Their name is Legion

I find that in United States, anti-christian zealots simply assume that a scripturally-based, biblical literalist style of Christianity somehow represents world Christianity at large.

That is undoubtedly a bias which results from the fact this is not only a Protestant majority county, but our strain of Protestantism has a substantial evangelical and Puritan-flavor to it

Not just the US. It's a problem of ignorance and/or low IQ; a universal problem across humanity. In the US it takes a variety of forms, mostly adoptions of European bigotries against people who don't pass lily-white skin-tone tests and non-Christian with most hatred directed at Jews.

Odd, isn't it? They hate the Jews the most even though it's the Muslims murdering Americans?

The main difference between the US and Europe is our dominance of Protestantism versus European Catholicism. Obviously their history with Catholicism is much longer too.
According to the 2019 Eurobarometer survey about Religiosity in the European Union Christianity is the largest religion in the European Union accounting 64% of the EU population,[18] down from 72% in 2012.[20] Catholics are the largest Christian group in EU, accounting for 41% of EU population, while Eastern Orthodox make up 10%, and Protestants make up 9%, and other Christians account for 4% of the EU population. Non believer/Agnostic account 17%, Atheist 10%, and Muslim 2% of the EU population. 3% refuse to answer or didn't know.[18]
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I have probably posted more info from professor Bart Ehrman than anyone in the history of this board.

It is crystal clear from my body of posts in this thread that the Gospels are inconsistent - which is clear evidence they constitute four different, independent sources about the life of Jesus.

The job of the scholar of antiquity is to use the methods of historical scholarship to tease out the elements of historicity attested to in the New Testament

Something written a hundred years after Jesus died is probably not going to be very accurate.
The 'Man-God' issue makes the Narrative suspicious.
The other accumulated 'Magic Stuff' detracts from any 'Message' that is being offered.

Scape away the nonsense, and if you took Jesus as a Prophet, and his mission statement was 'Be Subservient', it would make sense that in times of the Roman Occupation, being subservient to Rome would mean survival.
I find that in United States, anti-christian zealots simply assume that a scripturally-based, biblical literalist style of Christianity somehow represents world Christianity at large.

That is undoubtedly a bias which results from the fact this is not only a Protestant majority county, but our strain of Protestantism has a substantial evangelical and Puritan-flavor to it

'Anti-Christian Zealots'? I would find that difficult to find here in the US. Maybe in Saudi Arabia? Or China?
But, yes, the "scripturally-based, biblical literalist style of Christianity somehow represents world Christianity at large" is the only way to try and understand it.

Most are stunned by the hypocrisy. Jesus was poor and preached 'Love thy Neighbor', Today's 'Christians' love money (like most people) and are the most hateful.

(Puritans tried to 'purify' the English Church. Once the Bible was translated into the native language, no one could see a resemblance between what the Bible actually said, and what was being practiced)
'Anti-Christian Zealots'? I would find that difficult to find here in the US. Maybe in Saudi Arabia? Or China?
But, yes, the "scripturally-based, biblical literalist style of Christianity somehow represents world Christianity at large" is the only way to try and understand it.

Most are stunned by the hypocrisy. Jesus was poor and preached 'Love thy Neighbor', Today's 'Christians' love money (like most people) and are the most hateful.

(Puritans tried to 'purify' the English Church. Once the Bible was translated into the native language, no one could see a resemblance between what the Bible actually said, and what was being practiced)
Biblical literalism may have been a tenet of the evangelical church you were dragged to as a kid, but you are mistaken to assume your limited experience with Church represents world Christianity at large.

There are obviously a lot of bible thumpers and phonys in USA.

I really do not think most authentic Christiams are stressing out about whether Jesus walking on water was a literal, historical event, or whether it is a story told to make a theological point.

The question is not whether Jesus could shoot lightening bolts from his finger tips, or turn water into wine. The question to me is whether he had the correct moral philosophy: universal love, charity, humbleness, mercy, and living by the golden rule.

That is probably what has made Jesus' message so compelling and appealing for two thousand years.

I am not going to begrudge anyone who gets angry about stories claiming Jesus walked on water, or was reserected after his execution. Taken literally, those events are well past the boundaries of rational inquiry.

Answer my question, Jack. Why do you have a bug up your ass about Jesus?

If you don't answer, should I use the manic phase of your bipolarism to lead you into a 60 day ban? For your own good, of course. :)

We can even bet $$$ on it. LOL
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Biblical literalism may have been a tenet of the evangelical church you were dragged to as a kid, but you are mistaken to assume your limited experience with Church represents world Christianity at large.

There are obviously a lot of bible thumpers and phonys in USA.

I really do not think most authentic Christiams are stressing out about whether Jesus walking on water was a literal, historical event, or whether it is a story told to make a theological point.

The question is not whether Jesus could shoot lightening bolts from his finger tips, or turn water into wine. The question to me is whether he had the correct moral philosophy: universal love, charity, humbleness, mercy, and living by the golden rule.

That is probably what has made Jesus' message so compelling and appealing for two thousand years.

I am not going to begrudge anyone who gets angry about stories claiming Jesus walked on water, or was reserected after his execution. Taken literally, those events pass the boundaries of rational inquiry.

My parents were secular, so I wasn't 'dragged to Church'.

I'm glad you are able to take the Occult out of the Bible, Thomas Jefferson did the same thing when he assembled the 'Jefferson Bible', probably the correct way to look at it.

I think the 'appeal' of Jesus' Message was that it was beneficial to the Rulers of the Land. It made the Peasants more docile, less rebellious, more controllable.

Cypress: "Taken literally, those events pass the boundaries of rational inquiry."
Jack: Thank you. My point entirely.

"Why Thomas Jefferson Rewrote the Bible Without Jesus' Miracles and Resurrection"

Answer my question, Jack. Why do you have a bug up your ass about Jesus?

If you don't answer, should I use the manic phase of your bipolarism to lead you into a 60 day ban? For your own good, of course. :)
Answer my question, Jack. Why do you have a bug up your ass about Jesus?

If you don't answer, should I use the manic phase of your bipolarism to lead you into a 60 day ban? For your own good, of course. :)

:) 'Man-God'. You believe in a Man-God. I will not press you on this. You have shown your unwillingness to discuss this. I understand your nervousness, your weakness, your vulnerableness.

Last time, Jack. After this, I will consider it my mission to use your bipolarism against you and watch you get yourself banned. You know you can't help yourself when you are manic.

Answer my question or take your meds, Jack. YOUR CHOICE.
Last time, Jack. After this, I will consider it my mission to use your bipolarism against you and watch you get yourself banned. You know you can't help yourself when you are manic.

Answer my question or take your meds, Jack. YOUR CHOICE.

:) YOUR choice. Accept the Answer ... or find yourself is a religious quagmire of self-deception, doubts, and unresolved inner conflict.

Matt Gaetz is a known pedophile. What do you think should happen to all kiddie fuckers like Matt?

I think Pedos should be drawn and quartered...which includes castration. Thoughts, Jack?
Matt Gaetz's future in-law calls him a 'pedophile'
Matt Gaetz's soon-to-be extended family is telling tales out of school. Roxanne Luckey, the sister of Gaetz fiancée Ginger Luckey, has posted a series of TikTok videos calling the Florida congressman a "pedophile" and alleging that he set her up on dates with a much older man while she was a teen.

The first video Luckey posted showed her posing in front of a New York Times headline about the allegations that Gaetz trafficked a minor for the purposes of sex.

"When a creepy old man tries to hit on you at the bar but your sister's engaged to a literal pedophile,” the overlaid text read.

In a series of follow-up videos, Luckey recounted interactions with the congressman. She said that Gaetz pressured a colleague to pursue her romantically while she was working as a White House aide in 2020. She called the man "creepy" and said he admitted he was only pursuing her to get Gaetz to stop asking him. When Luckey later confronted Gaetz about it, she said he blew up at her.

“He just immediately got so defensive and started yelling at me and my mom,” Roxanne Luckey said.

Trump claimed he was fighting pedophilia, but he also claimed he was standing up against Putin. LOL

In reality, Trump is a an ex-pedo because his dick doesn't work anymore but still guilty of raping underage victims.
Trump believes QAnon claim it's fighting pedophiles, refuses to disavow extremist conspiracy theory
President Donald Trump said he believes “very strongly” in one of the central tenets of extremist conspiracy movement QAnon, that it is fighting a “deep state” of pedophiles.

“Let me just tell you what I do hear about it is they are very strongly against pedophilia and I agree with that,” Trump said during NBC's town hall event Thursday. “And I agree with it very strongly.”

QAnon followers believe that Trump is a messianic figure battling devil-worshipping, child-molesting Democrats in a conspiracy theory spread on social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Google-owned YouTube. In recent weeks, Facebook and Twitter have cracked down on QAnon. Google’s YouTube banned it on Thursday.
My parents were secular, so I wasn't 'dragged to Church'.

I'm glad you are able to take the Occult out of the Bible, Thomas Jefferson did the same thing when he assembled the 'Jefferson Bible', probably the correct way to look at it.

I think the 'appeal' of Jesus' Message was that it was beneficial to the Rulers of the Land. It made the Peasants more docile, less rebellious, more controllable.

Cypress: "Taken literally, those events pass the boundaries of rational inquiry."
Jack: Thank you. My point entirely.

"Why Thomas Jefferson Rewrote the Bible Without Jesus' Miracles and Resurrection"

An interesting take which perhaps requires fine tuning: On the one hand Christian violence and war mongering is routinely complained about: crusades, inquisition, religious wars.

On the other hand, assertions are made that Christianity results in docile, pacifist sheep.

The fact is the literature and scripture of all major world religions contain references to miracles or events that defy rational inquiry.

I wonder why on this board 99.9999999999999999999 percent of the complaints are lodged against Christianity?

I mean, there are Buddhists and Jews on this board. Where is the mockery and derision of Buddhist or Jewish scripture and beliefs?
Trump claimed he was fighting pedophilia, but he also claimed he was standing up against Putin. LOL

In reality, Trump is a an ex-pedo because his dick doesn't work anymore but still guilty of raping underage victims.
Trump believes QAnon claim it's fighting pedophiles, refuses to disavow extremist conspiracy theory

I have contacted Owl, Phantasmal, and Christy, at the 'Institute'. They should be here shortly. Don't be afraid. The Nets and Tranquilizer Gun are for your Safety. Remember, they are your friends. They are here to help.
An interesting take which perhaps requires fine tuning: On the one hand Christian violence and war mongering is routinely complained about: crusades, inquisition, religious wars.

On the other hand, assertions are made that Christianity results in docile, pacifist sheep.

The fact is the literature and scripture of all major world religions contain references to miracles or events that defy rational inquiry.

I wonder why on this board 99.9999999999999999999 percent of the complaints are lodged against Christianity?

I mean, there are Buddhists and Jews on this board. Where is the mockery and derision of Buddhist or Jewish scripture and beliefs?

I try to treat all Religious Quacks equally. Most of us in America live amongst 'Christians' that attempt to impose their Belief System on the rest of us.
You don't see Muslims trying to put the Koran at the Courthouse, you do see Christians trying to put the Ten Commandments at the Courthouse.

I will admit, Guno would ban bacon sandwiches if he could. But, I view his chance of success ... minimal. :)
I don't like bible thumpers either, but...

I try to treat all Religious Quacks equally. Most of us in America live amongst 'Christians' that attempt to impose their Belief System on the rest of us.
You don't see Muslims trying to put the Koran at the Courthouse, you do see Christians trying to put the Ten Commandments at the Courthouse.

I will admit, Guno would ban bacon sandwiches if he could. But, I view his chance of success ... minimal. :)

I see no evidence that you treat all religions with the same derision and mockery your reserve for Jesus and Christianity as a whole.

So, if I am understanding your post, your derision of the entire Christian faith is strictly based on politics, not on any consistent and principled philosophical context.
I see no evidence that you treat all religions with the same derision and mockery your reserve for Jesus and Christianity as a whole.

So, if I am understanding your post, your derision of the entire Christian faith is strictly based on politics, not on any consistent and principled philosophical context.

I view 'Reality' as here and now. Based on what our senses tell us. So, I respect the 'religions' of the Past, they had a place in that time era, but today, no longer meet the needs of the community.
Like Zeus and the Olympians, the stories are fun and interesting.

No one supports 'Kill the Infidels', which is part of all the Religions, proving THEIR God is 'the Real God'.

Any chance God really did give the Hebrews a Land Title? How about God using his finger to write on a clay tablet, you buying that? Do you support Moses ordering a man to be killed for 'picking up sticks on the Sabbath'?

You mentioned the 'Dead Sea Scrolls'. One thing they found was the diversity of Jewish sects. Like the Essenes and their disdain for the Jerusalem Authorities. So, like these Churches in America, there's a lot of 'Interpretation' going on.

Cypress: "So, if I am understanding your post, your derision of the entire Christian faith is strictly based on politics, not on any consistent and principled philosophical context."
Jack: No. I've discounted the 'Man-God' claim. And, like Jefferson, I've dismissed all the 'Magic Stuff'. My rejection of 'Christianity' is that it is --->a Slave Religion.

It's promotion is to keep the Worker Drones in check. Promising them 'The First Shall Be Last and the Last Shall Be First'. The 'Big Payoff' ... is in the NEXT Life, not this one. It's a perfect devise to keep those in Power ... in Power.

'Turn the other cheek' and 'Forgive your Trespassers' is not my Philosophy. Did the US 'Turn the other cheek' and 'Forgive it's Trespassers' when Bin Laden knocked 2 buildings down and killed 3,000 Americans?

You and I both know you are lying again, Jack. You're desperate and manic. You'll be this way for weeks. Only a matter of time before you leap off the edge again just like last time.

Trump is a PEDOPHILE. Everyone knows it. Only liars deny it....and the mentally ill, but they don't count. LOL



Bullshit. You're lying again. You are bipolar and you freely choose to avoid taking your meds. YOUR CHOICE.

When you go down it's because you chose to do down. You knew what would happen and you did it anyway.

Remember Einstein's definition of insanity? That's you.

Trump is a pedophile and he is friends with lots of pedophiles...some of whom are dead they deserve. LOL
