The Official Debate Championship Shit Talking Thread!

It's constitutional, the Supreme Court ruled it so in Roe v. Wade. That's why it is legal. To argue otherwise is just a stupid pointless argument against common sense and logic. ...Of course, look who I am talking to here!

The argument would be a loser in a government built strictly upon common or civil law, but where there's constitutional law, all bets are off.

oh, 1/3 yeah, and look 1/3 who I am talking 1/3 to here!
The argument would be a loser in a government built strictly upon common or civil law, but where there's constitutional law, all bets are off.

oh, 1/3 yeah, and look 1/3 who I am talking 1/3 to here!

And if you can divide 1 by 3 and give me three distinctly equal values which can be added to produce 1, then you will have proven that 1 can be divided evenly by 3. Otherwise, there is a remainder, as I have often maintained. Look, there have been over 5,000 posts on this subject, and the logical mathematical fact still exists, 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder, it just can't be done... so you can throw up another 5,000 or 10,000 posts about it if you like, it still won't change the facts.

Regardless of what kind of law, the question of whether or not abortion is legal, has been answered. By the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade. You may not like their answer, you may not agree with it, and you might think it violates the constitution, but the fact is, abortion IS LEGAL in the US.
And if you can divide 1 by 3 and give me three distinctly equal values which can be added to produce 1, then you will have proven that 1 can be divided evenly by 3. Otherwise, there is a remainder, as I have often maintained. Look, there have been over 5,000 posts on this subject, and the logical mathematical fact still exists, 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder, it just can't be done... so you can throw up another 5,000 or 10,000 posts about it if you like, it still won't change the facts.

Regardless of what kind of law, the question of whether or not abortion is legal, has been answered. By the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade. You may not like their answer, you may not agree with it, and you might think it violates the constitution, but the fact is, abortion IS LEGAL in the US.

And, in a debate, if I can make a strong case that it is unconstitutional.................... I WIN!!! I FUCKING WIN!!!!

1/3 is a real number, btw.

If I take a pumpkin pie, I can cut it into 3 equal slices...
And, in a debate, if I can make a strong case that it is unconstitutional.................... I WIN!!! I FUCKING WIN!!!!

Not if the question was "Is Abortion Legal?" Because even if you could make an argument that it's not constitutional (which you can't), you still haven't successfully argued abortion is not legal, because abortion IS legal.

1/3 is a real number, btw.

If I take a pumpkin pie, I can cut it into 3 equal slices...

I didn't say you couldn't divide things by 3. What is the matter with you brain-dead fuckers who keep presuming that is what I have said?

1/3 is called a "fractional representation of value" and is NOT a number. Sorry!
Not if the question was "Is Abortion Legal?" Because even if you could make an argument that it's not constitutional (which you can't), you still haven't successfully argued abortion is not legal, because abortion IS legal.

I didn't say you couldn't divide things by 3. What is the matter with you brain-dead fuckers who keep presuming that is what I have said?

1/3 is called a "fractional representation of value" and is NOT a number. Sorry!

According to American Jurisprudence, anything that is unconstiutional is automatically not lawful. Again, you're missing the point. This would be a winnable route in one of these debates.

1/3 is a number. I think we should open this one back up. Who else think's Dixie fails at math?!!? :cof1:
bravo did better than i expected in that debate...i'm not sure how the judges are picking winners though, can we see the official tally sheet to see how you decide the winners? you know, like those sheets at food contests

Through careful thorough analysis :p

I was thinking of releasing most of the data at the end of the competition so everyone can see what we were saying etc. I released the count for the first debate but now I am not sure I'm comfortable with it... especially if someone gets hammered one way or the other. I don't know it's up to you guys
According to American Jurisprudence, anything that is unconstiutional is automatically not lawful. Again, you're missing the point. This would be a winnable route in one of these debates.

But it has been found constitutional by the body which decides constitutionality, therefore, it is, by definition, constitutional. This is why it is legal. The point you are missing, is the argument abortion is not legal, is untenable and illogical, because abortion IS legal. There is no winnable rout to an argument against logic, it's an absurdity to claim there might be. Perhaps this is what makes you such a profound idiot?

1/3 is a number. I think we should open this one back up. Who else think's Dixie fails at math?!!? :cof1:

And you can say it in another 5,000 posts, it doesn't make it a fact. 1/3 is not a number, it is a fractional representation of value, a division problem. Again, you had rather show what an ignorant boob you are, than to use practical common sense. That says a LOT about who you are!
But it has been found constitutional by the body which decides constitutionality, therefore, it is, by definition, constitutional. This is why it is legal. The point you are missing, is the argument abortion is not legal, is untenable and illogical, because abortion IS legal. There is no winnable rout to an argument against logic, it's an absurdity to claim there might be. Perhaps this is what makes you such a profound idiot?

And you can say it in another 5,000 posts, it doesn't make it a fact. 1/3 is not a number, it is a fractional representation of value, a division problem. Again, you had rather show what an ignorant boob you are, than to use practical common sense. That says a LOT about who you are!

dixie base ten is not the only number system. this is what you feel to understand. base ten is arbitrary. It's not easy to fully represent 1/3rd in decimal notation but that's due to the base system you are using, not reality.
But it has been found constitutional by the body which decides constitutionality, therefore, it is, by definition, constitutional. This is why it is legal. The point you are missing, is the argument abortion is not legal, is untenable and illogical, because abortion IS legal. There is no winnable rout to an argument against logic, it's an absurdity to claim there might be. Perhaps this is what makes you such a profound idiot?

And you can say it in another 5,000 posts, it doesn't make it a fact. 1/3 is not a number, it is a fractional representation of value, a division problem. Again, you had rather show what an ignorant boob you are, than to use practical common sense. That says a LOT about who you are!

Dixie, if a future Court strikes down abortion, it will do so on the grounds that abortion is inherently illegal under the constitution and that Roe is unlawful. It will not rule that abortion is bad policy, as it is not a legislative body.

Also, 1/3 is a number, bring it on, biatch!!
dixie base ten is not the only number system. this is what you feel to understand. base ten is arbitrary. It's not easy to fully represent 1/3rd in decimal notation but that's due to the base system you are using, not reality.

OMFG.... here we go again! You guys just don't give up, do ya? You're like little neurotic poodle/pit bulls! :palm:
Dixie, if a future Court strikes down abortion, it will do so on the grounds that abortion is inherently illegal under the constitution and that Roe is unlawful. It will not rule that abortion is bad policy, as it is not a legislative body.

Uhm... IF and WHEN a future court struck down abortion and found it to be unconstitutional, the question of whether abortion was legal, would still be equally as stupid from the other perspective. Abortion would NOT be legal, in that case. The question I presented had nothing to do with the constitutionality of abortion, but the logic of whether it is or isn't legal. That is not in question, and can't be questioned logically, therefore, is a poor debate question. There is one answer, abortion IS LEGAL.

3d, if we are now just going through an exercise of typing just to see if we can antagonize a response from the other person, we're done with this. I have corn to plant in Farmville!
Uhm... IF and WHEN a future court struck down abortion and found it to be unconstitutional, the question of whether abortion was legal, would still be equally as stupid from the other perspective. Abortion would NOT be legal, in that case. The question I presented had nothing to do with the constitutionality of abortion, but the logic of whether it is or isn't legal. That is not in question, and can't be questioned logically, therefore, is a poor debate question. There is one answer, abortion IS LEGAL.

3d, if we are now just going through an exercise of typing just to see if we can antagonize a response from the other person, we're done with this. I have corn to plant in Farmville!

If its not constitutional, it is not now, at this very moment, legal. Period.

Anyway, seeing as how you do not understand the rudimentary aspects of debate (or 1/3), I wouldn't expect you to understand.
And, I'll add this... The ONE question that was appropriate for debate, was whether Native Americans were entitled to reparations. My personal viewpoint, is that Native Americans should NOT be entitled to reparations. I also would have picked Damo to win this stupid Championship going in, I think he is an excellent debater, and was shocked to see him get knocked out the first round by an alternate! The "side" that won the debate, was contrary to my personal position on the issue, and was in opposition to the person I thought would be the best debater! It had nothing to do with my personal feelings on the issue, it was about how both argumentative points were presented, and I thought it appropriately went to Nigel in that case.

You want to be taken seriously, then sign up as an alternative; because otherwise you're just appearing to be a huge whiner.
And if you can divide 1 by 3 and give me three distinctly equal values which can be added to produce 1, then you will have proven that 1 can be divided evenly by 3. Otherwise, there is a remainder, as I have often maintained. Look, there have been over 5,000 posts on this subject, and the logical mathematical fact still exists, 1 can't be divided by 3 without producing a remainder, it just can't be done... so you can throw up another 5,000 or 10,000 posts about it if you like, it still won't change the facts.

Regardless of what kind of law, the question of whether or not abortion is legal, has been answered. By the Supreme Court in Roe v. Wade. You may not like their answer, you may not agree with it, and you might think it violates the constitution, but the fact is, abortion IS LEGAL in the US.

1 foot divided by 3 equals 4 inches
1 yard divided by 3 equals 1 foot