trump: oblivious moron II

[h=3]mhood[/h] Paris

As an American who moved to France in 1995, I can only shake my head in disbelief as I follow from afar the tortured healthcare saga in my homeland. Selfishly, I also breathe a huge sigh of relief: My oldest, 19, has cerebral palsy and her sister, 17, was born two months ahead of schedule. Had I still been living in the US – even with a good job and solid health coverage – my wife and I would have spent the last two decades battling insurance companies and fending off bankruptcy. In Paris, we have never seen a bill for all the surgeries, weeks of intensive care, regular therapies, medication, etc. Ditto the removal of a benign tumor from my spinal column which, in the US, would have likely cost me $100,000 out-of-pocket. The very affordable single payer + complimentary insurance system here is not perfect, but it is surely preferable to the game of Russian roulette that Americans – even many with insurance – are forced to play with their health. Is basic health care a human right? The rest of the developed world seems to think so. Surely even pull-up-your-bootstraps libertarians and Republicans must one day see that allowing the principle of self-reliance to include shouldering the burden of no-fault-of-my-own health catastrophes is simply uncivilized.
Oh, and...

Are any of you RIGHTARDS that voted for Twump tired of all that WINNING he promised?

Charlie Sheen, he obviously ain't.
We find out today that trump had a no-witnesses meeting with Putin that he tried to keep secret. Deplorable groupies squawk, "Nothing to see here!" in zombie parrotry.
Hey, PMSProphet. I can see you get a real girly giggle out of editing quotes to say something different, but I have a question. Did you get more than a quarter, when you sold your pride in able to do such self-mocking impotence without dying from embarrassment?
I see trump has decided to approach health care like he did his businesses: "Let it fail!"

Okay, to be fair trump has made a fair amount of money laundering money for Russian oligarchs and the Iranian Revolutionary Guard.
I'm not quite clear on Tavy's response, unless it was to start this thread...Gerg free.

Which is a GREAT idea.

I just didn't know Gerg could be BANNED by the 'Captain' of the thread.

TRUST me, that USELESS TUTU WEARING FUCK and all his 'groans' won't be missed.

When you start a thread, you can ban any poster you want. I thought about doing it to Millie, aka Corazon, who gums my ankles from a hide-from bunker or behind the skirts of others, but I decided he is good human testimony as to the cowardice of Deplorables. I thought about doing it to MuckyTheDeviantTwitch, because he has responded to his feelings being hurt by our departure by being even more repulsive than usual. Then, I decided he is good human testimony as to what sick fucks rightards tend to be. Then, I looked at ChlamydiaBear saw no redeeming value at all. Oh sure, he's a dumbass and makes a fine example of TBagger dumbassery, but there is no shortage of that kind of testimony here, already. So, this thread is now free of ChlamydiaBear droppings. Oh, he still bangs on the window with his impotent "groan"s, but that is easy enough to ignore.
I'm not at all smart..... so .... another year of bitchy snottiness...... and then a couple more under president Pence ...... then a decade of Democrat dominance ..... will give me time ...... to learn some basic ...... punctuation ..... btw ...... how many dots in over-used ellipses?

Maybe, if you save your allowance under a good Democrat economy, you can afford to buy some pride.
You should not, however, raise your aspirations beyond the hope you can someday be a minor annoyance. You probably had your heart set on being a disease-carrying tick, but I'm afraid you have peaked with squeaking empty bitchy snottiness.
When you start a thread, you can ban any poster you want. I thought about doing it to Millie, aka Corazon, who gums my ankles from a hide-from bunker or behind the skirts of others, but I decided he is good human testimony as to the cowardice of Deplorables. I thought about doing it to MuckyTheDeviantTwitch, because he has responded to his feelings being hurt by our departure by being even more repulsive than usual. Then, I decided he is good human testimony as to what sick fucks rightards tend to be. Then, I looked at ChlamydiaBear saw no redeeming value at all. Oh sure, he's a dumbass and makes a fine example of TBagger dumbassery, but there is no shortage of that kind of testimony here, already. So, this thread is now free of ChlamydiaBear droppings. Oh, he still bangs on the window with his impotent "groan"s, but that is easy enough to ignore.
Losing Gerg is like popping a big zit full of pus. It's fun when you do it, and you're happy it's gone.

Should I be able to make a request, SHYT is the same calibre ZIT that Gerg has always been, only worse.
And, if I haven't mentioned it LVat, if you find this thread slow, bounce around to some of the others. Loony toons prey everywhere! Bounce around, and this site is more active than the old place.