TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

They are, lol, well perhaps you should report me with your proof of my abuse of power. Thanks. I look forward to hearing how I have abused my powers.

Its odd that if this happened back in January that no one reported it at the time, but apparently she cares now.
No one cares. Just another abuse to add to your repertoire.
Sock?I have never had a sock,just a figment of Top and USF's imagination:laugh:
You know, I can stay away from here and come back and it is the same old shit being recycled over and over.

Good God, get over it or take to email or PM. No one wants to read the same recycled screeds about Top and beefs from decades ago. Move on. It's ridiculous and boring.
Do you have proof of this? If so, you need to give it to the other mods. If you don’t, you as a Christian are bearing false witness, and on Easter of all days.

TOP has presented absolutely no proof of her claim. She even refuses to give the details of what was changed. The mods are all waiting for her proof. We will act on it when she gives us the details.

You're not getting any details or proof because you can't do that with imaginary events. I'm not at all surprised that Minty bought into the lies, though. Fellow TrumpGuzzlers and all.
You know, I can stay away from here and come back and it is the same old shit being recycled over and over.

Good God, get over it or take to email or PM. No one wants to read the same recycled screeds about Top and beefs from decades ago. Move on. It's ridiculous and boring.

So leave and don't come back.

Toxic has been whining for the last day and a half about something that she cannot prove even occurred. She claims the screen name change occurred on or around January 31. If that happened to you, would you wait for 2-1/2 months to say something, or would you have confronted the mods at the time? Would have you taken a screenshot of the alleged event, or just expected that everyone would believe you -- after remaining silent for 2-and-a-half MONTHS?

Of course since it's an opportunity for you to bash one of your betters who also happens to be a mod, you'll willingly swallow whatever lies Toxic posts.
You know, I couldn't care less. I saw it. She is a troll mod who abuses her pathetic "powers" towards those she doesn't like/agree with and to posture for the little gang of bullies.
Sounds like mere opinion.

I see a lot of remarkable accusations of malfeasance but no proof.
So leave and don't come back.

Toxic has been whining for the last day and a half about something that she cannot prove even occurred. She claims the screen name change occurred on or around January 31. If that happened to you, would you wait for 2-1/2 months to say something, or would you have confronted the mods at the time? Would have you taken a screenshot of the alleged event, or just expected that everyone would believe you -- after remaining silent for 2-and-a-half MONTHS?

Of course since it's an opportunity for you to bash one of your betters who also happens to be a mod, you'll willingly swallow whatever lies Toxic posts.
Newsflash, no one gives a shit.

A decade has passed, time to move on for everyone else's sake. Stop running interference for super troll mod. She does her dirty deeds and she will own them.
just thought I would let you guys know what I found

I looked back a cpl days of legions post and he is posting on average every 3 minutes with most not more than 5 minutes apart with some only a minute apart. each day its for right about 8-10 hours then hes rests and starts over the next day.

some of his posts are paragraphs long posted 2 minutes apart,,how do you think and type that much so quick?
I will tell you how,,,hes a robot.

I called him out for this yesterday and he put me on ignore...

so what do you think???

LOL. Don't worry about the "ignore" part; he'll claim you're ignore about once a week from now on. BTW, a little back ground on Legion:
Newsflash, no one gives a shit.

A decade has passed, time to move on for everyone else's sake. Stop running interference for super troll mod. She does her dirty deeds and she will own them.
You obviously give a shit enough to post several responses.
You know, I can stay away from here and come back and it is the same old shit being recycled over and over.

Good God, get over it or take to email or PM. No one wants to read the same recycled screeds about Top and beefs from decades ago. Move on. It's ridiculous and boring.

I suppose you miss the irony,that you started the thread that went for 10500 post,the high point in Top's life!Hypocrisy squared!