TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

Take your phony bullshit and stick it, troll.
Well, you can think it’s phony, but I genuinely bear you no ill will, and do wish you a good day. Take it or leave it. It’s genuine. I learned through my cancer that ill feelings towards others mostly hurts myself.
I did and will continue to do so. There is nothing you can do to stop me, either.

How you like dem apples?

Thanks for admitting you give a shit. Why would I want to stop you? Like Trump's mouth and his Twitter feed, this old saying applies:

"Better to remain silent and be thought a fool than to speak and to remove all doubt."

That maxim itself is based on a Biblical proverb: Proverbs 17:28
Even fools are thought wise if they keep silent,
and discerning if they hold their tongues.

With Legion, you either laugh at him for being the clown that he is, but if you find him obnoxious, than put him on ignore.
just thought I would let you guys know what I found

I looked back a cpl days of legions post and he is posting on average every 3 minutes with most not more than 5 minutes apart with some only a minute apart. each day its for right about 8-10 hours then hes rests and starts over the next day.

some of his posts are paragraphs long posted 2 minutes apart,,how do you think and type that much so quick?
I will tell you how,,,hes a robot.

I called him out for this yesterday and he put me on ignore...

so what do you think???

That's nothing, he's also posting all the shitposts as The Anonymous. A couple times I'd say he exceeded the number of discussions one can post. Apparently he's been here for a long time, trolls on both sides and has had a Legion of socks. Social distancing appears to be turning him into even more of a fruitcake troll.
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They are, lol, well perhaps you should report me with your proof of my abuse of power. Thanks. I look forward to hearing how I have abused my powers.

Its odd that if this happened back in January that no one reported it at the time, but apparently she cares now.

Kind of like when you made the 12b accusation and then scurried to "explain" it away to the other MODs.
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Quote Originally Posted by Life is Golden View Post
And you are a troll "mod" who changes the titles under posters' usernames.

When is anyone going to do something about you?

Have you not met the other mods and rightist posters? Maybe complain about it all so you don't look like you give those on your side a pass. Say if you ever got a discussion changed to something about admitting to being retarded or partaking in man meat because you put your discussion in the wrong forum. I believe Phantasmal will move them normally instead of altering stuff.
Well, you can think it’s phony, but I genuinely bear you no ill will, and do wish you a good day. Take it or leave it. It’s genuine. I learned through my cancer that ill feelings towards others mostly hurts myself.
Were that true you would not be here sowing ill will every time you post and posturing for a gang of bullies who live in events which occurred at the turn of the century.

Yep, you're a fake.
I could leave for 6 months and come back and they'd still be here whining about some shit Top posted on another board over 10 years old.

Shit's ridiculous.

Actually, Miss Daisy, we're talking about Toxic's recent claim that 2.5 months ago someone changed the title under her screen name but she didn't say a thing till just now. You're the only one going on and on about "10 years ago."
Changing user titles, reading PMs, not enforcing the few rules on your fellow moonbats....

for starters.

Let's see your proof of this. Like your glorious gourd-shaped shitgibbon, we find it hard to believe anything you claim because we've seen the lies far too many times.