trump: oblivious moron II

Are you talking about the corporate media you fantasize has a leftist agenda as part of your need to be a victim? Given that President Drain-the-Swamp has ended the practice of revealing how has come to the White House, I'm guessing there's a very interesting list of people who tried to get to him more discreetly at Mar a Lago. I'm guessing a fair number of guest list signatures were done in the Cyrillic alphabet.

and the lib'rul reporters camped out at Maralargo while he's there have been chosen from among the blind?.......reminds me of the idiots who filed a FOIA demand for the names of the oil company execs they watched walk into Cheney's energy meeting back in the day........
While Millie snipes at the person who started the thread, someone he claims to be ignoring, from inside his hide-from bunker and behind the skirts of others. Millie is a good Deplorable.

you started a thread and you haven't banned him......don't bother whining if he posts in it.........
and the lib'rul reporters camped out at Maralargo while he's there have been chosen from among the blind?.......

Got any evidence there are such reporters camped out there, or is that just part of your victim-wannabe fantasy also? You probably don't want to have that fantasy balloon punctured by considering how difficult it would be to identify every visitor to trump's favorite way to milk taxpayers, let alone those not wishing to be identified.
Fucking arseholes have been here less than a month and already think they own the joint. Blubbering Vagina[emoji767] can go fuck himself.

[emoji767] Grind Enterprises

Just a reminder: you need to update your "Ignore List". You should do this before you lose credibility.
Got any evidence there are such reporters camped out there, or is that just part of your victim-wannabe fantasy also? You probably don't want to have that fantasy balloon punctured by considering how difficult it would be to identify every visitor to trump's favorite way to milk taxpayers, let alone those not wishing to be identified., when Trump goes to Maralargo there aren't any reporters watching what happens? really are a simpleton aren't you.....lots of people have said so but I didn't know if I should believe them.......
Not banning him doesn't mean I'm not allowed to mock his cowardice .

you call people coward for banning I recall you devoted a thread to you ban people yourself and still call him a realize that makes you appear pretty lame, right?.......
Why don't either of you brain dead geriatrics explain why that obliges his presence on any particular THREAD......

Fucking brick. you think we can only post where we're "obliged"?.......if there are idiots to be laughed at in a thread, why shouldn't we be here laughing at them........
Had to drop back in to let you know that trump is weighing in on the debate as to whether he is an oblivious moron or a psychotically narcissistic moron. The man who makes so much of his tacky crap in other countries, who has a daughter who makes most of her tacky crap in other countries, is testing the gullibility of his fluffers by bloviating at length on "Made in America" week. So far he has squealed mostly about how bad the last and much more popular president was and how much better he is than any previous president in history.

Oh, I thought of a new drinking game. I was gonna say every time a trump flunky says "under president trump's leadership" you have to take a shot, but alcohol poisoning is a serious matter. Right now Pence is gazing at him with the kind of adoration he normally reserves for "mommy" Pence, when she wears that sexy flannel nightie and leaves the lights on for a couple of minutes.

trump claims an increase in 45,000 mining jobs, as further evidence of the contempt he has for the intelligence of his groupies.
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