The Honest General Store - Honest management guaranteed

Yet you're okay with your buddy RB saying nasty stuff about someone else who isn't even posting on that thread... he brought it to your "nice thread" instead.

Agreed, hence why Eagle-Eye is a hypocrite. He rewards his friends and bans people who disagree with them. That's very lame.

I believe you will see I banned people on the right also. Granted there are more lefties. I picked people to ban based on my opinion of them being able to have a somewhat civil debate without turning it into a flame war.

Again you have no facts to base that charge on. There have been others on the left I privately cautioned.

You may not believe this but I try to be fair with everyone till I see it's hopeless. Hell one of the biggest anti Trump people here is Frank A. and other than politics we get along great in fact I have a lot of respect for the man. If you want to believe I'm a die hard conservative who believes there is no middle ground so be it.

You banned me, but I do not think you will find a fair minded and reasonable person who will say I engage in flame wars, indulge in vile language, or relentlessly pursue petty grudges
Like Trump you can't take criticism without flying off the handle and firing someone. Sad, weak and lame are good adjectives for you.

You only confirm I did the right thing. Talk about flying off the handle you just had to make a copycat thread so you could whine.

You banned me, but I do not think you will find a fair minded and reasonable person who will say I engage in flame wars, indulge in vile language, or relentlessly pursue petty grudges

Ok Ill ask to have you reinstated, fair enough? I asked to have your ban lifted.
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I am finishing up a course on important women of late antiquity and the middle ages.

The ones that made a real impression are these:

The Christian martyr Perpetua
The Celtic warrior queen Boudicca
Hypatia of Alexandria

Looks like an interesting course. I've read/heard about both Boudicca and Hypatia, but didn't recall Perpetua so I Googled her. Interesting times and much in line with Professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich's paper, later book "Well-behaved women seldom make history".
Famed quote
In a 1976 scholarly article about little-studied Puritan funeral services, Ulrich included the phrase "well-behaved women seldom make history."[9][10] The phrase was picked up and soon went viral, being widely quoted and printed across the country. It continues to be seen on greeting cards, T-shirts, mugs, plaques, and bumper stickers. She recounted how her now-famous quote has taken on a life of its own in an October 2007 interview: "It was a weird escape into popular culture. I got constant e-mails about it, and I thought it was humorous. Then I started looking at where it was coming from. Once I turned up as a character in a novel—and a tennis star from India wore the T-shirt at Wimbledon. It seemed like a teaching moment—and so I wrote a book using the title."[11] Well-Behaved Women examines the ways in which women shaped history, citing examples from the lives of Rosa Parks, Christine de Pizan, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, and Virginia Woolf.
Looks like an interesting course. I've read/heard about both Boudicca and Hypatia, but didn't recall Perpetua so I Googled her. Interesting times and much in line with Professor Laurel Thatcher Ulrich's paper, later book "Well-behaved women seldom make history".
Famed quote
In a 1976 scholarly article about little-studied Puritan funeral services, Ulrich included the phrase "well-behaved women seldom make history."[9][10] The phrase was picked up and soon went viral, being widely quoted and printed across the country. It continues to be seen on greeting cards, T-shirts, mugs, plaques, and bumper stickers. She recounted how her now-famous quote has taken on a life of its own in an October 2007 interview: "It was a weird escape into popular culture. I got constant e-mails about it, and I thought it was humorous. Then I started looking at where it was coming from. Once I turned up as a character in a novel—and a tennis star from India wore the T-shirt at Wimbledon. It seemed like a teaching moment—and so I wrote a book using the title."[11] Well-Behaved Women examines the ways in which women shaped history, citing examples from the lives of Rosa Parks, Christine de Pizan, Elizabeth Cady Stanton, Harriet Tubman, and Virginia Woolf.


As to Perpetua, it takes a remarkable amount of courage to accept death rather than renounce one's faith, and it is striking because her memoirs are one of the only surving texts from antiquity written by a female.
Only three RWers on that ban list. Hmm.

I wonder what happened to Nordberg? Haven't seen him post for a long time.

It's Eagle-Eye's option to ban whomever he likes regardless of how lame the reasoning. I simply pointed out the hypocrisy of saying "Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated" then only banning those with whom he disagrees and not those who constantly flame and attack others.

This is a thread for folks to sit around the old county store with the pot bellied stove in the middle and shoot the breeze in a friendly manner. Any subject is permissible but no flame wars will be tolerated. I will only warn once and it's retro ban. I have already banned those I feel will not play by the rules. We have enough battling in the other threads.
Passing this along to my youngest. They go to FL every June with the in-laws; it looks like this year might have to be postponed or canceled.

One of my step-grandkids was to be married in June. That's going to be put off. Not sure if they'll just do the wedding and have the reception later or not.
I think this will be all but over by June.
Very unlikely. Trump is obviously worried about the economy vis-à-vis the election, but if he pushes everyone to go back to work, the nation could see a huge spike in deaths by November. This won't be over until a cure and/or a vaccine is developed.

It appears a recent chloroquine study was halted after concerns of a fatality. FWIW, I think the drug has strong potential, but more testing needs to be done before wide distribution.
A small study in Brazil was halted early for safety reasons after coronavirus patients taking a higher dose of chloroquine developed irregular heart rates that increased their risk of a potentially fatal heart arrhythmia.
Hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine as treatments for covid-19 are not yet backed by reliable scientific evidence. In a pandemic, it’s important for everyone to follow the lead of scientists. Rumors on the Internet are the least reliable source of information. And politicians are not qualified to provide scientific advice, despite even the best intentions.

In particular, Trump’s incorrect comments on the drugs and his role in advocating for their use, based on minimal and flimsy evidence, sets a bad example. His advocacy for this unproven treatment provides potentially false hope and has led to shortages for people who rely on the drugs. The president earns Four Pinocchios.

As to Perpetua, it takes a remarkable amount of courage to accept death rather than renounce one's faith, and it is striking because her memoirs are one of the only surving texts from antiquity written by a female.

Which brings up a thought I had earlier when you first brought this up: Why are western women put into second class status? I think Christianity had something to do with it, at least parts of it. Pope Gregory the Great turned Mary Magdalene into a whore. The Bible even puts women second to men, specifically 1 Corinthians 11:3:

3 But I want you to understand that Christ is the ahead of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

Genesis kicks it off by having God create man first and woman from man even though biology proves females came first. In fact, we all start out as females until about six weeks when, if a Y chromosome exists, the ovaries turn into testes and start dropping, the clitoris turns into a penis and the vagina closes up. All males are modified females. Same with bees, ants and all other mammals.
Which brings up a thought I had earlier when you first brought this up: Why are western women put into second class status? I think Christianity had something to do with it, at least parts of it. Pope Gregory the Great turned Mary Magdalene into a whore. The Bible even puts women second to men, specifically 1 Corinthians 11:3:

3 But I want you to understand that Christ is the ahead of every man, and the man is the head of a woman, and God is the head of Christ.

Genesis kicks it off by having God create man first and woman from man even though biology proves females came first. In fact, we all start out as females until about six weeks when, if a Y chromosome exists, the ovaries turn into testes and start dropping, the clitoris turns into a penis and the vagina closes up. All males are modified females. Same with bees, ants and all other mammals.

I do not think one can separate religion from culture. All cultures of antiquity treated women as second class at best, domestic slaves at worst. The culture of antiquity obviously permeates Christianity...

However, I believe most scholars will maintain that Christianity and Islam were modest, if nominal, improvements in the status of women over the pagan traditions of Rome and Arabia. Christianity has important female Saints and martyrs. Pagan Rome and Arabia almost never gave any status or influence to women.

The most important human in the Eastern Orthodox tradition is Mary Mother of God. When the Ottoman Turks were at the walls of Constantinople, the residents brought Icons of Mary to the walls for protection
Btw Owl I'm a conservative so it's only natural I would limit those I disagree with as opposed to those I do agree with. Just food for thought. Life isn't fair or even.
I do not think one can separate religion from culture. All cultures of antiquity treated women as second class at best, domestic slaves at worst. The culture of antiquity obviously permeates Christianity...

However, I believe most scholars will maintain that Christianity and Islam were modest, if nominal, improvements in the status of women over the pagan traditions of Rome and Arabia. Christianity has important female Saints and martyrs. Pagan Rome and Arabia almost never gave any status or influence to women.

The most important human in the Eastern Orthodox tradition is Mary Mother of God. When the Ottoman Turks were at the walls of Constantinople, the residents brought Icons of Mary to the walls for protection

What about Boudicca, Queen of the Celts? The Amazonians? While I agree most western civilizations were patriarchal, not all were. As the link below notes, it's not just western civilizations either.

In some ways, it's as if the drones took over the hive. :)
Btw Owl I'm a conservative so it's only natural I would limit those I disagree with as opposed to those I do agree with. Just food for thought. Life isn't fair or even.

True life isn't fair or even, but some people are more fair and even than others. Some just whine and back-stab others because they are weak, lame and cowardly. Sad for them. :)

Case in point:
What we are seeing is the beginnings of the EEDS. Some poor souls are obsessing over my actions.:laugh::laugh::laugh::laugh:
Btw Owl I'm a conservative so it's only natural I would limit those I disagree with as opposed to those I do agree with. Just food for thought. Life isn't fair or even.

Translation: I'm a bigoted coward who only likes to see what I agree with and hide from anyone with whom I disagree.

I think most people understand this about you. FWIW, as this thread proves, you are free to have your little secret boys club thread. That doesn't stop others from openly confronting you with dissenting facts, starting their own threads or calling you out for being lame.

Have a really nice day! :thup:
True life isn't fair or even, but some people are more fair and even than others. Some just whine and back-stab others because they are weak, lame and cowardly. Sad for them. :)

Case in point:

Why do you insist on projecting your failings on others? We can continue to play NIGYYSOB or you can get into a real discussion of the issues that doesn't involve blaming Trump for everything. I realize you are at a disadvantage without Owl backing you up. But do you have the balls to go one on one?