TROLL ALERT!!! "Legion"

Damn, you're stupid. "High level of addiction" is an automatic change, either when a person's been around a certain length of time or has reached a certain number of posts.

Other people have that in their avatar; cawacko graduated from "high level of addiction" to "insane level of addiction." Everyone starts with "noob" unless you put your own description in, then you're moved up in the ranks.

We need xome better-quality conservatives on this forum. :thinking:

Oh darn, you just ruined Toxic's Me-Such-A-Victim festivities!

Thanks for pointing that out. I *knew* I'd seen that somewhere before but not on the idiot's profile. More than one person has had that title here.

Now we can have a contest to see who's the most stupid -- Toxic or her little dog Minty. What do you want to bet that Toxic comes back and doubles-down on her accusations? :laugh:

BTW, if Toxic "doesn't care" why is this the third day she's nattered on about her victimhood? lol
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it?

Here's an explanation of your stupidity, "teacher." I'm sure after you compose yourself and stuff your Mother Superior of Victimhood habit back under the pee-stained couch, you'll be apologizing to Grind and Phantasmal, right?

Oh darn, you just ruined Toxic's Me-Such-A-Victim festivities!

Thanks for pointing that out. I *knew* I'd seen that somewhere before but not on the idiot's profile. More than one person has had that title here.
Now we can have a contest to see who's the most stupid -- Toxic or her little dog Minty. What do you want to bet that Toxic comes back and doubles-down on her accusations? :laugh:

BTW, if Toxic "doesn't care" why is this the third day she's nattered on about her victimhood? lol

Like trump, she'll double down no matter what the facts are. Just like she did during that whole debacle that I would have been banned, etc. until I told her I contacted the mods and they said no.
Like trump, she'll double down no matter what the facts. Just like she did during that whole debacle that I would have been banned, etc. until I told her I contacted the mods and they said no.

Yep. She insisted that you posted a link to some kind of dox thing about her (repeating history for the newbies here), when in fact you posted a link to a thread within JPP. Which thread had nothing to do with doxxing either. Then she insisted you were on Goodreads when you weren't. To this day she denies it, just as she denies stealing one of my FB photos and sending it to her nasty little bff clique. Or having a sock named True Companion that she used to get into a thread where she was banned. Or having 1,539 socks on Amazon.

When Melania dumps the Toadstool, let's hook him up with Toxic! I know he prefers women and attractive ones at that, but maybe he'll make an exception for a soul mate. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:
Yep. She insisted that you posted a link to some kind of dox thing about her (repeating history for the newbies here), when in fact you posted a link to a thread within JPP. Which thread had nothing to do with doxxing either. Then she insisted you were on Goodreads when you weren't. To this day she denies it, just as she denies stealing one of my FB photos and sending it to her nasty little bff clique. Or having a sock named True Companion that she used to get into a thread where she was banned. Or having 1,539 socks on Amazon.

When Melania dumps the Toadstool, let's hook him up with Toxic! I know he prefers women and attractive ones at that, but maybe he'll make an exception for a soul mate. :laugh: :rofl2: :laugh:

OT, but the late, great Dixie also had "high level of addiction" under his name.
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone(thing);) (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it?
"high level of addiction" was mentioned pages one said it was "automatic" then....;)
I didn't report it...why all the fuss;):laugh:
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one;)
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it? ;)

The usual passive/aggressive attack on a
You have zero credibility Toxic!
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it?

Posting it again doesn't make it true.
It does make you look dumber than everyone already knows you are!
Instead of passive/aggressive,just come right out and tell us who you're accusing of changing
Your title!
Could it have been a drunken Toxic after a night with Jack Daniels?
Damn, you're stupid. "High level of addiction" is an automatic change, either when a person's been around a certain length of time or has reached a certain number of posts.

Other people have that in their avatar; cawacko graduated from "high level of addiction" to "insane level of addiction." Everyone starts with "noob" unless you put your own description in, then you're moved up in the ranks.

We need some better-quality conservatives on this forum. :thinking:

You just busted Top's cherry!:laugh:
To whom it may concern:
Bottom user title was someone(thing);) (Jan 31st)....I accused no one of the actual deed...(Interesting reaction, though, wasn't it?)
Seeing as the change was not my "cup of tea" I replaced it with Retired Teacher...considering I am one
And in closing, pretty obvious why I chose not to report it, isn't it?
"high level of addiction" was mentioned pages one said it was "automatic" then....;)
I didn't report it...why all the fuss;):laugh:

You just been publicly sodomized,but here you are!
Asking to have your sphincter stretched even farther!
No worries; even his parents wanted him to disappear but he kept finding his way home.

No doubt he'll be back like a bad habit.

You're right. Legion is back to shitposting again.

His mother must have given him a long bubble bath and cooked him some hot pockets.