Travel experiences

And you're some old washerwoman who has nothing to add to this place but your petty gossip, hate, and bitterness. Scoot along now, Tom, you're late for your "session" at the men's bathhouse down the dirt road. :laugh:

You didn't have to tell everybody that you've never travelled, it's clear enough from your naive unawareness of the world at large. Maybe you ought to get off your backside and go travel before you are too old?

I don't wish to boast but I've travelled to every continent bar Antarctica. Been to pretty much every country in Europe, even Russia back in days of Yeltsin.
I meet quite a few Americans here and they all say the same thing. That leaving the US for the first time is a real eye opener and many say they've no intention to go back any time soon.
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Have only been outside the country to Canada, so that probably doesn't count. But I can relate another experience.

We've gone camping in the backcountry of Denali National Park. The first time, we camped in the Teklanica River valley just outside the muskeg area. We saw caribou passing by who didn't even glance at us. We ate wild blueberries and cooked on the tiny camp stove. A monstrous thunderstorm came up in the afternoon. Lightning bounced off the mountains and the thunder was so loud we thought our ears would burst. It was glorious! Despite freezing my feet the next day crossing the river, it was so worth it. I learned that it doesn't mater how old you are, it's just a number. Get out and do things that maybe scare you a little. Make some memories!

Unlike Thailand, Britain, or Japan, United States is a continent-sized geographic entity one could spend a life time exploring.
Unlike Thailand, Britain, or Japan, United States is a continent-sized geographic entity one could spend a life time exploring.

Agree. It looks like Leaningright has quite an American travelogue under his belt.

Is there one place in the U.S. you haven't visited but would like to?
You didn't have to tell everybody that you've never travelled, it's clear enough from your naive unawareness of the world at large. Maybe you ought to get off your backside and go travel before you are too old?

I don't wish to boast but I've travelled to every continent bar Antarctica. Been to pretty much every country in Europe, even Russia back in days of Yeltsin.
I meet quite a few Americans here and they all say the same thing. That leaving the US for the first time is a real eye opener and many say they've no intention to go back any time soon.

I see your alleged travels have done nothing to open your nailed-shut mind. How sad to be so old and so bitter and full of hate. I truly do feel sorry for you, Tom.
Toddle along, Minty, and go throw some shade at someone who cares. :laugh:
Your faux poutrage has nothing to do with you opposing bigotry or hatred, just about politics. You are mum on EVERY single racist screed of Goon-o's and there have been many. Yet accuse others of "racism" and they haven't used epithets similar to Goon-o. Just a shut-up tactic.

That's fine, you approve of racism in those who politics mirror yours. So just own it because it's obvious. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk.
Agree. It looks like Leaningright has quite an American travelogue under his belt.

Is there one place in the U.S. you haven't visited but would like to?

About 50 places! And not just for natural beauty either. Sadly, I have never been to the world class NY metropolitan museum of art -- and a visit to the Creation Science Museum is a must, in my book!
Your faux poutrage has nothing to do with you opposing bigotry or hatred, just about politics. You are mum on EVERY single racist screed of Goon-o's and there have been many. Yet accuse others of "racism" and they haven't used epithets similar to Goon-o. Just a shut-up tactic.

That's fine, you approve of racism in those who politics mirror yours. So just own it because it's obvious. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

Well said!!
Guano is a truly hate filled racist yet the Left on here either ignore him or defend his behaviour, however if anybody criticises BLM they go apeshit.
I know it. That's why I can't resist pointing it out. They don't give a rat's ass about hate or racism or any of their fake dramas. So phony.
Unlike Thailand, Britain, or Japan, United States is a continent-sized geographic entity one could spend a life time exploring.

When I traveled on business across the United States with people from the company I worked for from Europe and Japan they were amazed by the vastness and beauty of America
You didn't have to tell everybody that you've never travelled, it's clear enough from your naive unawareness of the world at large. Maybe you ought to get off your backside and go travel before you are too old?

I don't wish to boast but I've travelled to every continent bar Antarctica. Been to pretty much every country in Europe, even Russia back in days of Yeltsin.
I meet quite a few Americans here and they all say the same thing. That leaving the US for the first time is a real eye opener and many say they've no intention to go back any time soon.
Goon-o has never left the sewer rat infested confines of his cellar. Legion was right, the thread is a bunch of anecdotes meaning nothing.
Your faux poutrage has nothing to do with you opposing bigotry or hatred, just about politics. You are mum on EVERY single racist screed of Goon-o's and there have been many. Yet accuse others of "racism" and they haven't used epithets similar to Goon-o. Just a shut-up tactic.

That's fine, you approve of racism in those who politics mirror yours. So just own it because it's obvious. You talk the talk but do not walk the walk.

It's too bad that you are so seldom here anymore, Minty, that you have failed to notice when I've said stuff to Guno about some of his language. Why don't you ask him straight up if I have or not?

I know why you won't. Because you think that you're righteous, and everyone else is a hypocritical liar.
About 50 places! And not just for natural beauty either. Sadly, I have never been to the world class NY metropolitan museum of art -- and a visit to the Creation Science Museum is a must, in my book!

Seriously? Why that place?

If I could only choose one U.S. destination, it would be DC and the Smithsonian.
Goon-o has never left the sewer rat infested confines of his cellar. Legion was right, the thread is a bunch of anecdotes meaning nothing.

Said the person who hasn't left her home town in years. :laugh:

What is it with you Reichtards that you feel compelled to shit on everyone else? I get that you're burning with envy because others have had interesting experiences that you haven't, but can't you go start your own thread to whimper and cry on?
It's too bad that you are so seldom here anymore, Minty, that you have failed to notice when I've said stuff to Guno about some of his language. Why don't you ask him straight up if I have or not?

I know why you won't. Because you think that you're righteous, and everyone else is a hypocritical liar.
If you have actually said something to Goon-o then I stand corrected. I haven't never witnessed it myself but have seen a lot of his screeds in the short intervals I am here.