Trump has only himself to blame - mty debate views

History.....I find it so hypocritical the Trump himself down grades VP and their value to Presidents, but he along with his supporters expects Harris to not only be current Presidential, but also be able to wave a magic wand and make things happen? Pence was nothing but a robot spewing whatever Trump FORCED HIM TO SAY AND DO....that is until he decided to use his own brain to make constitutional decisions, that made him a target on1/6​

I defy you to take my post to an English teacher and ask for the "grammatical error" to be pointed out. If you insisted there is would be laughed at.

There was no grammatical error in my post.

I was pointing out that the goose is not called the Canadian is the Canada goose.

You are an ignorant asshole. And I do not know why people as stupid as you ever comment on any posts.
That Depends frankie
A blatant lie. Numerous citizens are on video doing so.

What "Putin facebook post"? Nevermind, it's irrelevant anyway. What is relevant is what the citizens of those cities are saying about the situation that they are directly experiencing. Aurora is dealing with a Venezuelan illegal alien invasion. Springfield (OH) is dealing with a Haitian illegal alien invasion.

Would you like it if 1/4th of the total population of your neighborhood suddenly became occupied by illegal alien invaders?? Would you like competing against these invaders for valuable resources? (such as housing, food, healthcare, etc.)

You're sick and need a hospital bed? Sorry, all beds are occupied by illegal alien invaders with tuberculosis, measles, and other diseases that they're dragging in.

And remember, YOU are paying for these people to invade your neighborhood, in many more ways than one........
Liar. Not one citizen has made that claim, let alone on video. There was one fake Putin facebook post that Fox ran with. NOT ONE MEMBER OF LAW ENFORCEMENT OR LOCAL OFFICE SAYS THAT THE CLAIM IS TRUE.

I knew you'd say that. Ask me how I know.

Hint: Althea = :seenoevil: :hearnoevil:
And still


Contrast that with trump claiming that Blue states kill babies immediately after birth.
the fracking lie is another one
She never changed her values on fracking. As vice president - she ran on Biden's position of limited fracking. she is playing word games and lying about how she promised to not ban fracking - no she promised that in Biden's administration they would not ban fracking
LOL. So now 'limited' = 'banning'.

Nope. You are a liar.
he is more right than wrong

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act ostensibly protects Canada geese, making it illegal to harm them, their eggs or their nests. However, that only means people can’t harm birds without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which frequently gives property owners permission to kill Canada geese in urban and suburban areas.
he is more right than wrong

The Migratory Bird Treaty Act ostensibly protects Canada geese, making it illegal to harm them, their eggs or their nests. However, that only means people can’t harm birds without a permit from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, which frequently gives property owners permission to kill Canada geese in urban and suburban areas.
There is right, and there is wrong. She is wrong. There is no nuance here. You either CAN, or CANNOT legally oil goose eggs.
LOL. So now 'limited' = 'banning'.

She was quite clear in 2020 that she was stating Biden's position and the promise was his, and she was only promising to respect his opinion while serving as his VP

nice try gas lighting shit stain - her values are the same
There is right, and there is wrong. She is wrong. There is no nuance here. You either CAN, or CANNOT legally oil goose eggs.
You can't harm the goose or the eggs without a permit. so you are wrong when you replied she lied for pointing out regulations exist.
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She was quite clear in 2020 that she was stating Biden's position and the promise was his, and she was only promising to respect his opinion while serving as his VP

nice try gas lighting shit stain - her values are the same
Her values are the same. Fracking is a filthy form of oil/gas extraction. Until we move toward better forms of energy, fracking is an unfortunate necessity.

She was rather frank.
You can't harm the goose or the eggs without a permit. so you are wrong when you replied she lied for pointing out regulations exist.
She never said anything about regulations. She said it was illegal. I'm the one who first brought up the issue of oiling eggs, as I'm very aware of the problems related to those filthy creatures. It's the most humane method of decreasing the gaggles that invade the lakes.
She never said anything about regulations. She said it was illegal.

"Yes, it is. There is federal law that prohibits tampering with eggs of protected wildlife species (which includes Canada Geese)."

federal law = regulations you fucking imbecile

really - this is why you are waste of breath. your ego prevents you from even admitting to mistakes. clown shoes!

Her values are the same. Fracking is a filthy form of oil/gas extraction. Until we move toward better forms of energy, fracking is an unfortunate necessity.

She was rather frank.
she was frank in the past when she said she would ban it. or if reparations hit her desk she would sign it. or that she supports gender surgery for prisoners.

now she is being a dodging weasel - as are you
"Yes, it is. There is federal law that prohibits tampering with eggs of protected wildlife species (which includes Canada Geese)."

federal law = regulations you fucking imbecile

really - this is why you are waste of breath. your ego prevents you from even admitting to mistakes. clown shoes!
Not illegal. Murder is illegal. Unless you kill a black person, but no permit is required.

Otherwise murder is illegal.

Oiling goose eggs is not illegal.

And quite frankly, Canadian Geese are not endangered. I don't understand the continued protection?
Not illegal. Murder is illegal. Unless you kill a black person, but no permit is required.

Otherwise murder is illegal.

Oiling goose eggs is not illegal.

And quite frankly, Canadian Geese are not endangered. I don't understand the continued protection?
JFC weasel

killing geese in the park - like was seen in the Ohio town that we are discussing - is FUCKING ILLEGAL
Not illegal. Murder is illegal. Unless you kill a black person, but no permit is required.

Otherwise murder is illegal.

Oiling goose eggs is not illegal.

And quite frankly, Canadian Geese are not endangered. I don't understand the continued protection?
You don't understand? Govt stupidity. Sorry about the redundancy.
I believe weasels eat goose eggs.
but weasels like you need a permit -

now you reply - "who fucking cares" since the only laws you care about are the ones you force on us

Also - I own lake front property - and enjoy hearing Geese - and watching them circle and land in the lake is also a hoot