This is so eff'ing Wrong...


Okay, you're officially a cartoon.

That's ridiculous. You don't understand the language. You are living in denial.

None of this matters. I, and most Americans, will continue to hold you & Bush accountable for the violence we are seeing, and history will as well. Hopefully, it's something we can learn from, as half-brains such as yourself, thankfully, are becoming an ever-shrinking & more deluded sounding minority.


Ya lost on all points including your posted links!
it was a stated fact..and a analogy of what was going to I enjoy the prospect of innocent people being blown up...hell no...but if you don't wake up and stop enabeling the enemy 'you' and your ilk will bring it on themselves...I have absolutely nothing to do with it nor the government nor GW!

* the fact that the Government has consistantly and wrongfullybacked Israel for the past fifty years

*the Fct that Bin Lden admitted that 911nhappened as a result of iur continued interferance in the mid east (Those two are the fault of the Government)

* The fact Bush evaded the truth, and thus commenced the war on Iraq is defiitely his fault, and has resulted in a resurgence of terrirism

* the fact that you are gun-ho for him also puts you at fault.
Whatever donny...

* the fact that the Government has consistantly and wrongfullybacked Israel for the past fifty years

*the Fct that Bin Lden admitted that 911nhappened as a result of iur continued interferance in the mid east (Those two are the fault of the Government)

* The fact Bush evaded the truth, and thus commenced the war on Iraq is defiitely his fault, and has resulted in a resurgence of terrirism

* the fact that you are gun-ho for him also puts you at fault.

I won't waste my time addressing this diatribe!
* the fact that the Government has consistantly and wrongfullybacked Israel for the past fifty years.
Why wrongfully? I disagree in the sense that Israel has consistently backed us when asked and backed off when asked.
*the Fct that Bin Lden admitted that 911nhappened as a result of iur continued interferance in the mid east (Those two are the fault of the Government)
Ok, and the reasons you would believe bin Laden and not representatives of the US are what? So you are willing to state a belief that if the US totally withdrew from the ME, militarily and privately, that the world would be a safer place?
* The fact Bush evaded the truth, and thus commenced the war on Iraq is defiitely his fault, and has resulted in a resurgence of terrirism
What truth was 'evaded'? A 'resurgence' from when? I mean 9/11 happened, not to mention all the attacks prior that were basically ignored.
* the fact that you are gun-ho for him also puts you at fault.

Ok, so if anyone questions all of your findings, they are the cause for war. Gotcha.
Why wrongfully? I disagree in the sense that Israel has consistently backed us when asked and backed off when asked.Ok, and the reasons you would believe bin Laden and not representatives of the US are what? So you are willing to state a belief that if the US totally withdrew from the ME, militarily and privately, that the world would be a safer place? What truth was 'evaded'? A 'resurgence' from when? I mean 9/11 happened, not to mention all the attacks prior that were basically ignored.

Ok, so if anyone questions all of your findings, they are the cause for war. Gotcha.

Hey Runyon...could you change the color of your font...had to go to quote to read..donny will probably have a difficult time with it...just a suggestion!
Why wrongfully? I disagree in the sense that Israel has consistently backed us when asked and backed off when asked.
The problem is that it was not even handed, and we simply played big brother to Israel.--Of course they cowtowed to us.

Ok, and the reasons you would believe bin Laden and not representatives of the US are what?

actually I said it first, and expected it from the way the US was treating the nid east. Bin Lladen simply admitted what I already knew.

So you are willing to state a belief that if the US totally withdrew from the ME, militarily and privately, that the world would be a safer place?
wher would you get such an Idea? I neither said nor implied any such thing

What truth was 'evaded'? A 'resurgence' from when? I mean 9/11 happened, not to mention all the attacks prior that were basically ignored.

1. He knew sime of the reasons that congress agreed to give him a free hand, were false, but he declined to tell congress and the people about it until after the invasion.

2. The present (admitted)resurgence of terrorisn at levels above what they would otherwise have been "IF" we dod not continue to be an occupying force>

3. What previous attacks do you mean? shooting at our illegal flyovers???

Ok, so if anyone questions all of your findings, they are the cause for war. Gotcha
That's nonsense, and your attempt at spin doctoring. Of course this is what I have found to be true, but it is still opinion. just as your opinion is your's.
The problem is that it was not even handed, and we simply played big brother to Israel.--Of course they cowtowed to us.

actually I said it first, and expected it from the way the US was treating the nid east. Bin Lladen simply admitted what I already knew.

wher would you get such an Idea? I neither said nor implied any such thing

1. He knew sime of the reasons that congress agreed to give him a free hand, were false, but he declined to tell congress and the people about it until after the invasion.

2. The present (admitted)resurgence of terrorisn at levels above what they would otherwise have been "IF" we dod not continue to be an occupying force>

3. What previous attacks do you mean? shooting at our illegal flyovers???

That's nonsense, and your attempt at spin doctoring. Of course this is what I have found to be true, but it is still opinion. just as your opinion is your's.

I'm sorry, I thought you could do better. In any case, you have failed imo to say diddley about what has or should happen.
I'm sorry, I thought you could do better. In any case, you have failed imo to say diddley about what has or should happen.
Sorry it didn't come up to your expectations. I beleive I answered each of your questions. If you need further clarification, just ask>
Fair question...

But for real, bb, what is the exit strategy? The Resurrection is not an exit strategy.

So I will be blunt...there is no exit strategy...Iraq is the new base of operations for the Western World in the ME...Both sides of the aisle and the EU are in on it...both parties are just posturing for votes...are you aware of the fact that a new airbase and a grand State Department complex is in the process of being built in Iraq...some 400m+++ allocated...this is no different than our bases in Europe,S/Korea and Japan as well as other strategic areas around the world....I really crack up when the libs on this board go on and on about how superior in knowledge they are...when they don't even realize that those who they see in the DNC being on their side...when in fact the line is blurred between parties...both parties as well as the EU understand the strategic location in the ME and how it will effect the fighting of radical Islam militants(Even Jordan,Egypt and some Saudis are aware)...sorry but Iran will be dealt with very soon!
Reality 101 class is over for today!
So I will be blunt...there is no exit strategy...Iraq is the new base of operations for the Western World in the ME...Both sides of the aisle and the EU are in on it...both parties are just posturing for votes...are you aware of the fact that a new airbase and a grand State Department complex is in the process of being built in Iraq...some 400m+++ allocated...this is no different than our bases in Europe,S/Korea and Japan as well as other strategic areas around the world....I really crack up when the libs on this board go on and on about how superior in knowledge they are...when they don't even realize that those who they see in the DNC being on their side...when in fact the line is blurred between parties...both parties as well as the EU understand the strategic location in the ME and how it will effect the fighting of radical Islam militants(Even Jordan,Egypt and some Saudis are aware)...sorry but Iran will be dealt with very soon!
Reality 101 class is over for today!

Yep. Just checkin'.

If this were really a war on terror we would be disallowing immigration of more islamic radicals into the country. But of course, jews and their cries of racism wouldn't allow an effective policy like that.
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Iraqis Say They Were Better Off Under Hussein
Angus Reid Global Monitor : Polls & Research

Many adults in Iraq believe the coalition effort has been negative, according to a poll by the Iraq Centre for Research and Strategic Studies and the Gulf Research Center. 90 per cent of respondents think the situation in their country was better before the U.S.-led invasion.

Was Iraq Better Off Under Saddam?
Some Young Iraqis Tell Harry Smith Many Of Their Friends Think

July 26, 2007

(CBS) Many Iraqis think conditions have gotten so bad in their country, they'd like to see Saddam Hussein back in power, according to some of the seven young Iraqi men who had a candid discussion with The Early Show co-anchor Harry Smith.

All are college-educated and speak English.

"When the Americans started this whole war issue," said one, who will be referred to as person No. 1, "we started to see the light at the end of the tunnel, and we walked toward it. But when the war happened, that light was the American train coming the other way that ran us over."

He told of a recent day when he "saw a body on the sidewalk, and it was covered with cardboard, and people were still in their shops, saying hello to each other and inviting each other for tea, and I asked about him, and they said, 'He got killed this morning.' 'Oh, OK, yeah, see ya later.' "

"They are killing people for what they say, just like Saddam," said a young man who will be referred to as person No. 2. "They kill people because the people say, 'I don't like (this one or that one).' You get killed for that.

A young man, who will be called No. 3, added: "A lot of people want, well, 'We just want Saddam come back. We don't want to live this life. OK, dictator? We don't care; doesn't matter anymore. We just want Saddam get back. We just want our life to get back to before.' "


'Bout says it all.

A usesless, needless, and miserably failed war that rests in the laps of Bush and all those who have supported this madness.

"Mushroom clouds in 45 minutes" .. who in the hell was dumb enough to believe that?