This is so eff'ing Wrong...

First and foremost....

How pleasant, for you to wish death on your fellow americans - why don't you go join al qaeda?

You lied your ass off about being a vietnam vet, lied your ass off about being a counterterrorism agent...are you lying your ass off about being american? Why do you want NY to be attacked?

I do not wish death on anyone...I am trying to wake all of you idiots up...fact is NYC is a major terrorist target..and long before the invasion of Iraq...

second do you really believe in your simple mind that by accusing me of lieing will make it a true statement...sorry cippie I will say again for the resume is real...yours is pathetic! are the one who has already joined and enabled alQaeda!

You missed the point entirely. Don't you get it? Your war has MADE US LESS SAFE, AND STRENGTHENED AL QUAIDA.

Where do you live? They're not going to hit NYC because we "won't fight back." What are folks in Kansas City or Dallas going to do against a dirty bomb, BB? Grab their rifles?

What a fucking retarded person you are. You just don't get it, what you've done to America, for perhaps a generation. It's f'd up that the attacks will generally be in "blue" places like NYC & LA, just because those are more high-profile targets (and not because people there "won't fight back," you hopeless moron)....

You and your ilk have done all of the above!
I do not wish death on anyone...I am trying to wake all of you idiots up...fact is NYC is a major terrorist target..and long before the invasion of Iraq...



You just wished for NYC to be attacked. Your a traitor.

Battleborne: "Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back...enjoy the fireworks though!"
You are one dumb lib...........


You just wished for NYC to be attacked. Your a traitor.

Battleborne: "Well it has been speculated that NYC will take another hit..the terrorist love to hit those who will not fight back...enjoy the fireworks though!"

it was a stated fact..and a analogy of what was going to I enjoy the prospect of innocent people being blown up...hell no...but if you don't wake up and stop enabeling the enemy 'you' and your ilk will bring it on themselves...I have absolutely nothing to do with it nor the government nor GW!
it was a stated fact..and a analogy of what was going to I enjoy the prospect of innocent people being blown up...hell no...but if you don't wake up and stop enabeling the enemy 'you' and your ilk will bring it on themselves...I have absolutely nothing to do with it nor the government nor GW!

Only a piece of shit, anti-american traitor would tell New Yorkers to:

"Enjoy the Fireworks!"...

in relation to the next terrorist attack. Anyone of those 9/11 widows would kick you in the balls for saying that.

you just proved my point...not are one dumb lib!

No, no - again, you're wrong. Iraq has been a cause celebre for terrorists, and has strengthened Al Qaida & their ability to strike the U.S.

Give it up; you lost. You know you're accountable.

Only a piece of shit, anti-american traitor would tell New Yorkers to:

"Enjoy the Fireworks!"...

in relation to the next terrorist attack. Anyone of those 9/11 widows would kick you in the balls for saying that.


They would agree with and your ilk are the problemo! Try another twist and some more spin...what I said was a analogy..and a wake up call!...Dumb ass!