Their name is Legion

My view of the universe and existence?

The universe doesn’t give a fuck about you or me or anything on this insignificant blue dot.

Our existence? No more significant that any other creature or living thing on this planet. We live, we die. Just like every other living entity. We merely possess a consciousness of that existence that sets us apart. Maybe.

The only benefit to power of prayer is to the person that is doing the praying. If it makes them feel good about their intentions, great. More power to them. As far as any omnibenevolent being answering those prayers? Naw

So we're all ambulatory meat computers simply responding to biochemical programming to eat, sleep and fuck until we die? Nothing more, nothing less?

Agreed on more power to them.
I’ve seen instances of humans cruelly exterminating each other by the millions. I’ve seen instances of humans murdering their children in the name of their religion.

Do you think a lion can build a nuke and, if it could, would it use it? A gun?

Humans are good with tools. Very good. Animals not so much.
When I see instances of animals expressing more empathy,devotion, love, intelligence and intuitive sense of caring than humans, it makes me question the supposed superiority of our "intelligence".

On balance, humans are probably the cruelest species, bar none.

Which sometimes makes me think there is a tiny kernel of truth to that story about humans corrupted by original sin.

Animals will kill for food, or to give their genetic information an advantage over others. Humans have engaged in unrestrained homicide, genocide, torture since the dawn of recorded history.

But that said. I am under no illusions about a benevolent natural world. It's an arms race out there and has been for at least for 600 million years.
So we're all ambulatory meat computers simply responding to biochemical programming to eat, sleep and fuck until we die? Nothing more, nothing less?

Agreed on more power to them.

We are not as significant as we think we are. Our own conscientious gives us an unearned arrogance.
Do you think a lion can build a nuke and, if it could, would it use it? A gun?

Humans are good with tools. Very good. Animals not so much.

Nope they can’t. Can humans sense their food source from their scent at a great distance? Can they see a mouse moving at a distance of a mile like birds of prey?

Just because humans have evolved with a brain and the physical ability to build things does not make them superior.
On balance, humans are probably the cruelest species, bar none.

Which sometimes makes me think there is a tiny kernel of truth to that story about humans corrupted by original sin.

Animals will kill for food, or to give their genetic information an advantage over others. Humans have engaged in unrestrained homicide, genocide, torture since the dawn of recorded history.

But that said. I am under no illusions about a benevolent natural world. It's an arms race out there and has been for at least for 600 million years.

We learn about ethics, morality, and how to best live our lives through myths, stories, parables.

Ethical frameworks and moral codes do not just fall into your lap out of the sky.

I wish you luck in learning about ethics from particle accelerators, mathematical theorems, and mass spectrometers

I think you are right. Stories like Aesop's Fables pass down wisdom from one generation to the next. 'Laws', like those of Hammurabi, establish 'right and wrong'.
You don't need 'religion' for that, but it is a source of 'right and wrong'.

"By the 22nd century BC, the ancient Sumerian ruler Ur-Nammu had formulated the first law code, which consisted of casuistic statements ("if … then ..."). Around 1760 BC, King Hammurabi further developed Babylonian law, by codifying and inscribing it in stone.
Law - Wikipedia"

Concerning your other thoughts on a 'AfterLife', or 'Something More', I can't disagree that there may be 'something more'. I don't know what it is, and I don't think anyone else does either. I don't worry about it since there is nothing I can do about it either way. I want to live a Full Life here and now. If there is 'something more', I'll try to live that when I get there.
LOL. Could be.

The problem I have with the Christian model is that I see no intervention by any supposedly benevolent being.

Epicurus nailed it.

“Is God willing to prevent evil, but not able? Then he is not omnipotent.
Is he able, but not willing? Then he is malevolent.
Is he both able and willing? Then whence cometh evil?
Is he neither able nor willing? Then why call him God?”

This guy lived in the 4th century, and came up with the classic about 'Gods'. Thousands of years later, people still believe a Savior is at hand. (This has to tell us something about Human Beings)

"Epicurus was an ancient Greek philosopher and sage who founded Epicureanism, a highly influential school of philosophy. He was born on the Greek island of Samos to Athenian parents. Wikipedia
Born: February 341 BC, Samos, Greece"
You're addressing two different things; both the true nature of the Universe and existence and also the Christian view of the same. What is your view of the true nature of the Universe and existence?

I disagree with the Christian view, but have no problem with those who believe it. My wife is one who believes "in the power of prayer" and that God does do requests. I'm more of a Diest.

'Christians' didn't exist then. It's about the notion of 'Gods'. Real? Or a Human invention?
My view of the universe and existence?

The universe doesn’t give a fuck about you or me or anything on this insignificant blue dot.

Our existence? No more significant that any other creature or living thing on this planet. We live, we die. Just like every other living entity. We merely possess a consciousness of that existence that sets us apart. Maybe.

The only benefit to power of prayer is to the person that is doing the praying. If it makes them feel good about their intentions, great. More power to them. As far as any omnibenevolent being answering those prayers? Naw


For some, this idea of a small mudball hurtling through space and time is so unnerving that the idea that 'Someone is in the Wheelhouse' gives then comfort.
(I don't want to say 'Like a child with a blanket', but something along those lines)
Take the poster Bob. Surely a dolphin is more intelligent.

A fair example as a snapshot, but you and I both know Bobbie has seen better days than any dolphin ever had.

Humans have that "spark" that makes them different. Some animals have glimmerings but only an uneducated idiot sees a mother mourning a dead cub as a sign of intelligence.

Emotions are part of who we are because human beings are animals. We're also very smart. Smartest creatures on the planet. Sometimes too smart for our own good as shown by several examples of mankind developing tools more sophisticated than their maturity to use them. Blackpowder wars and nukes are examples.

While there may very well have been other creatures with the "spark", human beings prevailed while they became extinct....usually because of human beings. ;)
On balance, humans are probably the cruelest species, bar none.

Which sometimes makes me think there is a tiny kernel of truth to that story about humans corrupted by original sin.

Animals will kill for food, or to give their genetic information an advantage over others. Humans have engaged in unrestrained homicide, genocide, torture since the dawn of recorded history.

But that said. I am under no illusions about a benevolent natural world. It's an arms race out there and has been for at least for 600 million years.

What is this 'Original Sin' that Humans are guilty of?

For some, this idea of a small mudball hurtling through space and time is so unnerving that the idea that 'Someone is in the Wheelhouse' gives then comfort.
(I don't want to say 'Like a child with a blanket', but something along those lines)

I see you either took your meds or simply a cold shower, Jack.

Sure, there's a reason why there's no atheists in foxholes; people can be afraid of death. Are you afraid of death, Jack?

“Death comes for us all; even at our birth-- even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. It is the law of nature, and the will of God.”
This guy lived in the 4th century, and came up with the classic about 'Gods'. Thousands of years later, people still believe a Savior is at hand. (This has to tell us something about Human Beings)

"Epicurus was an ancient Greek philosopher and sage who founded Epicureanism, a highly influential school of philosophy. He was born on the Greek island of Samos to Athenian parents. Wikipedia
Born: February 341 BC, Samos, Greece"

Jesus. Some believe JFK, Jr. will appear and reinstate Trump as president.
I see you either took your meds or simply a cold shower, Jack.

Sure, there's a reason why there's no atheists in foxholes; people can be afraid of death. Are you afraid of death, Jack?

“Death comes for us all; even at our birth-- even at our birth, death does but stand aside a little. And every day he looks towards us and muses somewhat to himself whether that day or the next he will draw nigh. It is the law of nature, and the will of God.”

Like other things on Planet Earth, we Live and Die.
Like other things on Planet Earth, we Live and Die.

Absolutely. Death is coming for you, Jack. You can run but you can't escape it. You can try to hide, but that never works. No person on the planet can escape death. All we can do is choose to face it or not.

Have you ever faced death, Jack? Have you ever been in a situation where you thought you'd die? How many friends have you buried? Any?

Your parents? How did they face death in the end, Jack? Or did you run away so you didn't have to watch?