This is so eff'ing Wrong...

Bush supporters would be our buying turbans as fast as they could.
And hitting the tanning beds, I'll bet you could not buy black hair dye in a red state after the invasion.
So you think that bush supporters would blow themselves up?

I don't know. I have them figured as the type who would much rather blow me up as one more egg in their latest omelet.

No one in America is gong to blow themselves up. American's will fight but they are not going to be suicide bombers.

Then he's basically claiming liberals put party over country that if we were attacked and our President was hung that liberals wouldn't fight back because they don't like the President.

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous.
You and your ilk will get alot of people killed...sure glad I do not live in NYC...hell even the terrorists know that y'all will not fight back!

YOUR president refused to go after the people who attacked us on 9/11.

He let OBL escape from tora bora, he called off a Navy SEAL team from going into pakistan to kill Zawahiri, and he diverted our military and intelligence resources away from al qaeda and towards a country that had nothing to do with al qaeda OR 9/11.

Nice job asshole!
You and your ilk will get alot of people killed...sure glad I do not live in NYC...hell even the terrorists know that y'all will not fight back!

I DO live near NYC, and unfortunately, according to the NIE & pretty much every other bit of intel we have, Bush could have achieved the same results against Al Qaida over the past 5 years if he had skipped Iraq & used all of that money to pay for contractors to paint a huge target around Manhattan.

Your war, in addition to unnecessarily killing Iraqis & creating millions of refugees, has actually made us less safe as a nation.

Again: nice job.
No one in America is gong to blow themselves up. American's will fight but they are not going to be suicide bombers.

Then he's basically claiming liberals put party over country that if we were attacked and our President was hung that liberals wouldn't fight back because they don't like the President.

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous.

Well, I think that a suicide attack of any kind, and Muslims certainly are not the only ones to have used that in history, is a sign of desperation. We haven't been there, so i wouldn't feel comfortable making the statement that we would never to it.

Bush supporters would be our buying turbans as fast as they could.
And hitting the tanning beds, I'll bet you could not buy black hair dye in a red state after the invasion.

it would be the other way around... most lib's would be committing hari kari and the rest would be buying turbins and going to tanning salons and buying hair dye! Conservatives would be busy trying to save everyones ass!
No one in America is gong to blow themselves up. American's will fight but they are not going to be suicide bombers.

Then he's basically claiming liberals put party over country that if we were attacked and our President was hung that liberals wouldn't fight back because they don't like the President.

I'm sorry, that's ridiculous.

you would not sacrifice yourself if it could help the ones you love ?

Yep a bushie fer sure.
Well, I think that a suicide attack of any kind, and Muslims certainly are not the only ones to have used that in history, is a sign of desperation. We haven't been there, so i wouldn't feel comfortable making the statement that we would never to it.

What country is going to take over the U.S. like we have Iraq? Iraq is the size of California. Someone would need millions and millions of soldiers to control the whole U.S.

And then again liberals wouldn't fight for the country? Why would only bible thumpers blow themselves up for defense of the country? Are they more patriotic? Love the U.S. more? That's what uscitizena clamiing.
I DO live near NYC, and unfortunately, according to the NIE & pretty much every other bit of intel we have, Bush could have achieved the same results against Al Qaida over the past 5 years if he had skipped Iraq & used all of that money to pay for contractors to paint a huge target around Manhattan.
Your war, in addition to unnecessarily killing Iraqis & creating millions of refugees, has actually made us less safe as a nation.

Again: nice job.

Truer words...

That's about the size of it.
What country is going to take over the U.S. like we have Iraq? Iraq is the size of California. Someone would need millions and millions of soldiers to control the whole U.S.

And then again liberals wouldn't fight for the country? Why would only bible thumpers blow themselves up for defense of the country? Are they more patriotic? Love the U.S. more? That's what uscitizena clamiing.

Umm going to heaven for dying to kill the infidels....

I DO live near NYC, and unfortunately, according to the NIE & pretty much every other bit of intel we have, Bush could have achieved the same results against Al Qaida over the past 5 years if he had skipped Iraq & used all of that money to pay for contractors to paint a huge target around Manhattan.

Your war, in addition to unnecessarily killing Iraqis & creating millions of refugees, has actually made us less safe as a nation.

Again: nice job.

911 was before the invasion...and yes Manhattan already has a red target painted on it...were you asleep during 911 and think it was a US government conspiracy too? Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back..enjoy the fireworks though!
What country is going to take over the U.S. like we have Iraq? Iraq is the size of California. Someone would need millions and millions of soldiers to control the whole U.S.

And then again liberals wouldn't fight for the country? Why would only bible thumpers blow themselves up for defense of the country? Are they more patriotic? Love the U.S. more? That's what uscitizena clamiing.

Probably no country is going to take us over. That's why it's very difficult for us to even fathom the desperation of peoples who do resort to suicide bombings.

I am not saying that liberals wouldn't fight for the country, I can't imagine that's what usc meant. I think you take some of what he says too literally?
911 was before the invasion...and yes Manhattan already has a red target painted on it...were you asleep during 911 and think it was a US government conspiracy too? Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back..enjoy the fireworks though!

Where does this MF live?

I so hope you get a rocket up your ass.
911 was before the invasion...and yes Manhattan already has a red target painted on it...were you asleep during 911 and think it was a US government conspiracy too? Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back..enjoy the fireworks though!

You missed the point entirely. Don't you get it? Your war has MADE US LESS SAFE, AND STRENGTHENED AL QUAIDA.

Where do you live? They're not going to hit NYC because we "won't fight back." What are folks in Kansas City or Dallas going to do against a dirty bomb, BB? Grab their rifles?

What a fucking retarded person you are. You just don't get it, what you've done to America, for perhaps a generation. It's f'd up that the attacks will generally be in "blue" places like NYC & LA, just because those are more high-profile targets (and not because people there "won't fight back," you hopeless moron)....
911 was before the invasion...and yes Manhattan already has a red target painted on it...were you asleep during 911 and think it was a US government conspiracy too? Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back..enjoy the fireworks though!

How pleasant, for you to wish death on your fellow americans - why don't you go join al qaeda?

You lied your ass off about being a vietnam vet, lied your ass off about being a counterterrorism agent...are you lying your ass off about being american? Why do you want NY to be attacked?
What country is going to take over the U.S. like we have Iraq? Iraq is the size of California. Someone would need millions and millions of soldiers to control the whole U.S.

And then again liberals wouldn't fight for the country? Why would only bible thumpers blow themselves up for defense of the country? Are they more patriotic? Love the U.S. more? That's what uscitizena clamiing.

right the size of California....So why have we been there 5 yrs or so ?