TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

Quote Originally Posted by ThatOwlWoman View Post
PiMP never makes sense. BTW, he claims to be Christian. What's your take on that claim so far?
I cant speak to whats in a persons heart I've never met,,,

BUT I can say hes not very bright and subject to irrational behavior,,,

isn't that just like an amazonerd......Towelwoman doesn't like it when people are called a cunt but has no problem calling people pimps.......I remember when I started calling people was when people started calling me PiMP.....I find it hard to understand why they aren't equal insults, don't you?.....
She's still got PM time with Lesion, so maybe there's hope even though he is an Incel and has never been with a living woman. Well, *that* won't change. :laugh:

Does she type one-handed while holding one of these in the other hand?

isn't that just like an amazonerd......Towelwoman doesn't like it when people are called a cunt but has no problem calling people pimps.......I remember when I started calling people was when people started calling me PiMP.....I find it hard to understand why they aren't equal insults, don't you?.....

You should have read what she wrote about my deceased father (a WWII veteran) flying the American flag every day on a "stripper pole"...
I wasn't mentioning you as a troll, but Toxic Top.

Let's do some introductions. Blades, meet Toxic Top. Toxic, meet Blades. You should get along fine since you share the belief that every post is Saul A. Boutmee. :laugh:

OTOH Toxic is in a relationship with Legion, so maybe you won't get along so well. She's frantically PMing him right now for backup!

I love the way the Pussy Posse gang up on her, you remind me of that hideous prom queen Christie Masters in Romy and Michele's High School Reunion. Fascinating seeing women in their sixties acting like high school "mean girls"

You should have read what she wrote about my deceased father (a WWII veteran) flying the American flag every day on a "stripper pole"...

You're absolutely right! Let's do look at what I said about faux patriots and the display of our flag, shall we? The astute reader will immediately notice that RB's father isn't mentioned at all... but being the butthurt snowflake "patriot" that he pretends to be, this is ALL ABOUT RB SENIOR! Yes, it is!!!

You should have read what she wrote about my deceased father (a WWII veteran) flying the American flag every day on a "stripper pole"...

I am accustomed to right wing posters lying about what others allegedly did or said, but post 110 makes your accusation look like a lie
I am accustomed to right wing posters lying about what others allegedly did or said, but post 110 makes your accusation look like a lie

Interesting change in wording, and not the complete conversation, I might add.
Believe what you want, the bitch disrespected a man of honor who served this country in a time of war for flying an American flag. That is a fact.
Interesting change in wording, and not the complete conversation, I might add.
Believe what you want, the bitch disrespected a man of honor who served this country in a time of war for flying an American flag. That is a fact.
Would you expect anything else? And yes indeed she did....
I am accustomed to right wing posters lying about what others allegedly did or said, but post 110 makes your accusation look like a lie

That's because it IS a lie. The problem with Reichtards like RB and Toxic is that they are up against ppl with far better memories than they possess -- and proof. RB has lied about that imaginary insult for years, and Toxic lies along with him. And each time I see the lie, I debunk it. <shrug> It's what they do, along with accusing others of doing the same... bringing up the past.

Bitter, hateful, angry old people -- don't be like RB and Toxic when you grow up, kids. :laugh:
Interesting change in wording, and not the complete conversation, I might add.
Believe what you want, the bitch disrespected a man of honor who served this country in a time of war for flying an American flag. That is a fact.

I wonder how you "change the wording" on a screen shot, tard? Answer: You can't. The only change is blanking out the name I used on Amazon. You know it, of course. In fact, you even posted here how you used it to look me up as a field editor on Taste of Home, and used that to mock my articles. How's that for obsessive stalkering? :laugh: Apparently the "honor" part of your father's personality was not passed down.

Note to anyone who hasn't yawned and moved on by now: If you want to see the original that I took the screenshot from, just PM me.
Interesting change in wording, and not the complete conversation, I might add.
Believe what you want, the bitch disrespected a man of honor who served this country in a time of war for flying an American flag. That is a fact.

What you wish Owl wrote does not trump what she actually wrote. The transcript of the actual interaction is crystal clear and does not support your accusation