Top Ten Board assholes - VOTE NOW!

Who are the top ten board assholes? VOTE 10 or less CHOICES

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Nope, I get what I was stuck with. If I had the intelligence to begin with, I would have gone to Harvard. That's why people such as Will Hunting always confuse me - a waste of IQ that repulses me beyond measure. Someone decided to punish me prematurely for something I hadn't done yet while I was still prenatal.
Got dropped on your head a lot as a baby too?
Oh, how terrible that they don't expose their user's to those glorified viruses. One of the best things apples done for the internet is to refuse to support that insecure annoying garbage, and move the internet in a better direction, towards html5, JavaScript, and other open, well-sandboxed web standards. Also, it was Adobe's decision to pull out of the mobile market, they could see the light at the end of the tunnel, that flash was dead and html5 had won the day. Android doesn't support flash either, so enjoy not having a damn tablet.
Serious burn Skidmark!! Props!!
God damnit I need more votes! I'm 13 down to that detestable little prick ILA! Are ya'll gonna stand for this? Are you all gonna let ILA represent JPP in this fashion? What's wrong with you? ILA is just a garden variety asshole.

If you want a real asshole then vote for a real asshole.


I approve of this message. "Mott the Hoople".
Paid for by the Hoople for Asshole Committee.
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I'm worried about those with zero votes. Will their self-esteem suffer for it? Should I set up a dummy account just so I can vote for anyone who doesn't already have a vote? I don't want them feeling left out! I'm sure SOMEONE thinks they're an asshole!
I'm serious folks! Think about it. Do you want some cyber wanderer to amble into our happy little corner of the interwebs only to find out the best we can do is produce a garden variety trailer park asshole as our biggest asshole?

I take that personally. I am a far bigger asshole than ILA can ever hope to be but not only that I'm a far better asshole.

So who do you want representing JPP as your asshole? Some misanthropic redneck or an asshole of distinction.

And that's what I'm offering ya'll in this election. An asshole of distinction and by voting for Mott the Hoople you'll get exactly that.

Then people will say, wow! Now that's a real asshole! ;)

God damnit I need more votes! I'm 13 down to that detestable little prick ILA! Are ya'll gonna stand for this? Are you all gonna let ILA represent JPP in this fashion? What's wrong with you? ILA is just a garden variety asshole.

If you want a real asshole then vote for a real asshole.


I approve of this message. "Mott the Hoople".
Paid for by the Hoople for Asshole Committee.

It doesn't count if you have to beg for it like Cuntès does at a truck stop
I'm serious folks! Think about it. Do you want some cyber wanderer to amble into our happy little corner of the interwebs only to find out the best we can do is produce a garden variety trailer park asshole as our biggest asshole?

I take that personally. I am a far bigger asshole than ILA can ever hope to be but not only that I'm a far better asshole.

So who do you want representing JPP as your asshole? Some misanthropic redneck or an asshole of distinction.

And that's what I'm offering ya'll in this election. An asshole of distinction and by voting for Mott the Hoople you'll get exactly that.

Then people will say, wow! Now that's a real asshole! ;)


If you have to beg for it, then you just don't have it. I am the clear winner. You are the clear weiner.
Oh, for fuck sake, Darla. Did you take three seconds to notice I was making fun of Top's general stupidity, and therefore realize that I was taking a cheap shot at his inability to spell?

Top: Georgious, gorgious

World: Gorgeous

Easy now... Darla is not that bright... Take it easy on her
I'm worried about those with zero votes. Will their self-esteem suffer for it? Should I set up a dummy account just so I can vote for anyone who doesn't already have a vote? I don't want them feeling left out! I'm sure SOMEONE thinks they're an asshole!
Well here's the answer. You should set up at least 14 dummy accounts and vote for "Mott the Hoople" and only "Mott the Hoople" in all of those accounts.

Try not to think of it as cheating. Think of it as electioneering in the finest tradition of Mayor Daily. :)
Shut up....asshole!

There you go. Even you admit I am the biggest asshole.

You don't possess the skill set. Let's just compare my body of work to yours.

1) I sent Snarla into full meltdown mode and caused her to start a thread dedicated to me for calling BAC Panther the dreaded "N" word
2) just look at what I have done to Cuntès
3) I have caused Smegmachick the semen receptacle to lose her mind

I could go on,but you get the point. Hell I would bet I have a 100:1 margin of reported posts compared to your wus ass.