The United Kingdom Explained



An impression of Low

You are not very good at impressions. I like the Welsh.
Part of my education was in the valleys of Glamorgan, part of my working life was spent in the rather nice town of Abertawe. We used to hike and picnic in Snowdonia and roem the extensive beaches of Anglesey. One of my favourite writers is Dylan Thomas one of my favourite politicians was Nye Bevan.
I live for a couple of years with a Welsh speaking family and learned almost no Welsh! but tried!
So perhaps you could show us some more of your impressions. I'm sure, like most yanks, you do a good one of Homer Simpson.
The next thing up from a duchy is not a duchy??? Wow. Nothing gets past you, does it?
A duchy has a duke (I spelled it 'dook' so you could understand.
A 'shire' has a 'sherriff'
a county has a 'count'. Well, that's where the words originate but I doubt there was ever a time when all areas had their repective chiefs.
Watsher loike, beuy? a'Roit? 'ope you gess all that, my hansome. 'F youms lookin fran arggymen oi shan't givee one.

Very old, very corny story:
A Cornish man got a new job. His employer told him to take a wagon load of wood to London. About an hour later he asked directions. 'Zis Lunnon?', 'Naw, thisn Plymouth. Lunnon zup yonder.' Later he asked again, 'ere, zis Lunnon?' and again, 'Naw, this uz Exeter, m'dear.' He drove on. At Swindon he rolled down his window and called, 'ere maid, zis Lunnon?' She said, 'No, keep droivin for about another two hours.'
Eventually Jack found himself on the Thames embankment and called to a bowler hatted gent, 'Scuse oi, mister. Zis Lunnon?' 'Yes it is actually,' said the gent. 'This is the embankment and this is the River Thames.'
'Where dooee want this ere wood?'

That must mean that a Hamlet has a "ham"; which it easier to understand where you came from. :D
Are you fucking serious? We have the problem?

We?? You are more than one? But yes I am f*cking serious. You appear to have a problem. You are inventing arguments where none need to exist. I will ask you again. What is your problem? What is it that I have said that causes you to act like an absolute twat?
That must mean that a Hamlet has a "ham"; which it easier to understand where you came from. :D

I thought you would poke your little dicklet in. No, a hamlet does not have a ham. Counts, sherriffs, dukes were appointed by the crown for good deeds done. It is unlikely that the crown would appoint someone to look after a hamlet. It would be a very small army that could be raised, don't you think?
I am, perhaps foolishly, assuming you know what a hamlet is.
I thought you would poke your little dicklet in. No, a hamlet does not have a ham. Counts, sherriffs, dukes were appointed by the crown for good deeds done. It is unlikely that the crown would appoint someone to look after a hamlet. It would be a very small army that could be raised, don't you think?
I am, perhaps foolishly, assuming you know what a hamlet is.

For someone who is always talking about "taking the piss" out of someone; you sure get your knickers in a knot, when the tables are turned. :palm:

That was the sound you heard when the entire thing went over your head. :D
The UK really hasn't been doing particularly bad on it's own. However, the main island is relatively prosperous and all, but probably half or more of their power laid in the empire. After WWII, it quickly became clear that the imperial model just wouldn't work anymore. And even though the UK and the US have always had relatively similar GDP's per capita, the UK doesn't have the high levels of immigration (or places to fit immigrants) that the US has. The isles and the empire after WWII collectively roughly equalled US power. After the empire was shorn off, the isles were maybe 1/2 to a 1/3 as powerful as the US alone. With population growth since then, they're about 1/5 as powerful as the US now.

Really, it's difficult to imagine them doing much better than they are now, given the circumstances. If they had tried to cling on to their empire, it would've been a catastrophe. They would've been locked up in catastrophic wars and probably would've lost it anyway. And they simply don't have the room for the 100 million immigrants or so it would take to get back to the relative position they had to the US without their empire. The thing about the US is it's one of the least population dense countries in the world, it's gigantic, and it also has some of the most and best farmland in the world. None of that is true about the UK.
They gave up the idea of freedom it seems.

I suppose "the idea of freedom" consists of going to weaker countries and enslaving their people? Because, again, that was the basis of their power. If anything, they've gained per capita income since the 40's in th eisles themselves (or at least before this depression and their governments shitty austerity program).
I suppose "the idea of freedom" consists of going to weaker countries and enslaving their people? Because, again, that was the basis of their power. If anything, they've gained per capita income since the 40's in th eisles themselves (or at least before this depression and their governments shitty austerity program).

I was referring more to the constant camera monitering and unwarranted internet history collections and what not. Ya know, the lost of freedom.
You are not alone there, I doubt that very many have. Just one thing, I belive it is Akrotiri.
That last one was the title of a Tom Jones song......... wasn't it? and Akrotiri appeared frequently in Forces Favourites.
SOPA didn't pass, and yeah, the NSA is pretty shitty, but then again they don't monitor us to the degree that (so I've heard at least) your government does. And from what I've heard/seen, we're a tad more pissed about it.

The last Labour government was incredibly anal about stuff like that, although the Coalition has of late started talking about monitoring shit everywhere as well. The thing is though none of this stuff is very new, they have been able to monitor phone calls for a long time. What is different is that the technology is much more powerful now. If anyone wants to send stuff on the net and maintain secrecy though then I'm sure they have a copy of PGP. I wonder what happened to Key Escrow? It was all over the news some time ago but has gone quiet lately.

I give you an example of just how anal New Labour had become, before the election they wanted to have an online register of everyone who came into contact with children, this amounted to an estimated 11 million people. They even wanted to include people who took their children to school along with the neighbour's kids.
The last Labour government was incredibly anal about stuff like that, although the Coalition has of late started talking about monitoring shit everywhere as well. The thing is though none of this stuff is very new, they have been able to monitor phone calls for a long time. What is different is that the technology is much more powerful now. If anyone wants to send stuff on the net and maintain secrecy though then I'm sure they have a copy of PGP. I wonder what happened to Key Escrow? It was all over the news some time ago but has gone quiet lately.

I give you an example of just how anal New Labour had become, before the election they wanted to have an online register of everyone who came into contact with children, this amounted to an estimated 11 million people. They even wanted to include people who took their children to school along with the neighbour's kids.

Yeah, we don't have any of that here. And it's still too much for most of us. Of course, it's also too much work for most of us, because proles will prole.
Yeah, we don't have any of that here. And it's still too much for most of us. Of course, it's also too much work for most of us, because proles will prole.

Key Escrow was an idea in the Clinton era, Al Gore was hot on the idea. I'm sure that it will be resurrected sooner or later. I would just remind you that you have the Patriot Act, which even New Labour baulked at!!