Thousands beaten, raped in Irish reform schools

Is this a new way to name a civil suit settlement?

Many of the payments were not because of a civil suit. There is a difference between bribing someone to be quiet and paying a suit. Also when paying a civil suit you don't pay the witnesses to be silent.
My late brother used to go to a Jesuit run secondary school, in the 60s, in Essex. They had a charming instrument called a ferula which was a strip of whalebone covered with leather, those guys were fucking sadists and I thank the Lord that I failed the selection interview.

Horrible! Did your parents know about the ferula?

I thought the ruler over the knuckles was bad.
Horrible! Did your parents know about the ferula?

I thought the ruler over the knuckles was bad.

You have to remember that they were different times, my parents were poor Irish immigrants to England and they knew that you needed a good education to get on in the world. The former Jesuit school had and still has an excellent reputation for academic excellence. We were also caned at primary school and that was run by nuns, they subscribed strongly to the ethos that the devil needed to be beaten out of children.

I believe it was the Jesuits that said "give me the boy till the age of seven and I will show you the man"
Program em while they are young.
Whether it be religionj good manners, honesty, etc.
You cannot let them got till young adulthood and expect to train them then.
TV makes a poor trainer for Children.
Has the public school system had two-thirds of their top leaders allow teachers accused of child abuse to continue working? Have two-thirds of the public school's top leadership worked to transfer a teacher to another school system after they have been accused, so the teacher could continue to work in the same situation where they committed their crimes?

In every case I know about the school administrators worked to remove child abusers. If there are exceptions you can point them out. But that still does not excuse the organization of the catholic church. And that is what I am bashing. And I will continue to do so.

All you have done is defend their acts with "other people do it too!".

Kindly point to a single post where I have defended the Church on this.

Bottom line is that public schools are roughly 100 times more to blame here, yet you bash Catholics.
Kindly point to a single post where I have defended the Church on this.

Bottom line is that public schools are roughly 100 times more to blame here, yet you bash Catholics.

Do you have a link to prove that?

Your point seems to be that as long as there is an example somewhere with greater numbers we should not talk about anything else.

Ant organization that repeatedly hides and enables child molesters is lower than scum.

As long as the victims still bear the emotional scars of the crimes I will continue to rant against the perpetrators and any organization that protects the perps.
Do you have a link to prove that?

Your point seems to be that as long as there is an example somewhere with greater numbers we should not talk about anything else.

Ant organization that repeatedly hides and enables child molesters is lower than scum.

As long as the victims still bear the emotional scars of the crimes I will continue to rant against the perpetrators and any organization that protects the perps.
I'm not surprised that you ignored my question, but to ask another that has already been answered is extremely dim (see post 50). I guess you are too busy bashing Catholics to think.
I'm not surprised that you ignored my question, but to ask another that has already been answered is extremely dim (see post 50). I guess you are too busy bashing Catholics to think.

So the person thinks that the public school system is likely to be 100 times worse? Yep, thats hard evidence.

There are roughly 100,000 schools in the US. Even if you only have 15 teachers per school you have 1 million teachers.

The best numbers I could find showed under 45,000 priests in the US.

The public schools system is a very large organization. :pke:

I guess you are too busy throwing out insults to think.
So the person thinks that the public school system is likely to be 100 times worse? Yep, thats hard evidence.

There are roughly 100,000 schools in the US. Even if you only have 15 teachers per school you have 1 million teachers.

The best numbers I could find showed under 45,000 priests in the US.

The public schools system is a very large organization. :pke:

I guess you are too busy throwing out insults to think.
How is pointing out the fact that you fucked up an insult? Perhaps you're too busy Catholic bashing to think.
How is pointing out the fact that you fucked up an insult? Perhaps you're too busy Catholic bashing to think.

If bashing pedophiles and those who enable them is a crime in your eyes then I am guilty as charged.

"The report found that molestation and rape were "endemic" in boys' facilities, chiefly run by the Christian Brothers order, and supervisors pursued policies that increased the danger. Girls supervised by orders of nuns, chiefly the Sisters of Mercy, suffered much less sexual abuse but frequent assaults and humiliation designed to make them feel worthless."

If ranting against that sort of behavior is bashing then I am bashing and will continue to bash.

"But most leaders of religious orders have rejected the allegations as exaggerations and lies, and testified to the commission that any abuses were the responsibility of often long-dead individuals.

Wednesday's five-volume report sides almost completely with the former students' accounts. It concludes that church officials always shielded their orders' pedophiles from arrest amid a culture of self-serving secrecy."

If holding such activities in contempt is bashing then, again, I am guilty as charged.

My question is why would you not rant against such activities and their coverups? You want to take what you consider the high moral ground concerning homosexuality. But you are offended by rants against this?

My question is why would you not rant against such activities and their coverups? You want to take what you consider the high moral ground concerning homosexuality. But you are offended by rants against this?
Again I tend to put things in perspective, and rant first about the worst offender, which in this case are schools, apparently public schools, instead of trying to find a religious component to it.
Again I tend to put things in perspective, and rant first about the worst offender, which in this case are schools, apparently public schools, instead of trying to find a religious component to it.

The worst offender?

Considering the Catholic Church is a worldwide organisation, you don't think the numbers of abused children may be somewhat larger?

It does make you wonder why the Vatican has never bothered to insist on universal child protection measures or why it was official policy to be as uncooperative as possible when abuse claims came to light.
Again I tend to put things in perspective, and rant first about the worst offender, which in this case are schools, apparently public schools, instead of trying to find a religious component to it.

Again you seem only interested in the worst offenders and choose to ignore any others.

Child molestation in public schools is horrible and a disgrace. But the thread started with an article concerning Ireland's Catholic run institutions and the 9 year investigation into allegations of rampant abuses.

If someone starts a discussion of the horrors of the war in Vietnam I am not going dismiss it by saying WWI was worse.
The worst offender?

Considering the Catholic Church is a worldwide organisation, you don't think the numbers of abused children may be somewhat larger?

It does make you wonder why the Vatican has never bothered to insist on universal child protection measures or why it was official policy to be as uncooperative as possible when abuse claims came to light.

Considering that public schools exist in many countries throughout the world I am certain that the number of abused children is significantly larger.
Again you seem only interested in the worst offenders and choose to ignore any others.

Child molestation in public schools is horrible and a disgrace. But the thread started with an article concerning Ireland's Catholic run institutions and the 9 year investigation into allegations of rampant abuses.

If someone starts a discussion of the horrors of the war in Vietnam I am not going dismiss it by saying WWI was worse.

I'm not ignoring the Church scandal. Again, I am merely putting it in perspective. You, however, appear to be ignoring the abuses that occur in public schools just to Catholic bash.
I'm not ignoring the Church scandal. Again, I am merely putting it in perspective. You, however, appear to be ignoring the abuses that occur in public schools just to Catholic bash.

I am discussing the topic at hand. You seem to wish to divert the attention away from the church and towards public schools.

One of us is responding to the original post.