The no trolling, personal attacks, or political bluster, discussion.

I say you started things, and need to simmer down. If it continues, I will deal with them doing it, but don't come here, and start something, and then expect me to punish people just for reacting. I go by who starts things, and by who continues things after I say something. If you think me mentioning you are free to join, despite our bickering, is an attack on you, you might want to quit. I was explaining why people are aloud to post here. Come here, and converse in a friendly manner, shouldn't be asking the world of people. Especially if heated topics are out.

I STARTED things? Really?

Who mentioned me first?

Who called me stupid first?

Did I even reply with an insult?



And your leader came in guns blazing calling me stupid and buttyurt and she gets a complete pass.

You have shown yourself.
I STARTED things? Really?

Who mentioned me first?

Who called me stupid first?

Did I even reply with an insult?



And your leader came in guns blazing calling me stupid and buttyurt and she gets a complete pass.

You have shown yourself.

You were called stupid by Owl, for your mean spirited reaction to me, saying you're free to post here, even though we don't get along. You called it trolling, and had a weird fit over nothing. I told Owl not to come to my defense like that, in my attention posts, and she has stayed away while I get things settled here. If you can't get over yourself, and just discuss on the same friendly level, with the others, then this is Recipe discussion all over again. Talk about anything, you enjoy. Even if it's sharks, White Castle, or even weed. Then you can tell me someone did something out of line, without starting something. I will deal with it, and keep the bickering off the discussion.
This one time at summer camp, when I was a young buck, a girl two years older than me like me. I thought I was some dare or something, so every time I talked with or saw her I was nervous as city dweller hiking in the woods. Camp ended and we both ended up at the main station and she invited me into the picture booth.

I thought, yeah, going to get my picture takin with a hot blonde two years older than me.

Then she kissed me on the lips. I nearly passed out. It tasted strawberry, I'll never forget.

And then she never answered my calls or anything, ever.

I was ghosted before ghosting became a thing.

You were called stupid by Owl, for your mean spirited reaction to me, saying you're free to post here, even though we don't get along. You called it trolling, and had a weird fit over nothing. I told Owl not to come to my defense like that, in my attention posts, and she has stayed away while I get things settled here. If you can't get over yourself, and just discuss on the same friendly level, with the others, then this is Recipe discussion all over again. Talk about anything, you enjoy. Even if it's sharks, White Castle, or even weed. Then you can tell me someone did something out of line, without starting something. I will deal with it, and keep the bickering off the discussion.

Mean? Seriously?

I had not even posted in your thread. YOU BROUGHT ME UP. YOU.

I guess calling me stupid and buttyurt is not mean at all. Glad we have those grounds established for this thread.

I will hold to you those rules or else. How do you like them apples?
Since this an open thread, within Jade's rules:

Why do you feel the need to talk with Owl in private (FB) and berate any others on this board, whiling giving Owl special treatment?
Mean? Seriously?

I had not even posted in your thread. YOU BROUGHT ME UP. YOU.

I guess calling me stupid and buttyurt is not mean at all. Glad we have those grounds established for this thread.

I will hold to you those rules or else. How do you like them apples?

I didn't call you anything, that was Owl. I just mentioned I left you off the ban list, so Jack should understand if USfreedom gets a chance. How does that get you so angry? I'll have to remember that giving you a chance, despite indifference, is an insult to you.
I didn't call you anything, that was Owl. I just mentioned I left you off the ban list, so Jack should understand if USfreedom gets a chance. How does that get you so angry? I'll have to remember that giving you a chance, despite indifference, is an insult to you.

So angry. You ruined your thread. I would say more, but I don't want to give you an excuse.
I wonder what instructions Owl is giving Jade, if any.

Start that shit, and you'll be gone in no time. I said after tomorrow morning, those causing issue will be gone. I'll check around lunch. I'm signing off now, so anything an hour after this will count.
Start that shit, and you'll be gone in no time. I said after tomorrow morning, those causing issue will be gone. I'll check around lunch. I'm signing off now, so anything an hour after this will count.

What shit? You said you FB'd her about this.

And now you're threatening me?

I tried to be peaceful in this thread.

Do you your post to me was like being a bully?

"Start that shit"

(I've heard that since I was in Jr high and it was a taunt to FIGHT)

And then

"you'll be gone tomorrow"

That is another threat.

Except your threat is some internet site where you think you are Don, the mafia boss.

Your threats, even if silly online threats that I don't in IRL take seriously, show your real nature. Use the message board to threaten those who show you your errors.

Do what you will Jade. But know this, unlike you and your friend, I a abided by your rules. You and your (especially your friend insulting me) made excuses and blamed everyone but you.

Jade insulted, against her rules

Her leader Owl insulted more than once... Got a free pass

Jade then threatens me with the tough guy approach :

Start that shit

Yet she mentioned me in this thread

And if I don't do something....

I'll be gone on no time


I feel like this is an early 90 movies
