trump: oblivious moron II

So what have you "won" so far PostpartumDepression?

short quick list......
the reversal of Obama's executive orders regarding domestic energy production
the appointment of Gorsuch
the Keystone pipeline
a huuuge reduction of illegal border crossings
a return of consumer confidence
stock market growth and unemployment decline

many others but the outstanding stone of all the crown jewels has been the tears of liberals since November......
I'm sure you believed it when the DNC told you so......I, on the other hand, was an adult during the Carter administration and know you are a fool for taking their word for it......

not to mention the most recent example of a Demmycrat know, the one that doubled the national debt of every president that preceded him, COMBINED........including his immediate predecessor who you despised for his handling of the economy........

Ricky has have Narrative.

Shut the fuck up, dotard.
short quick list......
the reversal of Obama's executive orders regarding domestic energy production
the appointment of Gorsuch
the Keystone pipeline
a huuuge reduction of illegal border crossings
a return of consumer confidence
stock market growth and unemployment decline

many others but the outstanding stone of all the crown jewels has been the tears of liberals since November......

What happened to domestic energy production under Trump's predecessor?
you don't think Carter's 20% inflation and Obama's $10T deficit are numbers?.......

Yeah, Carter should have thought better than to send crude prices through the roof, and Obama shouldn't have let the Minor Great Depression happen on his watch.

The PostFactProphet is good with numbers. That's indisputable. It's just the utter, complete lack of integrity that's the problem. Okay, thinking others are as stupid as he is is another. Being utterly unconcerned with being caught lying is yet another, but that's the inevitable consequence of being on the right and a retard (apologies to retards).
There was no 20% inflation under Carter, Idiot. There has NEVER been a 10 trillion dollar deficit.

You're fucking senile....shut the fuck up and focus on decomposing.

of course.....the fact I said deficit instead of national debt changes Obama is fucking brilliant in economics.......
Yeah, Carter should have thought better than to send crude prices through the roof, and Obama shouldn't have let the Minor Great Depression happen on his watch.

The PostFactProphet is good with numbers. That's indisputable. It's just the utter, complete lack of integrity that's the problem. Okay, thinking others are as stupid as he is is another. Being utterly unconcerned with being caught lying is yet another, but that's the inevitable consequence of being on the right and a retard (apologies to retards).

awe.....when the claim that I use narrative instead of numbers falls apart you accuse me of using numbers instead of you think THAT will work?......
I'm sure you believed it when the DNC told you so......I, on the other hand, was an adult during the Carter administration and know you are a fool for taking their word for it......

not to mention the most recent example of a Demmycrat know, the one that doubled the national debt of every president that preceded him, COMBINED........including his immediate predecessor who you despised for his handling of the economy........

NOV 7, 2016 @ 10:28 AM Trump Is Right About One Thing: 'The Economy Does Better Under The Democrats'

These 5 charts prove that the economy does better under Democratic presidents

Conservatives love to tout their economic bona fides. But the data reveal a far different story
the fact is, the claim was made that demmcrats were better for the economy than republicans.....yet, two of the last three demmycrat presidents presided over total disasters in the economy and the third rode to economic fame on the coat-tails of Gingrich's budget cutting go ahead and throw around numbers a hundred years old.....tell me what you've done for us lately.......
awe.....when the claim that I use narrative instead of numbers falls apart you accuse me of using numbers instead of you think THAT will work?......

What's falling apart is your claim to "numbers", since you don't understand them in case they contradict your narrative. What's also falling apart is your standing, being a cretin and all, and an irony challenged one to boot.
When you make them up, numbers are just more narrative.
What's falling apart is your claim to "numbers", since you don't understand them in case they contradict your narrative. What's also falling apart is your standing, being a cretin and all, and an irony challenged one to boot.
no inflation under Carter? increase in national debt under Obama?.........just made up?........
the fact is, the claim was made that demmcrats were better for the economy than republicans.....yet, two of the last three demmycrat presidents presided over total disasters in the economy and the third rode to economic fame on the coat-tails of Gingrich's budget cutting go ahead and throw around numbers a hundred years old.....tell me what you've done for us lately.......

Rescued you from the Great Recession. Were you napping?
of course.....the fact I said deficit instead of national debt changes Obama is fucking brilliant in economics.......–-Bush-or-Obama

[h=1]Who created more debt – Bush or Obama?[/h]
[FONT=q_serif]Here are the numbers:[/FONT]

Bush, 2 terms - $4.9 trillion
Obama, 1 term - $5.3 trillion

So, if you look at it empirically, Obama has "created" more debt in his one term than Bush did in 2 terms. However, there is a lot more involved in the equation. Bush's policies might have added significantly to the debt while Obama was in office. Let's take a look and try to clear up this muddle:

While Bush's rate of rise was slower, he nearly doubled the US debt ( 86% ) compared to Obama ( 49% ).


The total federal debt in relation to the economy is reaching historically high levels — approaching levels not seen since World War II. But it can also be seen that the rise started long before Obama took office.

In fact, the upward trend began with Ronald Reagan’s fiscal 1982 budget, declined somewhat from fiscal 1997 through 2001, and resumed the upward climb with George W. Bush’s first budget in fiscal 2002 (which started Oct. 1, 2001).

And the rise accelerated as the economy slid into the worst recession since the Great Depression, starting in December 2007. As the economy shrank, the debt-to-GDP ratio jumped 5 percentage points in the fiscal year that started Oct. 1, 2007, and another 14.8 percentage points during the following year. Obama took office nearly one-third of the way into that 12-month period. At the time, the nonpartisan Congressional Budget Office was projecting the deficit for that fiscal year would be $1.2 trillion. It later rose to $1.4 trillion after enactment of Obama’s economic stimulus package, to be followed by back-to-back deficits of nearly $1.3 trillion in fiscal 2010 and $1.3 trillion again in fiscal 2011.


Another chart shows - The Democrats did a much better job of at least limiting the deficit - Bush went from about 58% GDP to 86% GDP. That is a huge jump, especially when compared with Obama''s, from 86% to 96%, a 10% jump.

Now take a look at this pictorial representation of debt ( Obama vs. Bush ):


If we break this down, we can see that the cost of Bush's policies amount to more than five times the cost of Obama's policies. The Bush tax cuts plus the costly Iraq and Afghanistan wars cost about 2.5 trillion dollars in debt. Also, the Bush administration overspending on defense cost another 1.2 trillion, which spiraled the debt out control. Let's now take a look at Obama's policies. Much of his spending has focused on the American Reinvestment and Recovery Act, but even more has come from a combination of a two-year extension of the Bush tax cuts and other mandatory spending. However, Obama's increased focus on deficit reduction has paid off significantly in the long run. Automatic spending cuts have reduced the deficit by $503 billion, and cuts to defense and Health Care have amounted to a total of about $400 bilion.

Assuming the accuracy of this chart, we can conclude that: The cost of Bush's policies was $5.1 trillion, and the cost of Obama's policies was a mere $983 billion.

You also have to take into account that the year of 2009, in which the debt escalated rapidly, was not the blame of Obama. A new president is forced to adopt the old president's fiscal policies for one year, before they can implement their own more successfully. Therefore, excluding the stimulus package, one added year of debt can be mostly attributed to Bush and his policies.

Bottom Line: It's not fair to blame the debt situation on Obama, singularly because the debt numerically went up more than it did under Bush. Bush inherited a booming economy at the time of his inauguration, but his handling of many events left the country absolutely devastated; Hurricane Katrina, 9/11 (two unnecessary wars), and the looming recession. Obama inherited a country that couldn't go further down, in one of the worst recessions since the Great Depression. He had to live with the Bush tax cuts for 2 years, and two long, brutal wars for 2 after that.