Trump-Epstein connection casts shadow over election campaign Jeffrey Epstein's undisclosed revelation involving Trump triggers renewed scrutiny amidst

no according to the OP there is new information in regards to Epstein and the files associated with trump and that is why it is back in the news. I'm sorry you don't like it and the fact people are talking about it. All those who committed child rape need to be exposed, I don't care who you are.


No, what the unknown Marxist hate site you used is shitting out is over 20 years old and completely debunked.

This is nothing but you Stalinists throwing a screaming rage in hopes of distracting from the disaster that is Joe Biden.

No, what the unknown Marxist hate site you used is shitting out is over 20 years old and completely debunked.

This is nothing but you Stalinists throwing a screaming rage in hopes of distracting from the disaster that is Joe Biden.
A Florida judge is a marxist hate site? LOL uh huh.

Watch the videos and read the new information linked. If you don't you will continue to look the fool on this topic.
Again we don't know the details. I have personally washed my little ones in the shower with myself when they were small. That doesn't mean anything nefarious happened. If you believe that Biden molested or raped his daughter and you think the diary is proof and Ashley will testify to such then bring it to court. I certainly would never vote or support someone who have committed such acts. Now it seems that it's a different story when it comes to republicans and their nom who has actually been proven to have done such things.
We know enough. Were your 'little ones' thirteen? Because that's what she wrote. She even called them inappropriate.
Oh and the Biden story does not make these allegations about trump go away or less true. But I understand why some of you feel the need to deflect.
A Florida judge is a marxist hate site? LOL uh huh.

Watch the videos and read the new information linked. If you don't you will continue to look the fool on this topic.

Pound your fists harder - it will make last week unhappen Comrade.

Sounds promising
It is a proven fact that trump employed 14 year old Virginia Giuffre before she was handed off to Epstein. trump claims to have lost all the records of that employment, but there are enough other organizations that have preserved records we know that to be a fact. And that opens up another question, how do you lose employment records? That is virtually impossible these days. If trump intentionally lost those records, how did he know he was going to have?

Then there is the case of Nadia Marcinko, and several other supposed employees of trump. trump's semi-fake modeling agency would get visas for children who were transported on trump's plane to Epstein's home in NYC. Why would a single middle aged financial analyst be getting third world children delivered to his house? Is it worse if trump never asked this question, or if he did ask this question?
This saga should make for interesting reading and interesting television talk in coming days.
Quite the opposite - Comrade.

What I posted is verified from the diary of Ashley Biden.

Now what you Stalinists are flinging are rehashed lies from 2002. But you're desperate, your whole plot to end America is unraveling at the seams and you don't know what to do; so you do what you always do - LIE and slander Trump.

There is no "new" information from Epstein - Hillary Clinton had him murdered 7 years ago. There is nothing new from Ghislane Maxwell - all there is is panic from you Marxists at your crumbling prospect for power.

So the sleaziest among you are desperately trying ANYTHING to distract from the failed Biden Junta.
Please show me in her diary where Joe fucked her, LIAR

Trump-Epstein connection casts shadow over election campaign​

Jeffrey Epstein's undisclosed revelation involving Trump triggers renewed scrutiny amidst court disclosures.

July 03, 2024

Jeffrey Epstein transcripts released, detailing graphic crimes and underage payoffs​

Florida judge releases graphic 2006 transcripts detailing Epstein's crimes and underage payoffs.

