But Francis; there are those that would say your "knowing" that you HAVE to finish this, borders on a mental disease.
The "mental disease" is all yours, USF.
Did you know that, Francis?
I know it is all yours. Yes.
But Francis; there are those that would say your "knowing" that you HAVE to finish this, borders on a mental disease.
Did you know that, Francis?
My apology holds. When I made it, I explained that I was not going to let up.
Not sure why you start these stupid things and expect a different outcome. But you know what Albert Einstein said about that.
My name is not Francis...and I do not do "believing."
The "mental disease" is all yours, USF.
I know it is all yours. Yes.
But Francis - If you continue, then your apology is worthless; because you didn't really believe in it.
I do love how you chose to insert Einstein's comment, right after I made a similar connection.![]()
Then that means, Francis, that you can't do "knowing".![]()
Is that what you believe, Francis; because to "know" would require more knowledge and information.
Here's a picture of me with Albert. We met at Madame Tussaud's in New York City.
I was explaining that on the Internet, we sometimes get people like you who do the same crap over and over again...expecting a different result.
He laughed...as I am laughing.
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Maybe he believed he as laughing at you, Francis, and you just didn't KNOW it.![]()
My name is not Francis...and I do plenty of knowing.
My name is not Francis.
I do not do "believing."
I've got plenty of knowledge and information to work with.
My name is not Francis.
I know I was doing no "believing."
I said the people identified as "tories" were the conservatives of Revolutionary times.
I was correct when I said that.
The tories...the conservatives of that day...were the ones claiming we owed fealty to our liege Lord, George III. THE CONSERVATIVES were on the WRONG SIDE OF HISTORY.
Same thing with the CONSERVATIVES of Civil War America. The CONSERVATIVES were the ones arguing that each state should decide if slaves could be held. THE CONSERVATIVES, as usual, were on the wrong side of history.
Thanks for giving me the opportunity to mention that again.
Thanking you in advance for not being smart enough to bail out of this while you are only slightly behind.
But you don't know what to believe, Francis.![]()
So you believe, Francis; so you believe.![]()
Which would mean that you don't know, Francis.
And to further my point, the Tories suddenly became liberals after the Revolution was won. They wanted radical change, back to British rule. And the Madison conservatives wanted to keep their victory and establish a new, limited, government. Therefore using your logic, the conservatives were on the right side of history and the liberals were on the wrong side.
Venturing back into rationality if I may, the fact is that staunch conservatives of the modern era see Madison as their hero. We all want limited federal government, and see the Constitution as the instrument that restricts that government, not restricting freedoms of the individual.
As a modern day liberal, who is your Revolutionary hero?
Try has hard as you want...the Tories...the original American conservatives...WERE on the wrong side of history...and have been ever since. You guys certainly are on the wrong side of history right now.
I am not a liberal. I'll leave the "hero worship" to you American conservatives. You are great at it.
But you don't know what to believe, Francis.![]()
My name is not Francis.
I don't do "believing."
I know what I know...I guess at what I guess at.