The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

If you do move to Alabamer, Mott, you should attend all of the Tigers/Tide games and cheer on Auburn. :cool:
My first cousin is an Auborn grad. He got his MS in information technology there. When I was looking for a good program for my masters he tried to talk me into Auborn. I went to Findlay instead.
My first cousin is an Auborn grad. He got his MS in information technology there. When I was looking for a good program for my masters he tried to talk me into Auborn. I went to Findlay instead.

If you prefer aubarn over UA, keep rooting for Ohio State.

B'ham has some excellent things going for it, and in the immediate area. There are a couple of good micro breweries in the area.
Dixie lives in Montgomery. Personally, I think that is one of the worst places in the state.

I think I commented on your interview in B'ham. If you relocate, we'll have to get together for a brew.

Oh btw, I no longer live in Montgomery. I work for a company in Montgomery, but I currently live in Shelby County, and my friends/family are all around the B'ham area. The 'Ham is MY town, it's where I was born.

But yes... I think you two fagots would make a nice couple, and you should definitely get together. I hear downstairs at the 22nd St. Jazz Club is a place you might enjoy!
Oh btw, I no longer live in Montgomery. I work for a company in Montgomery, but I currently live in Shelby County, and my friends/family are all around the B'ham area. The 'Ham is MY town, it's where I was born.

But yes... I think you two fagots would make a nice couple, and you should definitely get together. I hear downstairs at the 22nd St. Jazz Club is a place you might enjoy!

Oh my, Dixie is trying to insult us, Mott! Should we feel crushed? lmao

Mott, if we can get together for dinner, I need to take you to the Highland Grill. The chef there is amazing.
Oh btw, I no longer live in Montgomery. I work for a company in Montgomery, but I currently live in Shelby County, and my friends/family are all around the B'ham area. The 'Ham is MY town, it's where I was born.

But yes... I think you two fagots would make a nice couple, and you should definitely get together. I hear downstairs at the 22nd St. Jazz Club is a place you might enjoy!
Oh don't feel left out honey. I'd love to have a beer with you too Dixie! ;)
Oh my, Dixie is trying to insult us, Mott! Should we feel crushed? lmao

Mott, if we can get together for dinner, I need to take you to the Highland Grill. The chef there is amazing.
Oh I'm definately a foodie! :)

But I shouldn't count my aardvarks just yet. I haven't even landed the interviews yet though the prospects are looking good. I'd have to go through that process, get an offer, decide if the job and the offer are worth relocating for, etc, etc, I'm in no hurry to leave Columbus town. I like it here. :)

But both of these companies are pretty prestigious. There two of the biggest auto manufacturers in Bama so you can probably guess who they are.
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Oh I'm definately a foodie! :)

But I shouldn't count my aardvarks just yet. I haven't even landed the interviews yet though the prospects are looking good. I'd have to go through that process, get an offer, decide if the job and the offer are worth relocating for, etc, etc, I'm in no hurry to leave Columbus town. I like it here. :)

But both of these companies are pretty prestigious. There two of the biggest auto manufacturers in Bama so you can probably guess who they are.

Well thats not difficult to figure out. I wish you the best of luck.
bravo did better than i expected in that debate...i'm not sure how the judges are picking winners though, can we see the official tally sheet to see how you decide the winners? you know, like those sheets at food contests
bravo did better than i expected in that debate...i'm not sure how the judges are picking winners though, can we see the official tally sheet to see how you decide the winners? you know, like those sheets at food contests

In my opinion, WB won by default. He happened to get the logical "correct" side of the stupid debate topic. Rap Music is not torture.... plain and simple.... it's just not! Just as the Sun is not Evil! It would have been more appropriate to argue; Does allowing loud music to be used in interrogation, constitute torture? As the question was framed, there was no argumentative point to be made. Rap Music is a form of art, and torture is a technique used to inflict discomfort or pain. Could Rap Music be USED to inflict torture? We don't know, that wasn't the question asked!
In my opinion, WB won by default. He happened to get the logical "correct" side of the stupid debate topic. Rap Music is not torture.... plain and simple.... it's just not! Just as the Sun is not Evil! It would have been more appropriate to argue; Does allowing loud music to be used in interrogation, constitute torture? As the question was framed, there was no argumentative point to be made. Rap Music is a form of art, and torture is a technique used to inflict discomfort or pain. Could Rap Music be USED to inflict torture? We don't know, that wasn't the question asked!

You should have taken a debate class back in high school. Hell, between the two serious debates that I did, I got more points on the one that I lost than on the one that I won, because I did a better job but had different opponents, as well.
In my opinion, WB won by default. He happened to get the logical "correct" side of the stupid debate topic. Rap Music is not torture.... plain and simple.... it's just not! Just as the Sun is not Evil! It would have been more appropriate to argue; Does allowing loud music to be used in interrogation, constitute torture? As the question was framed, there was no argumentative point to be made. Rap Music is a form of art, and torture is a technique used to inflict discomfort or pain. Could Rap Music be USED to inflict torture? We don't know, that wasn't the question asked!'ve never taken debate class or entered into a debate contest....

there is no "default" or "correct" position

dixie fail've never taken debate class or entered into a debate contest....

there is no "default" or "correct" position

dixie fail

No, but a proposition in debate should be able to be fairly argued from both positions with arguments stated in the positive.
No, but a proposition in debate should be able to be fairly argued from both positions with arguments stated in the positive.

ok.....but a true debate consists of a real debate, EDIT "not"....this "idea" or "side" vs. this "idea" or "side"

the ideology is not what wins the is the debate tactics, style, persuasiveness and logic....
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You should have taken a debate class back in high school. Hell, between the two serious debates that I did, I got more points on the one that I lost than on the one that I won, because I did a better job but had different opponents, as well.'ve never taken debate class or entered into a debate contest....

there is no "default" or "correct" position

dixie fail

ok.....but a true debate consists of a real debate, EDIT "not"....this "idea" or "side" vs. this "idea" or "side"

the ideology is not what wins the is the debate tactics, style, persuasiveness and logic....

I've been on debate teams before, and actually competed in debates, and I have never seen questions like the ones we're getting here. The framing of the questions is the main complaint I have, in only one instance, has the question been appropriate for a debate. In the other two, the question has one conclusion which is accurate and one which is not. There is no way to argue against logic, no matter how good you are at debate. "Is Abortion Legal" would be a good example of a poor debate topic, because, abortion IS in fact, legal... there is no debatable point to the contrary. "Should Abortion be Legal?" Completely different question, with two legitimate arguments!
I've been on debate teams before, and actually competed in debates, and I have never seen questions like the ones we're getting here. The framing of the questions is the main complaint I have, in only one instance, has the question been appropriate for a debate. In the other two, the question has one conclusion which is accurate and one which is not. There is no way to argue against logic, no matter how good you are at debate. "Is Abortion Legal" would be a good example of a poor debate topic, because, abortion IS in fact, legal... there is no debatable point to the contrary. "Should Abortion be Legal?" Completely different question, with two legitimate arguments!

The counter to the abortion question would be to claim its unconstitutional, and therefore not legal, although currently permitted.
And, I'll add this... The ONE question that was appropriate for debate, was whether Native Americans were entitled to reparations. My personal viewpoint, is that Native Americans should NOT be entitled to reparations. I also would have picked Damo to win this stupid Championship going in, I think he is an excellent debater, and was shocked to see him get knocked out the first round by an alternate! The "side" that won the debate, was contrary to my personal position on the issue, and was in opposition to the person I thought would be the best debater! It had nothing to do with my personal feelings on the issue, it was about how both argumentative points were presented, and I thought it appropriately went to Nigel in that case.