trump: oblivious moron II

Losing Gerg is like popping a big zit full of pus. It's fun when you do it, and you're happy it's gone.

Should I be able to make a request, SHYT is the same calibre ZIT that Gerg has always been, only worse.

That boring twit is certainly no better than the ChlamydiaBear, but he hasn't ventured much from his safe place, where Deplorable butts are always within range of his prehensile lips. Also, one must show restraint with banning, lest one become too much like a Deplorable coward.
That boring twit is certainly no better than the ChlamydiaBear, but he hasn't ventured much from his safe place, where Deplorable butts are always within range of his prehensile lips. Also, one must show restraint with banning, lest one become too much like a Deplorable coward.
I understand.

I just dislike that BORING, REPETITIVE, BABY FETISH PIC cache storing ASSHOLE more than anyone on the internet.
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Losing Gerg is like popping a big zit full of pus. It's fun when you do it, and you're happy it's gone.

Should I be able to make a request, SHYT is the same calibre ZIT that Gerg has always been, only worse.

What's that you say, retard?

lmao. Pixels on a screen get to ya that much, hey?? fuck you're a pathetic cunt!! When you're through poling your poledancer your Pissgums Crew miss your poling!! Share the slime, fucktard!!

That boring twit is certainly no better than the ChlamydiaBear, but he hasn't ventured much from his safe place, where Deplorable butts are always within range of his prehensile lips. Also, one must show restraint with banning, lest one become too much like a Deplorable coward.

Whenever there's man butts in the vicinity, Laffy Taffy here makes wood like a woodchuck could!
[h=3]John LeBaron[/h] MA

President Trump, master negotiator, has just declared that neither he nor the Republican Party intend to "own" Obamacare. No siree! They will just make sure it fails in face of a leadership crisis that is entirely of the GOP's making.

If he, and our supremely feckless US Congress, simply abdicate their core duties and let the operational healthcare law of the land fail with no clue about how to replace it, they may indeed avoid "owning" the ACA, but what they *will* own is the untreated illness and death of millions of their fellow citizens, some of whom may liv e long enough enough to vote. He'll then "own" the election results.

This is truly our Marie Antionette presidency, except that Marie was more of a man than the incredibly execrable human impersonator our Electoral College collectively chose to install in the Oval Office.

Cake anyone?
Trump's Pick For EPA Post Writes “Science-Bible Stories” And Has Ties To The Chemical Industry

Michael Dourson is a toxicologist known for mingling science and religious ideas. Two religious leaders were quoted in an Environmental Protection Agency press release announcing his nomination.
Posted on July 18, 2017, at 2:56 p.m.

According to one example from the EDF blog post, West Virginia hired TERA to organize a health effects expert panel following a massive chemical spill in 2014. Dourson chaired the panel and served as its sole spokesperson. The panel’s resulting report did not disclose that Dourson and TERA had done consulting work for the companies that produced the spilled chemicals.
Kevin Rothstein

Somewhere East of the GWB

Never in my life did I think I would live to see a day come when our federal government would try and sabotage a law passed by a previous administration for no reason other than greed and spite.

The fact that millions of lives may hang in the balance puts a ghoulish tinge on the tragic situation.

Our lying president* and the reprehensible co-conspirators in his cabinet and in Congress need to suffer the consequences of their heartless neglect for their fellow Americans at the ballot box next year.
[h=3]Me[/h] Chicago

Mr. Trump, you and the Republican Party do in fact "own it." Thirteen Republican males met behind closed doors to draft the morally corrupt and failed Congressional plan. Only Republican senators were allowed behind closed doors to draft the Senate plan. The public was excluded. I called Rob Portman, Lisa Murkowski, and Susan Collins to beg them to insist you share the details of the plan with members of both parties and the public before trying to push through legislation. It is a blatant lie to say the Democrats refused to participate in the formation of a replacement to the ACA. Mr. Trump and Mr. McConnell, all of your Republican plans have failed because men who have limited understanding of health insurance have created the drafts. Your health insurance plan was first and foremost a tax break for the rich, and not a plan to provide health care access to all Americans. Until you and your Party become interested in utilizing the knowledge of health care policy and health economics experts, and welcome the Democrats to work with you to reformulate the ACA, your plans are doomed to failure. Tragically, your failures will undermine the future of American citizens and our country as a whole. The United States can only be as safe, strong and healthy as its citizens.
Fernando Botero’s “Abu Ghraib”

Naked, bound, blindfolded, bleeding, alone or in groups, the prisoners in Mr. Botero’s paintings are enduring torment and humiliation. These now familiar scenes are based on the images and written accounts that emerged when pictures of abuse by American soldiers at the Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq came to light in 2004. The notorious naked human pyramid is here, as are prisoners in women’s underwear, forced into sexual postures, threatened by guard dogs or tied to bars. Sometimes the boot or fist of a tormentor juts in.

Ann Coulter needs leg room

Yesterday an injustice happened to one of America's shittiest people.
Sure, she mocks 9-11 widows and black people getting killed by police officers and reportedly lives off a diet of the souls of fresh puppies.
But, she's an American and when Americans need help we step up! #MAGA #Snowflakes #ThisDoesntCountAsWelfare

All she wanted was some extra leg room.

That's it, and what did she get? No leg room, almost like she was a common poor!

So please, find it in your heart to give this alleged human money so the next time she doesn't harass an innocent girl on a flight because airlines are the only entity as soulless as her and she got a seat that Ann wanted.

*Monies will be donated to Planned Parenthood in Ann's Name*

Are you really so poorly educated you are unaware we tend to have better economies under Democrats, or is this another case where having liberated yourself from pride allows you to bleat insipidly?

I'm sure you believed it when the DNC told you so......I, on the other hand, was an adult during the Carter administration and know you are a fool for taking their word for it......

not to mention the most recent example of a Demmycrat know, the one that doubled the national debt of every president that preceded him, COMBINED........including his immediate predecessor who you despised for his handling of the economy........
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