trump: oblivious moron II

yes......he shut down inflation more quickly than Obama correcting any of the problems we faced in 2008.....

I remember people criticizing what Obama did in 2009......and 2010.....and 2011......shucks, his entire campaign in 2012 was "if you re-elect me I promise to do all the stuff I told you I would do in 2008".......

How did Reagan accomplish that?

By driving unemployment to a record high by 1982?
"The real economy also responded to the massive stimulus but remained heavily dependent on it. In the United States, growth during the second half of 2009 probably averaged about 3 percent. Absent temporary fiscal stimulus and inventory rebuilding, which taken together added about 4 percentage points to U.S. growth, the economy would have contracted at about a 1 percent annual rate during the second half of 2009."

So Obama policies reversed the course of The Great Recession in a matter of a few months, while Reagan - nearly 2 years into his first term z was driving unemployment over 10%....

You're a cretin
I am angry about the $20T national debt AND the $10T of it that Obama spent......I also didn't like the $5T that Bush spent.......of course, that was in the last half of his second term......if it had been earlier I wouldn't have voted to re-elect him.......

You're a fucking idiot...

Scrub doubled the rate of growth of federal spending in his first term....and then bragged about vaporizing the surplus.
obviously I don't mean one more post like the bullshit quoted about justifying Carter's inflation record?......explain his incompetence.....

Bossy bitch who doesn't know the difference between debt and deficits stamps his feet and demands I teach him the causes of inflation under Carter. Millie did a decent job earlier, but apparently the big words and lack of pictures left you flummoxed.
you were wrong then.....repeating it does not make you right.....

are you denying that the sum of Obama's eight deficits was $10T

and you reflex into a pathetic bit of sleaze about me thinking $10T isn't a significant number.[/quite]
I quoted the blighted potato saying it wasn't a significant number......if you want to own it be my guest.....

Post anyone's comment to that effect, Senokot Breath.
You're lying......I never "threatened him in his personal life", whatever that is supposed to mean....

Well, yeah Pimp. When you offer up a person's personal information on the internet you're attacking them in their personal life. Or to prove me wrong, perhaps you'd like to share all your personal info here. No problem with that, right stupid?
And, I thought PostFactProphet had a bad day yesterday. It's starting to look like the gasbag shares Mucky's masochism fetish and comes here to get spanked for his lies.
Well, yeah Pimp. When you offer up a person's personal information on the internet you're attacking them in their personal life. Or to prove me wrong, perhaps you'd like to share all your personal info here. No problem with that, right stupid?

Kee-rist, crybaby. You've gotten all the pity and help your lies are gonna get you here. Given your record of wallowing in sexual deviancy, you really need to see if you can find a hobby besides using lying gossip about others as suck-up bait.
Oh, I nearly forgot why I came back.


Deutsche Bank is turning over Trump information in Russia probe
Deutsche Bank said it will be turning over financial information related to its dealings with Donald Trump, just as investigators dig deeper into the president’s...

Dumb de dumb dumb.
short quick list......
the reversal of Obama's executive orders regarding domestic energy production
the appointment of Gorsuch
the Keystone pipeline
a huuuge reduction of illegal border crossings
a return of consumer confidence
stock market growth and unemployment decline

many others but the outstanding stone of all the crown jewels has been the tears of liberals since November......


I took a shit with more "substance" this morning.

Face it...The ASSHOLE you voted for makes FAILURE 43 look PRESIDENTIAL.

And I thought I'd be long dead before FAILURE 43 was superseded as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

Twump blew that theory out of the water.

That you SHITHEADS still lick the DOPEY ORANGE SHITHEAD'S taint speaks volumes as to why the nation is FUCKED UP.
Well, yeah Pimp. When you offer up a person's personal information on the internet you're attacking them in their personal life. Or to prove me wrong, perhaps you'd like to share all your personal info here. No problem with that, right stupid?

How long are you gonna keep bluffing?

Just post your evidence....

I took a shit with more "substance" this morning.

Face it...The ASSHOLE you voted for makes FAILURE 43 look PRESIDENTIAL.

And I thought I'd be long dead before FAILURE 43 was superseded as the WORST PRESIDENT EVER.

Twump blew that theory out of the water.

That you SHITHEADS still lick the DOPEY ORANGE SHITHEAD'S taint speaks volumes as to why the nation is FUCKED UP.

There's a bit of Two Coats! in that one.....