TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

That's because it IS a lie. The problem with Reichtards like RB and Toxic is that they are up against ppl with far better memories than they possess -- and proof. RB has lied about that imaginary insult for years, and Toxic lies along with him. And each time I see the lie, I debunk it. <shrug> It's what they do, along with accusing others of doing the same... bringing up the past.

Bitter, hateful, angry old people -- don't be like RB and Toxic when you grow up, kids. :laugh:

Where's the rest of that conversation? You didn't "save" that, did you? My memory is quite keen and clear, Fowl. Don't for a moment think it's not.
What you wish Owl wrote does not trump what she actually wrote. The transcript of the actual interaction is crystal clear and does not support your accusation

Ah yes, you were there, weren't you?
Like I said, believe what you want. You believe a surgeon knows more about ballistics than us distinguished expert marksmen.
Where's the rest of that conversation? You didn't "save" that, did you? My memory is quite keen and clear, Fowl. Don't for a moment think it's not.

*snort giggle* You're actually an idiot and remember imaginary shit. There is no "rest of that conversation," is there? I posted the screenshot from the Amazon notification email that I received. The only "rest of the conversation" was multiple whining posts from you claiming that I personally attacked your father... and other ppl telling you that you're full of shit. Of course now you're changing your tune, since you suddenly realized that what I posted IS a screenshot and was not altered in any way, other than to redact my name.

Don't you have some stalking to do? Hop on it!
You lost all credibility when you the dog saver,ignored USF abusing his dog,and ate out his asshole anyway!

Well except for the part where you can't lose what you never had to begin with. Her credibility choo-choo went off the tracks when it was revealed that there is no husband athletic or otherwise, no beautiful home in a wealthy neighborhood, no good deeds, no career as an educator, no children or grands, no dog rescuing, etc. Just a pitiable lonely bitter old bitch from Bex, living an internet fantasy life as realistic as the heroic and erotic deeds conjured up by a 13-yr-old pimply gamer in his bedroom.

At least she's got RB, the wannabe Innernetz Rambo. She can soothe his butthurt over the non-existent dissing of his father, gods rest his honorable soul. It's good that he can't see what became of his hopes for his son. :laugh:
Ah yes, you were there, weren't you?
Like I said, believe what you want. You believe a surgeon knows more about ballistics than us distinguished expert marksmen.

He's an honorary member of the Pussy Posse, primarily because no man will give him the time of day!
just thought I would let you guys know what I found

I looked back a cpl days of legions post and he is posting on average every 3 minutes with most not more than 5 minutes apart with some only a minute apart. each day its for right about 8-10 hours then hes rests and starts over the next day.

some of his posts are paragraphs long posted 2 minutes apart,,how do you think and type that much so quick?
I will tell you how,,,hes a robot.

I called him out for this yesterday and he put me on ignore...

so what do you think???

Please quit stalking me, or I'll have my beard's muscle friends stage an intervention.

*snort giggle* You're actually an idiot and remember imaginary shit. There is no "rest of that conversation," is there? I posted the screenshot from the Amazon notification email that I received. The only "rest of the conversation" was multiple whining posts from you claiming that I personally attacked your father... and other ppl telling you that you're full of shit. Of course now you're changing your tune, since you suddenly realized that what I posted IS a screenshot and was not altered in any way, other than to redact my name.

Don't you have some stalking to do? Hop on it!

Face the facts Fowl, you insulted my father, and yes there was much more to that conversation that you left out. And why would you receive an email from Amazon about that specific conversation?
Other people? Crypiss? That asshole wasn't even there and no other "ppl" told me I was full of shit. Insulting me is one thing, insulting my father is something I don't take kindly to.
Well except for the part where you can't lose what you never had to begin with. Her credibility choo-choo went off the tracks when it was revealed that there is no husband athletic or otherwise, no beautiful home in a wealthy neighborhood, no good deeds, no career as an educator, no children or grands, no dog rescuing, etc. Just a pitiable lonely bitter old bitch from Bex, living an internet fantasy life as realistic as the heroic and erotic deeds conjured up by a 13-yr-old pimply gamer in his bedroom.

At least she's got RB, the wannabe Innernetz Rambo. She can soothe his butthurt over the non-existent dissing of his father, gods rest his honorable soul. It's good that he can't see what became of his hopes for his son. :laugh:

Innernetz Rambo? LOL! Nope. Just an experienced hunter/tracker and qualified Distinguished Expert with a service rifle. My father often said he was proud of me. Did your parents say the same of you?
Face the facts Fowl, you insulted my father, and yes there was much more to that conversation that you left out. And why would you receive an email from Amazon about that specific conversation?
Other people? Crypiss? That asshole wasn't even there and no other "ppl" told me I was full of shit. Insulting me is one thing, insulting my father is something I don't take kindly to.

I signed up for "get notification" emails for all the threads that I posted in that I was interested in. That one was no different. They were sent to us in bundles of 61 posts. I have the posts before and after that one, as well. Want to see them?

Again, you're making up bullshit about anyone insulting your father. Never happened, never will.

Ask Toxic to give you your binky back. Looks like you need it.
Changing user titles, reading PMs, not enforcing the few rules on your fellow moonbats....

for starters.

these are all lies

we do not have the ability to read PM's. JPP literally exists because this happened at another site a long time ago.

user titles weren't changed either, TOP is lying and stirring up shit because she has no life.