy RB saying nasty stuff about someone else who isn't even posting on that thread... he brought it to your "nice thread" instead.

Same with Top!EE isn't fooling anyone with his rules,his buddy and gf ignore them,Mason followed them and got kicked out!
Hypocrite squared!
Agreed, hence why Eagle-Eye is a hypocrite. He rewards his friends and bans people who disagree with them. That's very lame.


Translation: I'm a bigoted coward who only likes to see what I agree with and hide from anyone with whom I disagree.

I think most people understand this about you. FWIW, as this thread proves, you are free to have your little secret boys club thread. That doesn't stop others from openly confronting you with dissenting facts, starting their own threads or calling you out for being lame.

Have a really nice day! :thup:

Lets see if Eagle Eye can post the post that got Mason banned!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can post a post where Mason broke the rules!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can explain why RB-60 and Top can flaunt the rules,and not get banned!
Bet Eagle Eye has nothing!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can post the post that got Mason banned!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can post a post where Mason broke the rules!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can explain why RB-60 and Top can flaunt the rules,and not get banned!
Bet Eagle Eye has nothing!

I doubt he's up to the task. Still, I would prefer this thread be more about having fun instead of bitching about how fucked up a loser Eagle-Eye has become.

Not that I'd ever become a lame-ass wimp who bans people over disagreements. :)
Wrong!!!!It's not a political thread,read your own first post!

Here is show me where it says no politics!

This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.
Lets see if Eagle Eye can post the post that got Mason banned!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can post a post where Mason broke the rules!
Lets see if Eagle Eye can explain why RB-60 and Top can flaunt the rules,and not get banned!
Bet Eagle Eye has nothing!

And I proved you are a liar. Quit giving the new sock a blow job it can't help you.