The Overton Window is open

amazing isn't...these particular liberals are just so smart they can read only a portion of 14 pages and claim they know what the entire book is about and can thus spout their opinions....they probably got through school by only reading cliff notes, no wonder they aren't bright...and have to rely on others to tell them what to think

zappygetard and legion troll are all hate and no cattle

Awwwww look. PeePants is still wetting himself because he had to admit he lied.

Hey to show everyone where I said I "know what the entire book is about" as you've claimed??

Care to post a link PeePants? Or was that just another PeePants lie?
Awwwww look. PeePants is still wetting himself because he had to admit he lied.

Hey to show everyone where I said I "know what the entire book is about" as you've claimed??

Care to post a link PeePants? Or was that just another PeePants lie? old are you?
Can't link to the quote where I said I knew what the entire book is about, eh PeePants?

Thanks for admitting to everyone that you're just another partisan hack out to spread lies and distortion.

oh, so you're 86, going senile and wear depends.... really didn't need to know about your private life
oh, so you're 86, going senile and wear depends.... really didn't need to know about your private life

Well actually since the surgery he's been incontinent, so it's entirely appropriate to call him: "Do-do Drawers".

He'd wear Depends, but they don't make them that large, so he switched to sweats pants.
Perhaps you missed the portion of my post where I stated I had read PORTIONS of the book.

Maybe you hadn't realized yet, but one need not read every single word of a book to form an opinion of it.

Isn't that the truth. The gag-worthy purple prose of the portions online tells me not to waste any time or money on the book itself.
Isn't that the truth. The gag-worthy purple prose of the portions online tells me not to waste any time or money on the book itself.

So true so true!

And yet it is the very same Tightie Rightie whiners who pissed and moaned about all that was wrong with the Obama Health Care Bill, DESPITE THE FACT NOT A ONE OF THEM read the Bill in it's entirety, yet these two-faced crybabies now demand I do just that before I am allowed to offer an opinion on Beck's book.

Black & white, cut n' dried Rightie hypocricy
So true so true!

And yet it is the very same Tightie Rightie whiners who pissed and moaned about all that was wrong with the Obama Health Care Bill, DESPITE THE FACT NOT A ONE OF THEM read the Bill in it's entirety, yet these two-faced crybabies now demand I do just that before I am allowed to offer an opinion on Beck's book.

Black & white, cut n' dried Rightie hypocricy

This is funny, since Obama lied and didn't post the bill online before it was voted on, and Pelosi herself told us that they had to pass it before anyone would know what was in it.
This is funny, since Obama lied and didn't post the bill online before it was voted on, and Pelosi herself told us that they had to pass it before anyone would know what was in it.

What's even funnier is that you haven't read it in it's entirety, yet you make observations regarding it's contents and have opinions on it just the same.

So, to summarize for ol' Two-Face/'s okay for HIM to not have read something cover to cover, yet still hold an opinion.

But I'm not allowed the same courtesy...
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The Overton Window is actually a real political concept that most people, it's used every day and most people don't even know what it is. I mean, it's amazing that people don't know what the Overton Window is because we use it instinctively.

Goebbels was a guy who understood the Overton Window.

So understanding it this way, what Obama has done with healthcare is a violation of the Overton Window, right? But we have 60% of the people saying no. We have the rest of the world moving in the other direction. It seems like it's a violation.

I know how this story ends because I know who Americans are at their heart. At their heart they are not big government people. They are not, that's why they have to change our baseball games. Because they've got to train, you know. They have to change our history because if you know history, they're toast.

If you haven't trained your kids to accept the participation trophy and don't keep score at games, they are toast. I know who Americans are at heart and that's why they will fail.

It's just a matter of time. You watch the news? It doesn't match reality.

I know how these dirtbags think and I've read their words for so long here in the last few years, so much of them, and it was just, one of the characters in this, just evil. Just evil.
What's even funnier is that you haven't read it in it's entirety, yet you make observations regarding it's contents and have opinions on it just the same.

So, to summarize for ol' Two-Face/'s okay for HIM to not have read something cover to cover, yet still hold an opinion.

But I'm not allowed the same courtesy...

What's even funnier is that you haven't read it in it's entirety, yet you make observations regarding it's contents and have opinions on it just the same.

So, to summarize for ol' Two-Face/'s okay for HIM to not have read something cover to cover, yet still hold an opinion.

But I'm not allowed the same courtesy...

You're trying to equate a published book with a 2400 page legal document. Fail.
It's a novel, predicted by the author that some people would take too seriously. Kind of like that "The Coming Global Superstorm" by Art Bell.
Yeah. Guess selling those writing services is looking a little lean in this economy. There are just so many ways you can say:

I'm busted flat broke.

Is it any wonder things are so lean? Have you read how that service is advertised...shrill with a large dose of smarmy arrogance about covers it.