start a thread that gets 300+ responses (werewolf doesn't count)
- change your name and have at least 1 person be confused with regards to your real identity.
are you armed? if not, would you like to be?
Your post in a members only section has been reported to Damocles.
Corrupt right wingers just cannot play by the rules and should be banned.
If FN stays as a Mod I am leaving. Maybe some others too.
If you cannot trust the moderators....
The armed peasants of the Socialist Trinity will make the rightists wish they had abolished the second amendment while they had the chance.
Thsi group was private for invitees only. Not even to be seen by the non invited and yet a mod posted in it and told others...
I will be ending the group and likely my association with this board.
Is the 2nd one Malcom X?
Yep, Malcolm X being awesome.
Implying he could ever be anything but.
Also, yes I know what gun he has.
M1 Carbine?