TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

these are all lies

we do not have the ability to read PM's. JPP literally exists because this happened at another site a long time ago.

user titles weren't changed either, TOP is lying and stirring up shit because she has no life.
This is a Vbulletin board -- sure you do.
This is a Vbulletin board -- sure you do.

no, we cannot read pm's. At least, not on the front end. I've never looked too deeply into it but I would assume PM's would be encrypted in the db. there is no control panel way to read pm's on this board. I would need direct access to the db and the db would have too be unencrypted, and I do not have access to the DB.

user titles haven't been changed for TOP. she's a liar/schizophrenic
no, we cannot read pm's. At least, not on the front end. I've never looked too deeply into it but I would assume PM's would be encrypted in the db. there is no control panel way to read pm's on this board. I would need direct access to the db and the db would have too be unencrypted, and I do not have access to the DB.

user titles haven't been changed for TOP. she's a liar/schizophrenic

Could you prescribe something for Top to regain sanity?
just thought I would let you guys know what I found

I looked back a cpl days of legions post and he is posting on average every 3 minutes with most not more than 5 minutes apart with some only a minute apart. each day its for right about 8-10 hours then hes rests and starts over the next day.

some of his posts are paragraphs long posted 2 minutes apart,,how do you think and type that much so quick?
I will tell you how,,,hes a robot.

I called him out for this yesterday and he put me on ignore...

so what do you think???

And to really add perspective to your post, "legion" is also "anonymous," and I'm fairly sure a couple of other posters found here

Who cares, just like "anything but the truth," he's entertaining, think of it this way, without them you would have to listen daily to Limbaugh or some other radio talking head, watch nightly versions of Fox's prime time demogogues, or hang around a truck stop bar to hear the 'wisdom" and views he offers
no, we cannot read pm's. At least, not on the front end. I've never looked too deeply into it but I would assume PM's would be encrypted in the db. there is no control panel way to read pm's on this board. I would need direct access to the db and the db would have too be unencrypted, and I do not have access to the DB.

user titles haven't been changed for TOP. she's a liar/schizophrenic
An admin or someone who knows how to give themselves admin database access can read PMs using phpMyAdmin. There are also add-ons a moderator can install and run.

So yes, it IS possible.

Furthermore, Top has nothing to do with any of that so not sure why you continue to bring her up. Unless it's to preen and posture for the bully brigade. In which case, knock yourself out.
An admin or someone who knows how to give themselves admin database access can read PMs using phpMyAdmin. There are also add-ons a moderator can install and run.

So yes, it IS possible.

Furthermore, Top has nothing to do with any of that so not sure why you continue to bring her up. Unless it's to preen and posture for the bully brigade. In which case, knock yourself out.

Yet another Top spokesperson,how come Top can't speak for herself?
Furthermore, Top has nothing to do with any of that so not sure why you continue to bring her up. Unless it's to preen and posture for the bully brigade. In which case, knock yourself out.

Grind keeps bringing her up because Toxic is the one who accused *someone* -- of course she's too cowardly to say it out loud -- of changing the title under her screen name. I know you remember that because you outright accused Phantasmal of doing it. That wasn't enough; then you accused the mods of reading PMs and other nefarious bullshit.

This is nothing new from Toxic, except this time she's managed to piss off the mods. Again. She has lied for years about this mean person and that mean person and all the alleged mean shit they've done.

She's achieved her life's mission:

An admin or someone who knows how to give themselves admin database access can read PMs using phpMyAdmin. There are also add-ons a moderator can install and run.

So yes, it IS possible.

Furthermore, Top has nothing to do with any of that so not sure why you continue to bring her up. Unless it's to preen and posture for the bully brigade. In which case, knock yourself out.

and as I said, I do not have access to the DB. damo probably does but he probably hasn't touched it in 13 years.
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one;)
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it? ;)
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one;)
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it? ;)


That's all. :laugh:

I must say, Toxic, that this is one of the things I most admire about you. Anyone else who lies their ass off, makes vague accusations of dastardly deeds, and then is thoroughly and soundly debunked -- AND publicly horsewhipped -- would have the self-esteem to move on and hope that the whole sordid affair is soon forgotten. But no, not you! No, you must return to the scene of the crime! You must bump the thread and show your public humiliation! You must double down on the bullshit and paranoia! Most ppl do not enjoy being a punching bag. Not you!

Hint: It doesn't make you look like the aggrieved victim. It makes you look just like your god Trump -- dishonest, egotistical, and retarded, as Grind would say.

:laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it?
And to really add perspective to your post, "legion" is also "anonymous," and I'm fairly sure a couple of other posters found here

Who cares, just like "anything but the truth," he's entertaining, think of it this way, without them you would have to listen daily to Limbaugh or some other radio talking head, watch nightly versions of Fox's prime time demogogues, or hang around a truck stop bar to hear the 'wisdom" and views he offers

your life must be pretty limited,,,I have a lot of other things to do and none of them are on your list,,,
I saw it. Title was "High level of addiction".

They won't do anything so no one cares. I don't care and surely Top doesn't.

But your antics with your board "powers" abuse are well known.

Damn, you're stupid. "High level of addiction" is an automatic change, either when a person's been around a certain length of time or has reached a certain number of posts.

Other people have that in their avatar; cawacko graduated from "high level of addiction" to "insane level of addiction." Everyone starts with "noob" unless you put your own description in, then you're moved up in the ranks.

We need some better-quality conservatives on this forum. :thinking:
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