Trump-Epstein connection casts shadow over election campaign Jeffrey Epstein's undisclosed revelation involving Trump triggers renewed scrutiny amidst

So Trump and Epstein allegedly raped a 13 year old girl in 1994. The allegations fit well with what we know about Epstein's methods of luring girls into his service with promises of money and modeling careers.

No wonder Trump was so fidgety when asked about declassifying the Epstein files.

MAGA loves to act like they hate pedophilia and yet we know Trump and Epstein were bosom buddies, and Trump's spiritual advisor admits to molesting a 12 year old and it's crickets as usual.
It takes a serious level of stupid to believe anything this triggered dumbass posts. But here you are, pretending it's real like the simple minded moron we know you to be.

If this story had any legs, the NY Times, Washington Post, CNN, ABC, NBC, CBS and MSNBC would have been all over it. :palm:
A surprising number of children passed through trump's hands before being passed off to Epstein. That really needs to be investigated.

I know trump claims he has no obligation to protect children in his employment, or transported over international borders by him... But I think he does have some basic obligations in those conditions.
:lolup: Another clueless lying leftist dumbass that believes whatever the loons on the left tell him without facts or any backup. :palm:
The ultimate irony being that the Alt-Right and Fox News have been screaming to release these documents for years. Now that they got their wish, it may torpedo Trump's chances to win the 2024 election....not that MAGAts will care Donnie was a pedo in the 80s and 90s.

OTOH, the Independents will most certainly care. When it comes to voting for either a demented grandpa or a lying, anti-American pedophile, I think most will make the moral choice of grandpa.
:lolup: Another low IQ dipshit that believes the manure being peddled by unethical sources. :palm:
It is a proven fact that trump employed 14 year old Virginia Giuffre before she was handed off to Epstein. trump claims to have lost all the records of that employment, but there are enough other organizations that have preserved records we know that to be a fact. And that opens up another question, how do you lose employment records? That is virtually impossible these days. If trump intentionally lost those records, how did he know he was going to have?

Then there is the case of Nadia Marcinko, and several other supposed employees of trump. trump's semi-fake modeling agency would get visas for children who were transported on trump's plane to Epstein's home in NYC. Why would a single middle aged financial analyst be getting third world children delivered to his house? Is it worse if trump never asked this question, or if he did ask this question?

So, tell me this shit-for-brains, why haven't the legacy media picked up on this and run it non-stop? Because even the FAKE news won't touch this lie filled nonsense. They would get their asses sued off.
You fucking losers are figuring just how fucked you are now

There is absolutely nothing you can do to prevent your fall

Goodbye assholes
Awesome. It's well known Pedo Don and both Jeffrey and Ghislaine were all good friends and probable business partners. My theory is that Trump was laundering money for them through his businesses then, like a good NY mobster, would collapse the business into bankruptcy when the Feds started looking into it.



Let's start with Virginia Giuffre... Was she employed at mar-a-lardo, which is owned by trump when she was 14 years old? All evidence points to yes. trump certainly has a huge incentive to prove that false, and yet he has not even tried. he claims he lost the evidence, but wouldn't he want to have kept that evidence?

And Giuffre was then trafficked to Epstein as a house warming gift from Maxwell for the island that trump helped Epstein buy.

Can you disprove any of this? Are is the problem here that you just do not want it to be true.
Link us up to your source shit-for-brains. Good lord you leftists have gone full retard with your severe TDS.
You said Joe was granted special powers etc.. I want to know what they are.... You've
posted endlessly about "them"....
You have been told

Now prove the SCOTUS decision changed nothing

That is a lie on its face

If nothing changed the SCOTUS should he put in prison for wasting American tax dollars